Wednesday, September 7, 2016

No-one should be allowed to vote

Those who know me know that I have been a Christian libertarian for nearly four years now.  I do not anticipate this changing.

The tenets of this philosophy are essentially that government should not exist and essentially that mega-corporations should not exist, either.  Do not let the "libertarian" moniker fool you into thinking that I am in favor of one and only against the other.  most self-proclaimed libertarians are supremely ignorant in this regard, in that they think a government with over-reaching authority is sure to abuse its power yet a mega-corporation with over-reaching authority somehow magically will not.

For the uninitiated, you should be aware that big gov't and big corporation are one and the same.  They operate in exactly the same manner, as bulky, groaning, burdensome behemoths that have insinuated their tentacles into every facet of life, utilizing tiers and hierarchies of false authority.  they extort money from hard-working human beings in similar fashion.  they [[[_dis-qualify?? __deny_]]] full access i.e., full, humane, logical, practical rights to the fruit of one's labor.  the rights to

They both call upon people to recruit themselves to narc, spy upon, and tattle-tale upon their neighbors and other fellow citizens.  They are indifferent to, no let me rephrase that, they encourage the gradual destruction of the family unit and family values.  While at the same time, they encourage and reward loyalty to the state and to the corporations.

These are not merely my fanciful interpetationsd.  Genertaions of analysis have yielded thsee exact [[_conclusions]].

You know what would really solve the proble of police brutality?  Simply elimiante half rthe police force.  PRblems solved.  Instead of extortint even more money from hard-working Zmdi zan in the forme of bogus taxes, simpy slash the cost in half.  Cut the fat where ith fat is.  Ragther than outfitting every single police officer on the force with a bodycam, upgradinf the onboard computer, navigation sustem, long-range two-way comminication device, internal mobile data modem, cop intranet, blah blaschbalh. 

{{{there was study that showed the psychology of multiple cops being at one stop.__  It tended to heighten the aggression due to egging each other on and showing off for thwir buddy, severely cause the tension to skyrocket, feeding into a vicious cycle,__>> and even more deadly outcome here.  compared to only one cop arriving at a scene.}}}

This woulds severely reduce the incidence of police brutality.  In several,[[[___accounts, records,__]]]] it is stated that a police officer's job is *not* to de-escalate a situation.  In fact, cops are trained to adotp an "us-versus-them" mentality.  The governemtn/cops being "us".  and all non-cop human bewings being "them," including you and me being "them."  You've seen routine traffic stops whre there are multiple police cars standing by?  Are you frakkin kidding me?  A routine speeder somehow warrants the presencev of more than one cop??  So, save tXES, and cut police brutality in half.  Everyone is happy.

* well, let us see.  I retain my right to soveriegnity of self.
_bodily automony.  I may carry a gun, taser, pepper spray, rifle, AK-47, or whatever weapon I wish for self-defense or defense for my family.  that is not a votable issue.

* I retain my right not to commit violence against myself.  that means if I don't want an abortion, I will not obtain one.  I refuse to be sucked into the liberal [[__vague _filth]]] that sells violence against women as "liberaton" and/or "empowerment."
if I do not wish to [[_seek ,,, turn to some federal-governemtn-approved medicine fo, and that if I instead choose to pursue some form of medicine which the federal goverment staunchy disapproves of yet which *wokds for me,* then I retain this right to heal myself in this manner that I choose.

* I retain the right not to be drafted into war or having to enlist ever.  this is a human right, and it is high time we extend this human right to men.  men and women, as sovereign entities, as living breathing souls, have the absolute foremost and ultimate right not to risk their lives for any cause that does not concern them.  this is especially concerning the usually-undisclosed-purpose-of-demolishing-foreign-governments-that-stand-in-the-way-of-US-and-israeli-monetary-inerests-and-instead-sold-a-ludicrous-fake-narrative-concerning-"democracy."  eliminate the draft completely.  should not exist for men nor for women.  __facing certain death for some monied political cartels' squabbles.
war is always about, and always has been about, multinational banksters/banking-cartels arguing over how to move their money around.

* I retain the right to keep the money that I earn.  All of it.  If I wish to donate money to a local school, soup kitchen, homeless shelter, which I I do frequently, I will do so entirely of my own volition.  that is my choice alone, and that is to be determined solely at my own discretion.
this also means that I retain the right not to give my money for any corporate subsidies.  I retain the right not to give my money for any government-sponsored/outsourced corporate subsidies.  Multi-billion-dollar behemoths that siphon all produced money away from the workers who are actually doing the work, funneling all that money upwards to the greedy ahole ceos and owners.  , and barely allowing thw workers to keep any table scraps.

* I retain the right not to fund any wars.

* not to give money to any extranneous polive force.  Geez, talk about a mafia ring.  A mafia is essentially what the modern government poilce force is.  Think about it.  You are paying mmoney to the local band of thugs.  -if you _________
I am done.  I am done paying protection money to the mob.

* none of the above issues are negotiable.

women being illogivcal, irrational, over-emotional, and/or hysterical does not concern me.  As long as I don't have to deal with the ramifications.  Men being violent-tempered, mysoginistic (har har) does not concern me.  As long as I don't have to deal with the ramificatiions.

So wqhat exactly do you think people have the right to vote on?
* oh so you want to vote.  on what exactly?  <uhhh bond referendums.
the eff is a bond referendum?

If it's my money, and I do not wish it do do something, it is not going to do it.  End of story.  Do you understnad?  My money is simply not going to.

As early as high school I was already wary of the [[[_pitfalls __]] of democracy.  I was well aware that the average person was, well, rather dim, and was certainly in no way qualified to determine legislation that would affect a city, county, state, or country.

Around ten years ago, which was well past my high schools years and well into my time as a fully-functioning adult, I happened upon an essay by Walter Williams.
"tyranny by the few...."
at the time that I read this essay I was appalled at his characterization of democracy as "tyranny by the many."  I was appalled... and yet also I remembered that just within probably the preceding year, I had already penned a little ditty titled "Femnism andDecom
It was a n essay inin which I chronicled many of the logical [[__fallaciews___ hmm nnonnono,,,, the many...pitfall,ss, nono, contradictions, innate,,, where it conflicts with itself.  And yet my feelings were obviously the opposite-- I still felt that democracy and voting were important.

My, how things have come full circle, I ponder ruefully.  (Or iis it rather a semi-circle since I am at a diametric opposite?)

** men in black, A"people are dumb blind panicky and you know iet."
yes I do know it, indeed.

** Winston Churchill "a conversation with the average person on the street is the best argument against democracy."