Thursday, February 19, 2004

Industrial Age Trinkets And Curios

This will praise the 1800s quite a bit about decor.  And about the technology they had back then.

This was inspired by a storybook I read sometime last year that dreamily pondered electricity being existent in the 1800s, and referred to such as "magic."  I was quite pleasantly surprised to learn that they even had electricity back then.  They were not cave dwellers ignorant of the wondrous possibilities around them.  <Well, they invented light bulbs, so it makes sense that they would have already had elec-->  Be quiet.

Other storybooks that were written did not really focus on the technology, innovations, scientific or medical progress.  They usually harped on societal and political concerns, which is fine.  But they hardly ever focused on technology.  Like Alice In Wonderland, and the first book in the Narnia series.

I only just recently read Jane Eyre.  I was transfixed.  So much of what she says about the human condition is still true today.

Love, love, LOVE those 1800s industrial age trinkets and curios, Victorian age fashions.

Cartographers, science, molecular biology-- the beginnings twinklings inklings of science; evolution Darwin, bipedal, quadrupeds.

The 1800s weren't primitive.  They had electricity, steam engines, trains, photographic cameras, the beginnings of cars.  They knew quite a bit about medicine and physiology.

Old-fashioned microscope much like the display item in pharmacy
Old-world Globes
Astrolabium, representations of the solar system
Weight by balance scales (I suppose that would not be weight; it would be mass.  Whatever.  We are on earth and this planet's gravitational pull and magnetic field render those two terms interchangeable.)
Sand writer-- reminiscent of Foucault pendulum
Old books with ribs on the spine (hehe, ribs on the spine -- get it?)
I luurrrvve the old-world style decor.  books w ribs on the spine.  hehe, ribs on the spine, get it?
Old-world maps and globes.

My style of dress:
Preppy, plus
Vintage        e.g., a preppy plaid skirt, w vintage top, & brown leather oxford heels
Such as:  1800s vintage, 1910s vintage
Nanette Lepore fashions
That's pretty much all it is:  various different permutations of:  ruffles of same foundation fabric, or ruched pleats/thin layers, or lace additional.
I luurrrvve the way they dressed back then.  The vintage old-world fashions...  They had very professional and ladylike business suits for women.  They were very exquisitely detailed, lots of ruffles and beads.  But also very structured, tailored_[way of describing bus suit from 1940s]]]  they were professional, respectable.

The Chinese old gas lanterns.,,,
Actually I like the ancient Chinese decor better; the ancient stuff was more authentic.  The 1800s was a faded shadow of its once-great glory, and for that the 1800s version is depressing.

Wednesday, February 18, 2004

What Type Of Four-Year Degree?

This following pondering MUST be in 2003 summer or later.  this thinking, extracting, ((like coffee tannic acid extraction in organic chem labs) of exactly how Bachelor degrees came into being. **
This could be good [[[[transition, segue]]]] lead-in, or even follow up perhaps, to my article that explains in depth exactly why a bachelor degree is needed for the critical sciences.

((With division of labor in an interacting population.))
As history progressed, fields of study became more engorged (corpulent/ with knowledge, driving the need for specialized skills in the trades.  Certain types of work were delegated to learned experts in given fields.

A bit of clarification is in order here.

Discovery in the natural physical world
Has progressed exponentially__
In leaps and bounds__
Hurtled along__

As well as innovation____
[[[fostered revolution in everyday living___]]]] practical application of these theories.

Changed the way we [[[perceive, interpret]]]]]]] understand this universe that we call home.
(It seems they are still somehow heeding this particular mindset from approximately three thousand years ago.
Incl quote from Aristotle or unknown greek abt.

Thereby middle-class white kids interpret the liberal arts, by dint of this difficulty to pin down, as being automatically more demanding of intellectual vigor.  [[[intelligence, thinking, etc]]]

But discovery of [[[what humans perceive and know; comprehend]]]] of the natural world has progressed exponentially since then.  Not to mention, application of the laws of the natural world has also [[[progressed]]]]]]].  You know, technology and stuff.
Therefore this is an odd version of conceitedness.

here's the thing about science.  The more we know, the more we realize how little we know.  The more we learn and discover about science, the more we realize how much we *still* need to discover.  We see how much we have not yet discovered.

There are layers upon layers of intricacy, in such exquisite fine detail.  There is always more to discover.  It gives us a little glimpse into what there is to behold.  It just gives us a little clue into what the future of science entails.  Each new little discovery opens up a whole new universe.

That's why I find science so fascinating.  That is why I studied it.  It is because there truly is stuff to learn.  There really are new discoveries being unearthed all the time.

otoh, liberal arts subjects are quite the opposite.  This is the study of human behavior, of social interaction.  The more we learn about typical psychology, the more I realize it is the exact same thing repeated over and over again.

It is the same thing reinforcing and repeating, layers and layers upon itself.  That is why I am so irritated with dating/relationship crap.  That is basically what psychology is, correct?  It is the study of romantic relationships, blah blah blah.

For example, my essay about "had quioe of dr phil__]""  It was essentially another incarnation of the same phenomenon, about bei straightforward in dating nn about what you really want.

And people still staunchly, adamantly refuse to see what is right there in front of their faces.  Even though it is the same dating mistakes repeated over and over and over again.  Not to mention, the exact same reproduction mistakes are repeated ad nauseum like a broken record.  Tons and tons of illegitimate unwanted offspring everywhere.  It's like, geez, how many times do you have to see it to learn the damn lesson?

There is nothing new to learn.  It is the same crap being rehashed over and over again.  ***perh here, ment the 'genrations' and moms education referncr text, with aristotle quote 'children do not learn fromthwor parents.'  and xfiles, hehe.
--and again, this is something I already knew.  That trends, popular way of thinking cycle back around evry genration,,, every 25-30 yrs or so.

Tuesday, February 10, 2004

Rebels Are Not So Rebellious

About rebels and how they are not really rebels, they really are simply reactionary.  "Oh look, Hilda, Sabrina is going through that charming, 'To assert my independence I'm going to make myself as ugly as possible' phase."

After all, how much free thought is truly involved here?  All they're doing is looking at what the perceived authority figure is doing, and then simply doing the opposite.  They are not _truly_ thinking about what is the best decision.  Do you genuinely like that guy that looks like______

Did they truly apply any critical thinking towards their choices?   What mental [[[[rigor, steps, methods]]]] transpired during their decision-making process?  It seems that the exact people___ still have enormous influence over your thoughts, your actions, your cognitive processes.

Parents and church people are authority figures that made you go to church when you were little.  As you got older, you rebels decided not to go to church any more, or indeed, to be religious at all.  But are you truly happier and more at peace now without spirituality in your life?  Or did you simply decide not to be churchy for the reason that you felt it was imposed on you as a kid?  And that it was a drag?

It is apparent that the "Authority" still has a stronghold over how you conduct your life. 

You think people that blindly follow authority are just sheep?  Well hate to break it to you, cous', but you are every bit as easily duped, gullible, culpable as those that you claim "blindly" follow authority.

You think you are smarter, more independent than those that follow every rule?  Nope, you are not.

Do you really like getting all those tattoos and piercings and generally looking like sexually molested Garbage Pail Kids?  Or do you dress like this because you are mad at your suburban middle-class upbringing and you thought it was too strict and structured and your parents would never let you leave the house with a bare midriff?

All you are doing is having a knee-jerk reflex reaction to the perceived Authority.  You are not genuinely thinking for yourself.  The authority figures still possess just as much abject power over your life, as they do over people that you say are slaves.  Do you genuinely like that guy you are dating that looks like a sexually molested Garbage Pail Kid?  Or are you just dating him because your parents told you that you couldn’t?

Wouldn’t it be a better idea to engage in actual rational thought?  Think about whether a particular behavior is genuinely the right thing to do.

Don’t simply think, “oh the mainstream authority wants me to do this.  Therefore I will automatically do the opposite.”  You should not automatically discount a choice in life simply *because* it is what the "Authority" tells you to do.  Just because the "Authority" tells you to be non-promiscuous, does not automatically make this the wrong decision in life.

It might still be a good choice.  If it is a healthy, smart path to take it, then take it.  Who cares what the authority thinks?  What does it matter that this happens to be the same thing "Authority" wants you to do?  Why would you eliminate the option not to do drugs just because mainstream "Authority" tells you not to do drugs?

If it is the right healthy decision, then do it anyway, no matter what the authority thinks.

Saturday, February 7, 2004

The SATs Are "Racist"

I am hearing a lot of gibberish opinions spouted in the media.  One such piece of gib is the accusation towards The College Board that the SATs are supposedly "racist."

This is when I realized that those who criticize (cultural) markers of standards often arrive at this uninspired conclusion because they are simply unable to achieve these markers.  Hence the asinine declaration that the SATs are racist.  Really?  Math is racist?  Logic, counting, arithmetic are racist?  Spelling, grammar, sentence structure, proper punctuation is a racist set of rules for writing?  Literacy is racist?

Now I understand why all those people back in the 1990s said that if someone criticizes something, they are probably just not good at it.  That is why so many liberals hate the institutions of marriage and monogamy.  They are not able to [[____do it, handle it__]]].

** lead this init the essay of, 'you're just jealous of Oprah and her power.  Those that criticize Oprah just wish they__

Thursday, February 5, 2004

As If That Weren't Bad Enough, They Now Have "Disciples"

Remember that whole series in which I took to task the nefarious mess that was the girl-power/slash-pseudo-feminism that spread like crabs back in the early two-thousand-aughts?  I am seeing disturbing ricochet effects of that backwards movement now.  Ah, the internet and all its treasures.  They are insisting to their disciples that these are good, valid life choices that have no negative consequences whatsoever.

Sigh.  As if the situation could not get even worse.  My shock and awe that, not only were misogynists goading females to do this.  But now, even worse, females that slogged themselves through the mud are now telling other females that they should do this.  They are parroting that same tired, death warmed over, sagging, flaccid, pathetic excuse-for-philosophy that this nastiness is empowering, liberating, and the ilk.

Well, I suppose it is possible that it did not start only in the 2000s.  It possibly had been widespread before then.

You see, I am a very observant person.  And I ruminate over absolutely everything.  I analyze, I gently dissect people’s outward behavior to discern what their possible motivations might be.  I think I have studied enough human psychology to theorize on why they are insisting that this was all positive.  I can brush aside all the extraneous filler, and I can extract the truth.

You are saying that now simply so you can rationalize and justify it in your mind, to make some sense of the messed-up life that you put yourself through.  Self-inflicted, because yes, you did bring it upon yourself.  If you had to actually face what you did to yourself, you would explode in anger and fury and resentment, bitterness.  I think you would be overwhelmed with a feeling of, "I can’t believe I did that!!  Why the hell did I have to put myself through that?  What was the point of it?  Why did I have to make that happen to me??!"

What you are doing now is kind of like sour grapes, but from the opposite angle.  "Oh well, it DID happen to me, so I must not have been able to help it.  It must not have been avoidable, there was probably nothing I could have done to prevent it."

If you had to actually face the fact that you chose to do this all to yourself and that no one forced you to do it, you would realize that you had horrific life management skills.  You have to find some way to rationalize it, you have to clamor desperately to justify it in your mind somehow.  You would realize that it is your own fault that you screwed up your life.