Friday, September 29, 2000

Management 101 Course

I was sitting in Management 101 class, and this dawned on me.

"Rewarding hard work with more work."  Hunh, interesting, I never thought about it that way.

But wait, hang on a second.  That makes sense to be a management style and philosophy.  It simply makes sense to reward hard work with more work.  If someone is the best at the job, it stands to reason that they would take on more and more responsibility for that particular task.

Of course, this means the company has to pay them more.  The company must compensate them justly for doing all that work -- give that particular employee a well-deserved raise.

"Everyone deserves a fair chance"?  I don’t think so.  If a person has demonstrated that they are the best for doing a particular assignment, then that is the best person for the job.  If another wants a crack at it, they first have to prove that they would do an excellent job.

Why is the whole entire media and social influence saying that people should be praised for effort only instead of actual results?  This includes general news of public schools -- students’ performance as well as teachers’ performance.

(This is when the first thoughts of efficiency occurred to me; that of, why reward someone for expending *more* resources, and *more* energy to get at the *same* results...  Just because they worked harder and used more effort, doesn’t mean anything if they arrived at the exact same _solution_

Hard work is good and all, the straining effort to complete tasks.  But, wouldn’t it be better option to be genuinely good at your job?  It would be most logical and reasonable to have some innate talent (affinity) for it in the first place.
and then hone it, refine it.  Bring that skill into laser-focus.

-let's say for example that there is someone exceptionally intelligent. And they solve a problem using straightforward logic, applying all necessary knowledge which they do possess, towards achieving a solution.
-Come on.  We are all scientists.  We understand efficiency.  We appreciate logic and reason.
There is so much irritating, blathering natter.
*Like in workforce e.g. -- Let us suppose that an employee of a business is a lot smarter, and they arrive at a feasible solution much faster, much sooner than some other employee.  Why do they receive less credit and less recognition than an employee that needs a lot more effort??

For goodness sake, my own town's public school district is distributing this little flyer/pamphlet thing out to kids' families, that orders parents, "do not just praise results, praise efforts."

Thursday, September 21, 2000

On The Subject Of Atheists And Hell

I do not quite understand why atheists are so offended when religious types start doing the fortune teller number.  They say atheists are going to hell.

…But atheists believe that neither heaven nor hell exist.  They do not believe in God, correct?  As a matter of fact, they do not believe in any deity, whether culled from paganism, monotheism, ancestorism.  By the transitive property, a belief in deity necessitates belief in afterlife of some sort, for the immortal soul to reside.  By extension of this is an existence in either heaven or hell.  Souls are sorted into either eternal paradise or eternal damnation.

-But again, atheists do not believe in a deity, and it logically follows that they do not believe in divine judgment.  So by the process of elimination, atheists do not believe in heaven or hell, either.
-So these are essentially empty threats.  Therefore there is nothing to worry about.  So there is no need for atheists to feel so offended by this.

Tuesday, September 12, 2000

In Defense of Rednecks

Or mebbe make this one into the one in whixh I laud nn praise the fact that rednecks are becoming more socially acceptable. 
We are hammered on the head by the media constantly drilling this idea into our heads.  Middle-class whites are sooooo much more open-minded and educated than so-called lower-class whites.  Middle-class whites are sooo much more aware of the world.  They have far more appreciation for multiculturalism and diversity, et cetera, et cetera.

The media keeps trying to ingratiate into our cerebral meninges that lower-class whites are racist backwards mountain hicks, trailer trash.....

But let me heartily reassure you that this is completely untrue.

You know how there is a lot of racial tension and discord and all that crap?  Well, there is one place where whites and blacks come together in harmony.  The poorer economic classes.

I work at walgreens, and I see that rednecks are more friendly towards black people than middle-class white people are towards black people.  I see a lot of people in the media complaining about rednecks displaying insignia that bears the confederate flag, and these media sound bites then screech and scream that this is racist.  Uh, no it's not. 

I realize now that it is important to be more open-minded and rational when approaching this cultural trend.  As many southerners will tell you, the confederate flag has nothing to do with racism, hatred of non-whites, etc.  It is simply about southern heritage.  I see out in the parking lot at work, a redneck guy will___

I have noticed that rednecks are more accepting of interracial relationships than so-called "educated" middle-class white people are.

Rednecks and blacks have a lot more in common.__ with each other than do middle-class whites with average blacks.

the little kids here were a lot nicer.  Most of them were more friendldy ___]]]. My family used to live in a dinky aptt complex, but niw we live in a very nice midlw class neighborhood comprised of standard two-story houses aith garages and manicured lawns.
Hown, a lot of the kids here think teselves too good to play with my little siblings.

- I feel that oerhps in the poor neihrborhood, we got along better because we were all in the same boat.  We were all poor together, we had a similar dissatisfaction with life.

Whereas here in the nice standard middle-class neighborhood..... Here is the weird thing regarding attitudes of middle-class whites.  Even though here is no rational reason for them to feel bitter or resentful towards successful minorities, that is how they feel.  They are thinking, "how dare these foreigners come into this country and be educated and successful and affluent."  This is all even though these middle-class whites also have professional jobs as indicated by the fact that they can afford to live in this neighborhood, and their kids are enrolled in the same excellent school district.  Inexplicably, they are jealous and constipated at seeing educated, professionally-employed, successful non-white foreigners.

I see all around me that for the first time I have witnessed, white people and black people are buying clothes off the same racks.  Same clothing boutiques,, there is not so much discord and separation;; there is more harmony.  Their styles of dress are becoming very similar.  Flared-leg jeans with heels, brightly-colored shirts, big jewelry.  I think that's really cool.

Quite a few southern down-home country type people listen to traditionally African-American genres of music, a lot more than you realize. 

Also, it seems that rednecks are a bit mor acceptable in general popular cutlture  Justim timberlake proudly declares his southern rootss..

Speaking Of Rednecks And Interesting People...
--in all the traditional four-year coolege campusis that i'VE been on whjere I have attendec ollege, the kids are boringf as hell.  this is regarding the regular colleges, not the technical college.

wher the heck aqre the weird drawn out college kids that have nose rings and listen to tribal music?  ((use excerpts from financial? essay in clemson abt sylvia plath, noserigns??.))
where the the gothy and punky and hippie kids?

if I can't have the wonderful. cozy, comfortably engulfing happy experience which I remeber from myt childhood speny amonthg the internqnational foreign graduate students who were my parents' peers, then at least let the [[collegte atmospher]]] impprt kids that are interestig.

where the hell is the multiculturalism?

I consider country rednecks to be very quite fascinating people, no sracarm meamt in the least.  they are married very yougn, they have useful career paths.  not a whiny phisliogpshy major in the lot.