Monday, July 29, 2002

Social Experiment, Part VIII

So it is okay for women to have this self-confidence, but it is not okay for men to have this same sort of self-confidence?  Surely not.

We are hearing all over pop culture and modern society that pornography should be celebrated as a completely uninhibited expression of a woman's sexuality.

If that is the case then we also need to realize that men too should be able to use this vehicle of pornography as a completely unbridled, unabashed expression of a man's sexuality.  It can be and it is the ultimate expression of a very private, very personal act from a person.  Therefore it is the most honest, the most real part of a person, that they can express and acknowledge out in public.  If women can do it, then so can men.  If that is truly the case, which it undoubtedly is, then we as concerned, involved members of society should also be nurturing and encouraging men to express themselves in pornography.

This duty to help and cajole men to feel more free and relaxed in pursuing pornography as well as striptease as a regular sideline of life, equal to any other hobby or interest, is a responsibility incumbent upon every single one of us.  If we are to truly name ourselves equally caring members of the human race, then this is a noble calling we all must heed.

And more importantly, men should never feel ashamed to admit this to their peers.  They should feel welcomed and comfortable.  They should feel that they are expressing a healthy, normal aspect of their selves.

But, you might say, if a man is walking around half-naked that most likely means he is trawling for tail.

And, what?  You think that if a woman is walking around half-naked, she is not doing the same thing?  We have got to stop with this exasperating double standard.  If society is encouraging and accepting and condoning of women expressing their sexuality in all settings, situations, then we must be equally accepting and welcoming of men so that they may feel welcome to express their sexuality out in public society.

More importantly, what is wrong with a man walking around buck-naked and feeling free and comfortable in his own skin?

I do not condone double standards in any shape or form.  Allowing and encouraging women to express their sexuality while at the same time NOT allowing and encouraging men to express their sexuality -- that is a double standard.

And double standards are never a positive tenet of societies.  Double standards are ALWAYS a negative manifestation of people's secretly-harbored prejudices.  They are always a result of the lesser-informed members of society's pent-up, deep-seated superstitions and fears.

Saturday, July 27, 2002

More Middle-Class Employment Rejects

Another job that mids cl wh people will never ever accept.
Do you know what nursing assistants do?  They clean shttt off of old people's asses.  That is what they have to do.

Well, okay to be totally fair to mcwss that sniff, turn their noses up.
they care of the infirm.
Back in sixth grade-- nose turned up was akin to a mountain peak.

""they have their noses turned so far up away from the riffraff,"" from manual labor, actual work, that there is a layer of snow [[tiiping, brushing, encircling, dusting, sparklign., frsiting, icing ]]] the peak like cake frosting

--- so start off with the ::  math and science,, white kids avoid because these fields are incredibly dorky
===>>  but then also--- they ALSO think they are too good to study vocational and technical fields. -- like learning a skilled trade.  Skilled labor type work.
-they are too haughty and stuck-up and conceited.
->so gradually move into this slow revealing, like pouring molasses in January.
--- This honestly was not **as** apparent to me at first.  But then it gradually dawned on me.  For goodness sake, they don't even make eye contact with service workers like grocery store cashiers, mail people at the post office.
^No assembly line worker for them.

Friday, July 26, 2002

Social Experiment, Part VII

There exist no "Boys gone wild" mass market videotapes available for sale.  There are no stripper cardio fitness classes marketed at young men.  There are no pole-dancing fitness classes targeted for young men.

Why not?  I simply do not understand this odd double standard.  If young women are gifted the opportunity to get in physical shape and at the same time be encouraged to express their sexuality, then we can afford the same privileges to young men.

Boys are taught to keep their sexuality under wraps at all times.  This sort of general collective attitude is not healthy.  This fosters a culture of shame, of being coaxed into thinking that having any pride in one's own flesh is sinful.  This unfortunately inhabits a distaste and disapproval against the male body in its full glorious natural naked form.

We should be celebrating the naked male form in all its manifestations.  That means with billboards bearing the naked male form, as well as with people walking around and getting on with their everyday lives.

And besides, if a young man is getting into shape, then he is healthy and attractive, and he has worked hard to achieve that physique.  That is all the more reason to warmly welcome and encourage any expression of sexuality that he has.

Here are more self-esteem building articles for men.

Thursday, July 25, 2002

Socialism vs. Capitalism- a Brief Overview

Something very important needs to be clarified about these two diametrically opposite approaches to handling a nation’s economy.  Socialism assumes poor people are honest, and capitalism assumes rich people are honest.  Neither notion is entirely true.  That’s right, I said it.  Poor people are not entirely honest.

Capitalism assumes that rich people will donate money to worthy causes out of the kindness of their hearts and of their own volition.  And that they do not need to be prompted, let alone forced, to do so.  It assumes that they will voluntarily take some time out of their busy schedules, and some money out of their busy Swiss bank accounts, to bless the little people.  Assumes rich embezzle, tax fraud ____

Socialism assumes that poor people would never ever lie about whether or not they are at least trying.  Socialism founded government programs that help out poor people a little now and then.  This is by giving them money as long as they are working full-time, but it has to be at a low-paying job which is fine because that shows that the person _is_ doing work, and it’s not his/her fault that their employer gives crappy pay.  As long as the poor person is actively seeking work and preferably has found a job.

Socialism assumes that a poor person would be honestly working and would not just take the easy way out by merely _claiming_ they are working.  "How dare you, how dare you accuse me of not actually working, I would _never_ pretend to work by writing down on a piece of paper for government cheques that I worked, when in fact I was busying myself with eating Cheetos and watching Jerry Springer when I woke up at three o’clock in the afternoon."

Tuesday, July 23, 2002

Social Experiment, Part VI

All throughout human history, men's sexuality has been kept under wraps.  They have been oppressed by society, by societies that deemed it inappropriate for men to express their sexuality freely and publicly.  They have been oppressed by themselves, also drummed home to them by societies that dictated this directive.  By societies that forced these sort of oppressive social regimes.

Men have been taught to be ashamed of their bodies.  They have been shamed into thinking that they should be fully clothed, in all places, at all times.

By monk friar and religious orders.
By polite proprietary society.
By academic societies such as Oxford University, University of Paris, other such established traditional institutions of higher education.

And they witnessed these messages, and took these messages to heart, and unfortunately they ingested and internalized them, to their own detriment.  And the men inevitably turned these societal messages into self-imposed limitations and ceilings.

Men have never had such creative outlets, such allowable expressions of freedom and comfort.  They have not really ever been given the opportunity, the ability, to express their sexuality.

How often do you hear women talking about a naked beautiful sweet innocent pure man just waiting to be plucked?  Women hardly ever do, and this is not a good thing.

Why cannot men be valued for their sexual ability to please and bring happiness to someone else through sensuality?  Through sexual talents and skills?  Through the pleasure they could potentially bring to women through their bodies?  Or even simply through being admired for their physical presence?  There is simply no good reason for men's sexuality to be de-valued in this stifling nature.

Even in modern society, men are arrested when they are naked out in public.  What are we teaching young boys nowadays when we tell them that it is not okay to be free and liberated, that it is not okay to feel at home, comfortable, and natural in one's own skin?

Here are links to more self-esteem building articles for men.

Monday, July 22, 2002

Why Middle Class Whites Act Like This, or, Worse Middle-Class Snootiness

My theory of exactly why middle class white people act like this.  I do think it is accurate.  They want very badly to be upper-crust, so they act in the manner that they think upper-class people act.  Meaning they think that upper-class are racist people who do not acknowledge the fact that Asians even exist.

See, this is why they are only middle class.  Why they are not upper class.  Upper class people are aware where the global economy is going.  Where it is becoming increasingly focused.  Middle class people have no clue of the true news and current events in the world, where the most productive nation is, the gross national product being produced in what country.  They have no clue that we in the western countries are increasingly dependent on China and India for all of our technological needs, information, and help.

It needs to be emphatically declared that this is an __epidemic stigma__ that afflicts specifically middle-class white people from non-major cities.  rich white people do not act like this, and poor white people do not act like this.  For example, white people who grew up in, Philadelphia, Chicago, D.C., the Piedmont Crescent generally do not act like this.  They are just much more aware of things, and therefore are not easily fazed by Asians.  And they are aware of the existence of black people.

also, really country redneck farmers and people who go into the military are also generally good people.  yes, I stated redneck.  nice rednecks do exist.  the reason they are nice is that, generally speaking, they are busy all the time and do not have time to bother about white or non-white or all that shit.  what they're worried about is, are you going to be here on time so you can fix those sinks like you said you would?  are you going to pay me rent?  just deliver on your word and they're happy.

especial those that grate on my nerves are the ignorant whiny middle class white people who like music.  like "indie" or college rock bands, and know absolutely nothing about rhythm nblues, soul, any non-white music whatsoever.  such as the fact that the absolute most "cool" hiphop music to come out of the world nowadays is located in south london(?) ghettos -- and the caribbean apparently.  the carib also has a lot of western-ghetto indian people apparently.  hell, neither do I, but at least I do not pretend to be cool underground cutting edge of pop culture.

Saturday, July 20, 2002

Social Experiment, Part V

Currently the way our society is modeled, a man is not allowed to express his sexuality other than as proxy through a female.  Think about it for a gentle moment.  When was the last time you saw a man feeling comfortable and free enough to express his sexuality and the fact that he is comfortable with his body -- simply because he wanted to?  As in, without needing a woman to validate him.

When was the last time you saw an admittedly attractive man feel comfortable enough in himself that he felt at home being nearly nude around other people?  Most likely all the recent times that you can recall, a man has only been bragging about a sexual encounter while he himself was fully clothed.

Again, that is just talk; it is simply hearsay.  None of that can be proven.  And most likely, he was not really invested much in the very conversation itself.  Most likely, his voice patterns, his tone, his inflection, all, did not truly reflect how passionate and sexual he felt about this supposed woman.

As you can see, the man does all of this because he is not truly comfortable with his own sexuality.  If he were truly comfortable, then he would not feel the need to gab stories about a hypothetical woman that supposedly was attracted to him.  If he were truly comfortable, then he would just express himself and would be able to integrate his sexuality into and of himself, simply in the way he talks, the way he walks, the way he carries himself and expresses himself.

It would not have to be in reaction or response to a woman, because again that is not him being comfortable in his own sexuality; it is as I said, only in response to a woman who happens to be there.  A man should be comfortable confident enough in his own mannerisms, in his own gestures, that he should be able to express his sexuality without needing a hypothetical imaginary woman to validate him as a sexual being.

You see how there is so much negativity surrounding general peoples' expectations of men's bodies and sexuality?  This double standard has got to stop.  If we have so much positivity and encouragement that nurtures women's sexuality, and we encourage women to be sexual beings out in public at all times, then we must treat men with an equal amount of respect

This is horrible.  This is the sproutlings of a police state in the making.

Here are links to more self-esteem building articles.
Part I of Men's Self-Confidence Revolution
Part II of Men's Self-Confidence Revolution
Part III of Men's Self-Confidence Revolution
Part IV of Men's Self-Confidence Revolution

Wednesday, July 17, 2002

Social Experiment, Part IV

Challenges men's roles and negative societal stereotypes.  Unhealthy stereotypes.  That of being the provider and strict domineering leader of the family.  Men should be encouraged to break free from these horrible oppressive roles that society dictates that they conform to.

They should break free, go with their heart, break the mold, dance to the beat of a different drum.  And that if they dream hard enough, then anything, ANYTHING, is possible.

We should have more male strippers and prostitutes.

We have kept men's bodies hidden away for far too long.  We have taught them to be ashamed of their bodies.  Women are always encouraged to strip in public as often as possible and this is definitely a good thing.  There cannot be any argument against that.  Anyone who says otherwise is as bad as Hitler.

Shouldn’t men be encouraged to be free and be proud of their bodies?  We have unfortunately, consciously or not, festered a culture that teaches men that they should be ashamed of their beautiful regal majestic forms, taught them to hide away and that women should lower their gaze if ever they encounter a naked man walking around on the street.

In the workplace, in school, in public life.  Every day, we are telling men that they should wear shirts that button up to the collar, that button down to the wrists, pants that go all the way past the ankles and reaching the heels of their feet.

Not an inch of skin are men allowed to display or be proud of.

And it seems, people as a collective consciousness, are unwittingly perpetuating [[[ festering, feeding ]]] this edict.  Any time if people encounter a naked man in pop culture or in public society, they express shock, horror, disgust, fear, nausea.  They say, "Ew gross, put some clothes on, or "keep it in your pants buddy."  However, if they similarly see a naked or near-naked woman, they say, "take it off honey," or "show us your t--s."

We have Times Square billboards advertising the TV show "look good naked."  This is a show that encourages women to feel free to express their sexuality out in public on 60-foot-high billboards.

Why are we not fostering, growing, and nurturing men's sexuality in the same manner?  We should be encouraging men to be much more free and liberated.  We should be encouraging men to feel comfortable with their bodies in all aspects, as procreators, as sexual beings.  We need to encourage men to feel that they should be on an equal footing with women.

Perhaps one day we can envision a universe in which men's sexuality is truly celebrated.  Not in covert, secretive, dark elusive manners such as simply talk.  But in a much more welcoming, safe, manner.  We need to try to actively transform this society into a safe place, a place where men can feel comfortable.  We need to be a more loving, accepting society that welcomes a man who wants to express his sexuality -- his OWN sexuality.

Here are links to more self-esteem building articles.
Part I of Men's Self-Confidence Revolution
Part II of Men's Self-Confidence Revolution

I Know How Artists Think Because I Am One Of Them

Most of the time we hear artists spew some crap about "break from the mold, go with your heart, don't care what anyone else thinks of them, independent, dance to the beat of your own drum," all that crap.  But if ever an artist tells you they don't care what other people think of them -- they are lying.  Simple and honest truth, they are lying, either to you or to themselves.

Artists care VERY, VERY MUCH what other people think of them.  Possibly even more so than most people, because artists are most active in their right-brain half, which is the lobe responsible for emotions, romantic notions, passion and feelings, also natural creative talents.  So they are hypersensitive to what people think of them.  (That’s why they go out of their way to declare that they don't care what people think of them.  They know the truth, and they are overcompensating trying too hard to prove to everyone the opposite.)

It is also why they go out of their way and expend quantifiable effort to offend, disgust, and be sensationalistic.  For the artist, it is MUCH, MUCH EASIER to be told, "Ohhh I'm sorry your drawing might very well be nice, oh but dearie me, it does not follow the technical guidelines or subject rules for the contest.  And therefore it is disqualified on technical grounds.  Such as the subject matter or content are not fitting for this category group of art, exhibit or whatever."

For the artist, it is much, much easier to be told that, than to be told, "Well, your drawing followed the technical guidelines, followed the rules of the contest and the wide casting call for people to submit their artwork, and was perfectly suitable -- but it’s just not good enough.  And therefore we will not be featuring it."

The first one is much easier to hear than the second.  The reason for this is that the first one is not truly a rejection.  It is simply a dismissal on technicalities.  It is merely a disqualification based on some paperwork grounds of rules, regulations, protocol, stuff like that.  Things that artists love to flout and mock.  it is not necessarily a commentary on the quality of the artist's work.

Whereas the second one is actually a rejection.  The second one truly involves the artist having gone through the effort of creating a piece of work, the artist pouring out its heart and soul, the artist expressing itself, for the sole purpose of being approved and appreciated by the art experts.  And then the hypothetical judges disapprove of and reject the artist.

So the artist is launching a preemptive strike.  They are disqualifying themselves from the contest or submission-call on purpose so that they can protect their own feelings from being hurt.  Another way of stating it is that the artist is hurting the judges before the judges can hurt the artist.

This all unwittingly plays right into the artist’s hands and gives them the green light.  Then they can get up on their high horse, they can act all haughty and lofty.  This permits them to recite all those rote lines of, “Oh you just don’t like creativity; you're so immature; you’re so afraid to take risks; you’re against self-expression; you're against freedom of speech,” all that crap.

I'm an artist myself so I know how they think.

Sunday, July 14, 2002

Social Experiment, Part III

Some women try to use the excuse that when men do this, it is because they are vulnerable trapped, don't see any other way out, they are poor innocent pure little lily white lambs that did absolutely nothing to deserve this.

Men are so gullible.  When a woman does that, she is more than celebrated for it, but when men do that, all society is able to do is poo-poo and offer pity.

Why does society do this to men?  Why can society not see that a man expressing his sexuality in and of itself, should be a positive thing?  That this could be a turn in the right direction, a bit of evidence that society is finally on the right track again?  Why is it that all society seems capable of doing is offering sympathy, and underhandedly, hints at shame that the man "should" feel?

A strong confident, free-thinking reaction would follow thusly:
Ohmigosh that's so totally not true!  and if you don't like men that dress like independent freethinkers that follow their heart and break the mold and are not afraid to take risks then you're just intimidated by strong intelligent men who are in charge of their own life.

You’re just mad because I'm a capable, vibrant, confident man in charge of his own life.

Men, don't be so shy!  Show off your body.  You’ve earned the right.

Don’t be so shy.  Don’t be so quick to cover up and deny yourself your own right to self-expression.  Freedom of self-expression.  Don’t be ashamed of your body.  Be proud of your body.  If women have earned their right to show off their bodies and express their sexuality, then so have you.  You deserve to be confident and empowered like this.  Why should women have all the power in the form of girl-power?  Why shouldn't you feel empowered with your body and be proud of it?

You just can't handle the fact that I can go to job interviews, college admission interviews, and the workforce all while being confident and strong in my sexuality.  Women aren't the only ones who are multi-taskers.  Men are just as capable and adept at handling all facets of their being as women are.  Men can be professional, respectable, prestigious, and esteemed all without neglecting their sexuality -- just like women can.

Men, heed this call.  Who says you have to turn off your sexuality when you are in the work force?

If anyone ever tells you can't present yourself as a sexual being at a job interview, then they're just jealous that they can't handle being sexual while at the same time being a productive member of the job force, the way you can.

Capable of making your own decisions.
You don't need someone to do the thinking for you.  You can think for yourself.

Show everyone that you are an independent thinker.  Break free from the mold, think for yourself.

And what's wrong with wearing sexy clothes to a job interview?  If anyone anywhere raises any so-called objections to this, this is probably due to the fact that they just can't handle that you are a strong confident man who is in charge of your own life.

Well, if someone has a problem with that, then they just can't handle the fact that strong empowered liberated men exist who are much more mature and evolved than they.

And if they don't like that then THEY are the ones with the problem, not you.

Oh they're just jealous and they're intimidated by the fact that he's a strong capable man in charge of his own life.

If they can't accept that then they’re just jealous.

They're just jealous that this is a strong, able man who can reconcile all the facets of himself as a whole healthy human being.  They’re mad that they can't handle the same rigorous but ultimately exhilarating social psychological demands that he can.  They are simply mad that they cannot attain the same level of peace with himself that a strong man is able to.

Here are links to more self-esteem building articles.
Part I of Men's Self-Confidence Revolution
Part II of Men's Self-Confidence Revolution

Middle-Class Snootiness

Lamenting about the fact that they cannot get a job after college.
There seems to be a characteristic snootiness affecting the middle-class whites of America.  They think highly of themselves because they have a four-year college degree.  Well, this would be valid... if the degree were actually worth anything.

Not all college degrees are created equal.
///[[[[[They think that because they have a four-year college degree, this automatically makes them smarter than someone who only graduated from high school.]]]]

**And by the way, what do you mean there are no jobs?  There are TONS of jobs for someone with your qualifications.  Cashiering, working at grocery stores, working at McDonalds, janitor-- the custodial arts (that's from "breakfast club"), waitressing, hotel maid, customer service store clerk.

They think that to actually workkk is an affront to their dignity.  "I should go and get a job as a waiter??  How dare you!!"  "I should get a job as a janitor??  NUh-uh!!"

They take umbrage at the notion that since they cannot find a high-paying professional job right out of college, that they should ever humble themselves to the level of accepting a cashiering job.  "I went to college!  I'm not going to settle for a minimum wage job!"

Thursday, July 11, 2002

Social Experiment, Part II

Here is a link to a previous self-esteem building article.
Part I of Men's Self-Confidence Revolution

We are subconsciously teaching men to be ashamed of their bodies.  We must encourage and support positive behavioral patterns.  We must bring about positively-received expression of their sexuality.  We must teach men to be proud of their bodies, to break free from the bounds, from society's chains that dictate what acceptable social behavior should be.

If at any time a glimpse of a man's chest is showing, he feels shy, and he feels compelled to button his shirt, readjust his collar, straighten his tie.  If at any time a man's ankle is showing, he feels obligated to pull his socks all the way up and make sure his pants reach all the way down.  After first making sure it is securely buttoned and the fly is securely fastened of course.

So far men are still only celebrating women's sexuality.  And in tandem they are ignoring their own.  When men talk about a supposed conquest over the weekend, do you actually think he is expressing his sexuality?  Who is truly being sexualized in this scenario?  The man?  No.  The woman.  Absolutely nothing wrong with that, we must encourage women to express their sexuality out in public at any time, at any opportunity, no matter what the social situation.

After all, expression of a personal private delicate matter such as an individual human being's sexuality is of course appropriate and welcome no matter what the social situation and location.  No question about that.

But it is positively devastating and most regrettable that this man is neglecting his own sexuality while he is in the process of acknowledging a woman's sexuality.  He is denying himself.  He is reduced to self-flagellating and he is denying himself access to his whole humanity as a unified being.  There is no good reason for this to continue whatsoever.  There is absolutely no good reason for a man, for any man, to feel that he must deny himself the right to express his sexuality as an independent aspect of his being, independent from any women that might cross his path.  He is starving and weak, and is keeping himself blind and helpless in the process of not acknowledging his own naked male body.

In the process of not expressing his sexuality and physicality, he is denying himself, himself.

There is no good reason for a male to feel he has to, be pressured into thinking he has to, to be forced into denying his right to express his sexual body as a healthy aspect of his whole, in and of itself.

As a society, we have neglected men's needs to express themselves sexually for far too long.  The man is only talking, this is hearsay, and most likely it is while he is still fully clothed.  He is not truly expressing his sexuality.  He is not truly appreciating his own beauty, he is not truly appreciating his own male body, he is not truly reveling in his own glorious naked male body, neither figuratively nor literally.

We are ignoring the fact that men also need to express every aspect of themselves.  Emotionally, psychologically, mentally, intelligence-wise, physically, and very much sexually.

We see how not being able to "look good naked" damages women's self-esteem.  Well, are men not creatures of emotion and psychology too?  Does it not damage their self-esteem to be too reserved and repressed and not being allowed to "look good naked?"  Should they not also get the opportunity to be free and comfortable with their bodies, and to be able to look good naked while out in public?

If we are to live as a free, enlightened, advanced, evolved, civilized society, then this means that all, but ALL, members of society must enjoy equal opportunities to express themselves sexually.

Monday, July 8, 2002

Social Experiment

(((((Let’s see how long this lasts before someone calls it on its bull3h:+.)))))

I have seen for a fact that women who are readers of various magazines -- People, Reader's Digest, that one punk women's mag (not necessarily fem, just punk, i.e., ugly with intentionally bad hair) angrily object to men being treated as sex objects pieces of meat.  But they seem to have nary a qualm when women are treated in the exact same way.

Why in the world are we resorting to these negative stereotypes of men?
Why can’t a man’s expression of overt sexuality ever be seen as a good thing?  It is a horrible cult of victimhood that we are perpetuating these myths and rumors.  If a man is expressing his sexuality in public, that could be seen as a good thing if we as a society simply choose to see it as a good thing.

The current wave of girl power, i.e., feminism has gone to an even further degree to ignore men and their needs psychologically, emotionally, physically.  The pendulum has swung too far the other way (pun intended).  We encourage and support women to strip naked in the streets at all places all times.  Absolutely nothing wrong with that.

However, we unwittingly have been forsaking men and their needs to express themselves sexually.  All over society, we hear men and young boys are coaxed and guided to get rid of their virginity.  And this is fine, of course.  Evolution tells us that as soon as people reach puberty, there is really no compelling reason for them to remain chaste or pure.  Which, by the way, are demeaning terms to resort to calling people.

But is this truly encouraging men to express themselves sexually?  Think about it for a gentle moment.  Are they wearing their sexuality on their sleeves the way empowered women do so?  Whatever supposed sexuality in which men are engaging is behind closed doors.  They are not truly expressing themselves out in public, in the everyday workaday, as a general routine of life.  Whatever sexuality they might be practicing, we only see little glimpses and snippets of it sneaking around here and there.  Being expressed freely and in an uninhibited manner.

When they have a sexual encounter over the weekend, how do they usually proceed?
As an intrinsic part of who they are, as a fiber of their very being?
Do they conduct themselves for the rest of the week as a sexually-aware, sexually-comfortable human?
Are they comfortable being sexual and liberated and expressive for themselves, for their own sexuality, unto and of itself, for their own sake, whether a woman is present or not?

Or as is much more often the case,
Do they usually express their sexuality only with that one given female?
Do they express their sex in the heat of the moment, only to return to a staid, buttoned-down existence the next day?