Friday, May 18, 2012

The role of the family unit in society

society needs structure and order.  _tio stay together.  to stay functioning, _performing well,,,__  to keep [[better word for running, keep functioing optimally___]]
--women, through their roles,,as wives and mothers ie the stronghold of the family,,__ lay the groundwork for society
--women establish the ___ that the greater society will follow in the future.
--women are tasked with this role of keeping society intact and helahty and whole.  ((by keeping the family dynamic strong and _the strongest influence in the members' psychological makeup,,__.  by establishing these [[[_patterns,,, nonono___ ]]]] from the
    by normalizing__

I was not necessarily saying that socety was better off when women stayed at home.  I am simply stating that the family strcuture is crucuial to well-being of society.

It is hardwired into humans to organize into male-and-female nuclear families.  It was hard-wired into Homo neanderthalis, as well.

_the strongest influence in the members' psychological makeup,,__.  was already established during their formative years.  the choildhood uears in which a human being is
-they are molded, they are brought up, ___{{darmnit, what what is???  neurological pathways nonono.
aha!  their worldview is shaped by their experiences during their formative years as a child.  these are the most impressionable years.  the morals and values imparted to the child during this time will set the course for the rest of their life.
--set the foudnation for society.

moresos than those othsoide distant largely irrelevant "authority" forces such as govt, police, credit score, etc.

liberals females want all of the rithts and priveliges [[avialable, made possible ,, conceinved into existenc___um nonon__]]] of a civilied, healthy, ____modern-day society, {expoiund more on the mental emotional psycholog stablity and reason}} -- with none of the respsonsibiliteis.

if you have kids, then you need to freakin raise them.  __don't dump them on nannies and babysitters.  they are YOURr reossinbislibyt, they are YOUrr job to handle.  noy anyone else's.
--well, you needt to freakin raisesssee them.
women set the social normasn and standards.  woeme [[[set]]] social expectaiotns.

women, you need to teel men and children, and other women, how to act.  set the limits on what is acceptable in poilite civized society, and make clear ehat is not acceptable in society.  raise the bar/ __more importantly, raise the bar by setting an example,  yoiu need to act civilized, polite, respectable, self-respecting, and dignified first.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Marriage and family vs. working: a continuing study, or On the subject of having it all

you cannot have it all.  this essay was inspired by a rerun of “The Cosby Show” I watched recently, or maybe was it "A Different World."  Denise Huxtable was doing a class presentation on important topics facing modern society.  Twenty years ago is still modern; that is barely a blink of an eye in human history.

((two disctisnt significatn but equally improtant parts.::)
1)  Women can't have it all.
Men sure as hell can't.  Therefore there is no compelling reason to think that women can.

does a man realllyy truly have both a carrer and a family?  or does he have the career -- and his wofe has the family?
look at sociological trends over the past thirty years.  modern fathers have been neglecting their families more and more.  the absentee father with the rise of corporate culture, corpro work force.  as evidenced here.  and here.  and here.

2) so called strong swomen complain that their husbands do not supprt her in her career.
let us peer at this more closely.
it turns out, that women do not much supprot their husbands either.

the wife often complains, ""ohhh you spend too much time at work,"  the kids hadlry ever get to see you anymore,"" ohh you don't spend any time with me.""  the kids don't even know who their father is.

the woman divorces the man bc he focuses on work too muchch.  she feels he is ignoring her or neglecting herr.
the owman compllains that the man prioritizes work too much.

-- men cannot have it all.  So there ks no compelling reason to think that women can.

--oh so you say he is not supportive of your career.
-well, are yo supportive of his career?  or do you complain, ''ooohh you're not home early enough;; ohh you work too much, oh you prioritize your work more than you do me;;; ohh you prioritize your work more than you do your family.""

let me geuss.  you want him to bestow you with all the fienr things in life, all the luxuries, pleasures, and privelages, like dinner out at fancy restauarnt, frequent jewelry, travel vacations to far-off exotic locations,

it is odd that people only ever blame the man for a divorce.  people never seem to think the woman should bear any of the oresponsiblity of a divorce.
--they say that especially sgtrong intelligent career women have trouble in marriage.  supposedlty bc men are intimditated by stron gintelligent career owmen.

---(((or rather))) husbands are itimidated when their wives make more money than they do.  [[]]  men cannot handle when their wives make more money oand are more successful than the husband.  oh, and you think the wife can handle it?

--it seems therefore that in many weird ways, these "strong inte career women" are every bit as gullible for stereotypes as men are.

some pop culutre exapmpes:  reese witherspoon, sarah mclachlan.  I am devastated to have to mention sarha mclach in this essay.  I was quite disappointed to learn that she is separated from her husband and they are in the stages of an official divorce.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

The issue of drunken rapes is even worse than it seems

All of the emotional, hysterical, irrational grandstanding and clutching of liberal pearls has left me speechless with my head in my hands.

They are shocked, absolutely shocked, I tell you, that no one is rescuing the poor, angelic, precious, drunk little angel.  They are shocked that this female, whom I'm sure bears absolutely no responsibility whatsoever, finds herself the victim of a crime...

They are shocked that anyone would "take advantage" of a college girl that is unconscious, vulnerable, drunken past stupor, all of that mess.

Hang on just a second.  How exactly did this girl arrive in this state of being "unconscious and vulnerable?"  Was she accidentally hit in the head with a wooden beam that swung around and knocked her out cold?  Completely at no fault of her own?

Nope.  Not even close.  She continually chose to drink more and more alcohol, and she got herself into this state of being "unconscious and vulnerable."  It is a situation which, to be completely honest, she had a hand in creating.

This state of affairs calls for some examination and critical thinking.

We can expect drunk people to still have the presence of mind, and the conscious decision-making ability to choose not to drive when drunk -- and rightfully so.  A drunk person is still a conscious human being and is still fully responsible for his/her own actions.  If this person drives while drunk, they have to pay for their crimes.

If this is all true, which it is, then we sure as hell can expect a drunk person to still have the presence of mind, and the conscious decision-making ability to choose not to get themselves into a drunken coma even as they are already tipsy.  This includes tipsy females.  The fact of the matter is, a female who keeps drinking of her own volition has continually chosen to get in this predicament. She got herself into this mess.

This is what is most aggravating and infuriating and upsetting about the whole mainstream public narrative surrounding college frat party rpes.  This is the insistence from supposed "feminists" that females have no control whatsoever over what happens in their own lives.

Why is the mainstream narrative so focused only on the behavior of other people surrounding the drunk comatose female?

The common rhetoric is that a female is just a victim.  Just a rape victim.  Nothing more than a spineless ragdoll, tossed and thrown about, used as a punching bag, helpless, defenseless, weak, limp.  Completely unable to fend off an attacker.  Defenses rendered completely out of commission.

With no ability whatsoever to defend themselves.  No ability to be in control of her own life.  No ability to decide what happens in her life.

I remember an article in some entertainment magazine back in the very early 2000s that praised women who hit back.  It was an awesome article.  It was about TV shows and movies and junk instead of real life, but still.  The sentiment was that women can be fierce, strong, agile, can have a laser-focused intense, and can set their sights on winning with a steely gaze.

It seems that nowadays everyone is deathly afraid to suggest that maybe, just maybe, females should take a bit more responsibility for their own goddamn well-being and safety.

Women, like men, are supposed to be fully-functioning, fully-evolved human beings who are responsible for their own actions.  They are responsible for their own conduct and behavior.  An individual woman, like an individual man, is a sovereign entity who has the full breadth and capability to think before she acts, to weigh pros and cons of a situation, to examine a situation and predict possible and likely outcomes.

You the female are responsible for your own judgment, you are responsible for your own decisions, and you are responsible for your own actions.  Exactly the same as each man is responsible for his own judgment, decisions, and actions.  As a sovereign human being with a full range of emotions and psychological capability, you chose to get drunk and then after that you chose to have sex.

You are supposed to have your own critical thinking abilities, capacity for risk assessment, capacity for good judgment, capacity for weighing the pros and cons of a given situation, and capacity for predicting possible and probable outcomes.

You assessed the situation yourself and fully consciously decided that it is a good idea to consume an alcoholic beverage.  Anyone over the age of twelve knows that consumption of alcoholic beverages can lead to reduction of capabilities of good judgment, lowered inhibition, increased reaction times to any external sensory stimulus.

You voluntarily, consciously chose to drink that first drink.  You voluntarily, consciously chose to drink the second drink and the third drink.  As you got progressively more inebriated, you still continued to voluntarily, consciously drink more and more and get yourself more and more drunk.  You know why this logic works?  Because you are a human being and as such, you are responsible for your own decisions.  Everything that happened here was your decisions and your actions.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Oh, dear Lord- so the issue of drunken rapes is not the whole story

There have lately been a sickening slew of news reports about the increasing rates of drunken rape on college campuses.  Or rather, the worse news is that it is not really increasing, per se.  There is simply more media attention being paid towards this.

Apparently, this is not a random isolated event in which the victim truly was minding her own damn business and going about her day and then some sick ahole ambushed her and rdep her.

So, wait a minute.  You are saying this is not a one-time thing, as in, "she's genuinely a good, responsible person and she's not usually like this and she just happened to get drunk once and had the horrible luck of being a crime victim?"  You're telling me the unpleasant truth is that these are habitual drunkards that constantly check their good judgment at the door?

You are telling me that these are just a bunch of dumb lazy drunk party btces who just sit around and get drunk at places inhabited by frat aholes -- and then magically expect everyone *else* to be on their best behavior???

So the ugly truth is that these females freely and carelessly engage in this behavior with no regard to their liver and kidney health, and no regard to the horrible danger that is imminent.

So the horrid truth is that these females have a laissez-faire attitude towards their own safety and well-being, with no regard to the fact that perhaps there might not be an altruistic knight in shining armour that might rescue her at this party where people are generally aholes.

This changes the dialogue dramatically.

Females, stop it.  Stop putting yourself in harm's way.  Yes, I am calling out on you to make sure you don't get yourself raped.

We are not talking about a female who was just minding her own business and was assaulted through no fault of her own.  We are not talking about a female who was walking home alone at night.  We are not talking about a girl who decided to take a shortcut through the dark woods, and who fell victim to a sick f*ck that, out of the blue, decided to commit a gruesome crime.

No.  We are talking about females that actively, voluntarily seek out a dangerous, high-risk situation of their own free will.  And then these innocent, drunken little angels choose to participate, of their own free will, in activities that obliterate their judgment, their awareness of their surroundings, and their ability to react in a situation.

You are placing all the hopes of your own life [[[__you are placing a wager on whether your life will be safe from harm -- upon betting statistics that are not in favor of your desired outcome.]]]
You are forgoing your own responsibility to yourself to be ever-vigilant and prudent about your own safety and well-being.

You are relying entirely on other people to be careful and cautious and being concerned with whether or not they are acting in a moral, respectful manner.  While conveniently, casually disregarding the fact that maybe you should act in a moral, respectful manner.

Oh.  So **they** are supposed to care about your safety and health and well-being, but you are not supposed to care about your **own** safety and health and well-being?

If they are expected to be socially conscious, then you must be socially conscious also.  Don't walk into the fraakin lion's den as a poor, angelic partier drunkard and then complain that some horrifying shtt went down.  If they have to be held to that high standard, which they should be, then you have to be held to that high standard also.

There might not be anyone that will stop a potential sick criminal from seeing the path of no resistance, i.e., a passed-out drunk party chik, and_
Forgoing the possibility of a separate rescuer:  the potentially sick criminal might not have a sudden [[flare, bout, jump___]]]] of conscience and think, "wait maybe I shouldn't commit a crime."

Feminism has deteriorated into a pathetic mass of flaccid, saggy, limp

Yes, I know I'm being harsh, but that's because I care about the movement too much to just let it falter.  I care about women too much to just accept that this dredge is part of modern life.
Just so we're clear, this is still rape.  That fact is unchanged.  This is still rape.  The sick asshole did not obtain the female's consent.  He should be arrested and brought up on charges.  I have zero sympathy for him.  Frat boys do genuinely appear to be assholes, and the sooner they learn that having binge-drinking cattle calls are a nightmare blight on society, the better.

It's just that now, I confess that I have very little sympathy for the rpee victim also.  Sure, she should receive counseling if she feels the need, and whatever community support she can get.  But honestly, I do not feel that wave of revulsion and sharp burn of anger that I normally feel any time I hear about a ripp victim on the news.

Remember how, a loooong time ago, I said that the modern dating scene is crap?  And remember how an even loooonger time ago, I observed that the same schitt keeps repeating itself over and over and over again?  This is yet another demonstration of that.

I can't believe people still think that getting a bunch of spoiled brats that are [[[gointo college just to drink and party