Monday, February 14, 2005

Feminism vs. Safety And Well-Being Of Women, Not Bodily Harm

Feminism is not for everybody-- because it backfires.  Feminism is far too complex to be left to the teeming, dirty, unwashed masses.

I've witnessed that invariably [[[[inevitably]]]] the swarming, ignorant masses completely misinterpret the meaning, [[[definition]]]], purpose, and intent of feminism.

If they like it, this is only because they woefully misconstrue this sociopolitical school of thought.  They have a twisted, warped take on feminism.  And unfortunately they <<like> this off-brand, bargain basement forgery.

If they hate it, this is because they have only encountered that very same distorted counterfeit off-brand that skewered the true meaning.

It is astonishing the lengths to which an alarming number of females do NOT want to ensure their own safety.  Or take any and all necessary precautions.

____....wait,, what??!!!
No one said that a rape is your FAULT.

It is shocking the number of females that absolutely refuse to take the initiative to keep themselves safe.  ---[[[like the anger fury refusal to listen to basic logic and reason.  For example, do nottt go into a guy's apartment____  They always combat with something asinine like, """oh it's not my fault if he rps me; that is hhisss decision, I can't control hissss actions,""

I sigh exasperatedly.  No one is saying that being victim of a gruesome crime is your "fault."  But if there is a very simple step you can do for yourself that severely cuts down on the possibility of being in danger, then why would you not do it?  Something as simple as not going into a stranger guy's apartment alone can dramatically minimize the risk of becoming a victim of crime.  (Or his bungalow, shack, whatever.)  If this simple [[[[tactic, step]]]] possibly even eliminates the risk entirely, then basic logic and reason says you should take that step. 

This is not about assigning blame.  This is about doing something practical that keeps you safe.  It is so frustrating trying to get this concept through their thick skulls. 

God forbid, supposing a rppp has already happened, does it really matter whose "fault" it was?  That is not the issue.

Yes, it most certainly *is* the sick ahole's fault.  Noone is arguing with you there.  It is his fault and his fault alone.  I agree with you.

However, after the sick crime has already happened, you cannot rewind time based on whose "fault" it was.  You cannot decide through a pros-and-cons list, determine that it was in fact the criminal's fault, and then un-rpppe yourself.  Why would anyone even want to risk putting themselves in that vulnerable spot?

Time was, women used to be smart about preserving their safety and health and well-being.  They took self-defense classes.  They carried pepper spray on their keychains.  In no way did this mean that those women thought it would be their own fault if some sicko assaulted them.  They did not take it as an insult to the feminist sisterhood or anything asinine like that.

No.  They were simply being cautionary and smart.  They were being proactive.  God forbid, if they ever did find themselves in that situation, they would be armed with the ability to defend themselves.  As always, the fault still lies 100 percent with the criminal; that is a given.

I noticed that a disturbingly large number of females, like TV show characters and other placeholders in the media were particularly obstinate about taking any [[prior, pre-- bein careful reg their own helth.]]].  If a teenage girl's parents told her they did not want her to walk down a dark alley ever, and especially not ever by herself, she took it as a personal insult.  She started screeching, "no I'm a strong capable wom in charge of my own life and if I want to walk down a dark alley by myself at night nobody can stop me!!!"  And I would just think to myself, geez how stupid can some people get?

-- it would behoove them to get away from the mindset that___
[[[they really need to get away from the mindset that just because men do something, this automatically makes it the right choice.  I have covered this extensively.

•••• this next one is more of an outer fringe missive.  This one is about mistakes, screwing up with bad judgment, and self-destructive behv.
--- wnm getting into all sorts of drug addictions, chemical dependencies, [[[[rehab___???]]].  Because they see men do this and, like a [[[petulant___]] nottoobright little kid that sees an adult doing somtn, wnm started pouting, "heyy we want to do it too!"""

They think that if women engage in conduct that is boorish, rude, loud, gross, unhygienic -- negative stereotypes of how men act, this is an emblem of empowerment and equality.  Cursing up a storm because they think this makes them look tough.  Hmm... back when I was in middle school, I recall that a lot of the new little Lilliputian sixth-graders would curse like sailors because they were trying to appear tough, formidable, worthy of respect according to middle school standards, etc.

---bill clintm eg.  Some lady said something alon the lines of, “when women [[[___]]], that is when we know we have true equality."

Sigh.  Shaking my head in incredulity.  Rather than insist that men elevate themselves to women's ladylike standards of decorum, instead women decided that they should reduce themselves to men's low, nonstandard behavior.  And they claim that this is a step in the right direction.  They claim that this is "equality."  Sigh.

•••• A lot of people interpret it incorrectly; they think it only revolves around the amount of money someone makes.  Wrong.

Feminism is not about money.  Feminism is about respect.

(((plybyy, prrn, psrotcte)))))$$
Recall what I have written about women CEOs.  Who gives a crap if there aren't that many of them?  Just because someone makes a lot of money, this does not automatically deem them more worthy of respect than a person with a lower salary.)))

Saturday, February 12, 2005

About Feminism And Privilege

I recently read on the internet somewhere, the following opinion.  "Feminism has become about privilege only.  It is no longer about rights, because all the "rights" have been taken care of.  Also, feminism only works for rich women.  It does not work for poor women.  Because while rich women are busy being liberated, the poor women are stuck doing all the work that the rich women got liberated from."  Paraphrased, but that is the gist of it.

Sigh.  After all these years of stealth and covert ops, I guess the secret is out.

To be completely honest, at its core, at its essence, yes feminism is about privilege.  It is about giving women a break from physical labor, as well as giving women a break from changing poopy diapers as their only options in life.  It offered women the chance to escape the prison that was marriage at the time, as well as the prison that was degrading, demeaning work of prst as well as begging.

Why the hell not?  Men had that privilege already.  If there were men that were in possession of the natural talents as well as the means, they could pursue comfy cushy jobs such as law, professorship, medicine.  So why not extend the same courtesy to the other half of the human race?  If women had the innate skills as well as the means, then what possible arbitrary reason is there for not allowing women to enter professional educated jobs?

And to address the more unpleasant facet of the seedy underbelly of feminism. 
also, yup.  Feminism is also in many ways about having it easy.___  I guess the skeleton is out of the bag.

Well now, I agree with you there... to an extent.  That is bad.  Feminism should not be about encouraging women to dump their responsibilities and duties onto some other less fortunate woman.  A woman who is unfortunate enough not to have been born into a family of relative wealth and privilege apparently is stuck doing all the cooking, cleaning, raising the kids, changing poopy diapers, blowing noses.  And washing, laundry, scrubbing, ironing, unclogging toilets, cleaning the bathroom, vacuuming, mopping.  Freeing up the "feminist's" time to get manicures and pedicures and spa massages.

What they were probably thinking was also that men already could use this arrangement to their advantage, so heck, why not have the privilege extended towards women.  Their rationalization process was the following.  Men had it easy by relying on women to raise the kids and do housework.  They could dump onto their wives all the work of cooking, cleaning, raising the kids, changing poopy diapers, blowing noses.  And washing, laundry, scrubbing, ironing, unclogging toilets, cleaning the bathroom, vacuuming, mopping.  This freed up men to pursue those cushy comfy jobs such as law, professorship, medicine.  You know, so the menfolk could seek their fortunes.

So why shouldn't women rely on other women to do all that icky work while the first group of women went to seek their fortunes?

Like I said, I approve of the first part, that of women taking a break from grueling housework and chores and raising kids.  But I don't like the second part, wherein they get to have all the life milestones of family and children but with none of the responsibility.  It is not nice to dump all that work onto women the same way men do.

I am getting the impression that many females hear "feminism" and they immediately think this exempts them from doing any work around the house.

This is why I made it a point to mention this anywhere I could -- at work, in school essays, in conversation with people, in my articles.  I always made it a point to mention that I do in fact do household chores.

They have this weird spoiled princess entitlement mentality.  Which they somehow link to centuries of abuse and oppression imposed upon other women in eras gone by.
They think that for some reason, all of that somehow absolves modern-day women from knowing how to take care of themselves in the practical sense.  I see that too many modern-day women in the western world use the excuse of women forced to do housework -- as an excuse not to contribute to their own damn households here and now in the modern era.

These females think that because men supposedly made women do cooking and cleaning in the past, this somehow means women should not have to take care of themselves in the present.

These little girls seriously seem to think that centuries of oppression means it is somehow a marker of "empowerment" to live in a pigsty.

Well, you could go work out in the fields and do construction work.  [[[LLISt several different types of skilled labor work.  You could learn a trade such as automotive work,____  Go to vocational school and learn a skilled labor trade that would make you very employable.

But you refuse to do that also.  Like most middle-class white kids, you think you are too good to do any kind of backbreaking labor that draws sweat to dripping on your brow at regular intervals.  Middle-class white kids, males and females, think themselves too good to do___

So what does that leave you?  Indoor labor, i.e., chores such as cleaning and cooking.

They do not want to do any cooking or cleaning around the house.  But hang on a second -- who are you doing all that for?  A man?  Uh, no, not if you live by yourself and have your own place.

You are telling me that you do not think it is a priority to clean up after yourself and take care of yourself?  Erm, why the hell not?  You seriously think you are too good to pick up after yourself.  Well, then who the hell is supposed to do that for you?  I got your answer right here -- no one.  It is no one's job but your own to clean up after your own mess. 

If you are very young and live with your parents, then same question.  And the correct answer is similar.  Guess what -- if you live in the household, then you have to contribute to it.  It is not your parents' job to clean up your mess.  You are a human being, of this household, of this society, and you have to help maintain it.

This is not feminism.  This is simply laziness.

"Feminism only works for rich, privileged women."
Actually, yes you are correct -- with a minor twist.

Feminism only works for smart women.  I say this because, as I read it, I realized this is true in Bangladesh.  That is probably too much of an extreme example, but it is a cross-section of sorts.  Only the upper-class and very-upper-class women have educational opportunities and realistic chances at professional white-collar jobs such as doctor, professor, teacher, engineer.   It does not sound nice, it does not sound pleasant or happy, or equal with daisies and bunnies and rainbows for everyone.  But it is the unfortunate truth.  Feminism is not for everybody.

Tuesday, February 8, 2005

Atheist Attitudes Toward Women

Atheists respect women more than Christians do because rightwing Christians see women as inferior to men -- and atheists don't do that?  Wrong.

**the imporat salient point that,___ hmm how to word it ecpress itttt...^^
Like, theat beause they di nottt value woimen as wives snd mothers, this automaticaly means thay must_____

**inspiration, revel , epigph
----  lubsrals are rational, logical, scientific thinking?  nope.  they pimp out the notion at soceity that women promsicuit is somwhow bettetr than having self-respect.  ((would intersect wi hot ckicks slef-esteem crsp./\/\/\
///--- the creepy fdisgusting nerds with thier vieeo games and their dunguins and dragons wherein thy rpp hot women.^^
-= havew been used to seell random crap.  gadgets,ann shtt,  they try to attact the cusomtea with their degraaind, tearing down of womwen.

They core out a hole from family and religion.  They stick technology into that hole, and they simply assumed that this would take over and would inject its own morality, respect, dignity.  as it turns out, that was not what happened at all.
So this is how it is without your reviled, notorious easy target of religion.  Society disintegrates into this 3h +.  Society degenerates into this mess.  Sad, flaccid, sagging, sokaed, limp, ragged, soppy, dishrags and dirty dishwater of broken dreams.

They claim that Christians think of women as property to own because of marriage.

Oh, and you think your approach of women being property to <rent> is so much better?  That's right.  You so-called freethinking rebels are not distinguished from extremist Christians on the grand scheme of things, in many discernible ways.

The hookup culture, the stt culture, the living together.  And let's not forget the notorious nadir granddaddy of all, prso.  That is the ultimate low point of seeing women as property to rent.  A disturbing number of "freethinker" atheists are in favor of rpos, pr0n, stripping, and the ilk.

Monday, February 7, 2005

Creepy Nerd Boys Fawning All Over Hot Chicks

you complain why do all the women like bad boys.  why can’t they like nice guys such as yourself.

well guess what.   not all women like bad boys.   the dumb hot chicks like bad boys, the kind of girls that you so-called self-described "nice guys" constantly seem to go after.  you have only yourself to blame for all your frustration, going after the dumb hot chicks.  the kinds of females who go to clubs every night, go to bars every night, by herself, not with a gaggle of girlfriends.  you gravitate to the shiniest object, to the thing that flashes by your eyes.

drunk skankily-dressed hot chick.  you must have curtains or some shit drawn over your peripheral vision, because the only chicks you see are the ones that are hot, fast and loose.  so basically you go after these chicks cause they look hot and seem willing to put out.  and then you wonder why she seems to have no respect for herself,  she leaves you for some so-called exciting dude that slaps her around.

why can't you beat some sense into that head of yours -- look up, I'm talking about the head on top of your shoulders and neck -- and find a woman who is not a dumb hot chick?

find an intelligent girl.  intelligent girls don't like bad boys.  why do you only go after the dumb blondes?  oh, what?  you’re too intimidated?  you say that she's too smart, that you are intimidated by a smart woman?  well, there you go again.  you have noone to blame but yourself.

Hot Chicks And Self-Esteem

What is this bullshyte notion that hot chicks have high self-esteem and that only fat chicks have low self-esteem?

now, yes of course fat chicks have low self esteem.  if they had high self-esteem, they would not have goten fat in the firts place.  but don't try to pimp this bs notion that hot chicks somehow have high self esteem.

they do not.  they derive all their self wortha s human beings from whether or not male sthinkt haey are fucable.
are sexual insecure.  they dont; feel secure enogh i nteheir sexualitu.  so they ekeep constantly needing validation from males that theya are inm fack fucable.  they derivea lla their sel fworht tfrom theeir degree of fucability.  they intrepret their self-wrorth as human beings from the barometer that is an erect dck.

they continually require compliments and fishing for a form of vicarious existence through others' perceptions of them.

See, this is what I mean when I say hot gir have no self esteem.

wthe f?  whatg kind of girl that has any self-respect want to be referred to as "tap that" or "hit that" or "she's so hot I can't believe anyone hasn't tapped that yet."

ahm, excuse me?  who the hell do you think you are to "ta taht?"

did it ever occur to you that she CHOSE not to let anyone tap that?  no it neve coccured to you?  why is that?

it is becasue it never occured to them.  it seems from obsdrvcaton most hot chicks did not in fact make the choice to

they don't decide for thsmselves when they will hsare that with osmeone.  someone *else* made the chocie.  someones else made the choice for htem,.  someone else decidced when it would happen.  soemone *else* deicided when the hot chick would share somehting that intimate with someone.  somesone ELSE decided whether or not this hpt chick would get "tapped or hit."  (prlease forgeive me.)

Hmm...  I made the realization that dumb hot chicks, that flash people to get a handful of string of cheap plastic beads, that make out with other girls in broad public just because guys are screaming at them to tongue other girls at the bar or the club, that are dumb partying drunk girls--

so they whore around and party and get drunk all through their youth, take up with guys that treat them like pieces of meat, treat them like shit.  the girls say they want to have fun, so they go and "have fun."

then a few years later, perhaps when they are developing too many sags and wrinkles and are no longer deemed f---able by the asshole guys, they realize they need to leech onto a nice guy and milk him for all he's worth.  when they decide they want to settle down and be set for life, they then use and manipulate the nice guys to take care of them.  a nerd guy.  oftentimes a computer programmer, bc you see computer engineers have made a splash in recent years in the media for being intelligent and wealthy and able to provide for very well and have purchased homes.

and the nerd is only toooooo happy to oblige and please them because, dayum!   he is floored and exhilarated and flattered and elated.  i gots me a hot chick!  i never thought it would happen, but it did!  woohoo!   i gots me a hot chick!  a dumb partying hooker-mentality girl with huge tatas and a lower back tattoo, and I got one of dem all for myself.

then they realize that they suddenly want to settle down.  and they have heard all the media hype and buzz and hoopla about tech geniuses.  nerd boys being the new wave, the new hot thing, the flavor of the month.  they have excellent jobs, they make great money,  they are excellent at providing for themselves. 
and plus why wouldn’t a nerd guy want a girl like you?  it should be a huge compliment and ego boost to him that you a hot chick are going down to his nerd level, nothing at all like you from the sexy and popular crowd.

he should take it as a huge compliment that you are gracing him with your presence, that you are associating with him (and I do mean ass).

because you are a hot chick and when has he ever had someone as hot as you?  really?  ever?  never.  so he should be thanking his lucky stars and kissing the ground you walk on because you are a hot chick who has done him the charity of being with him.  the sad fact is, that is exactly what he thinks and that is exactly his reaction.  dyed hair, spends way too much money on hair and nails and skanky clothes.  it needs to be specified:  skanky clothes, tube tops, halter tops, miniskirts, all the better to show off the lower back tattoo of course, hoochie heels.

what about us intelligent girls?  us girls that are equal to you on every level, intellectually, academically, and yes, psychologically ?  what do we get?  we are smart enough never to have hooked up with one of those abusive asshole bad guys that hot chicks seem to think are irresistible and sexy.  we kept ourselves physically and emotionally healthy by never stooping that low, and we do not regret it in the least.  but we do want love.  who actually respect ourselves, and went to school and actually did something with our lives.  we found a noble calling and followed it which led us to wanting to find out all the secrets of the universe.  We can relate to you a hell of a lot better than these dumb chicks.  We understand where you are coming from, we get the calling towards scientific endeavors, pursuits that try to discover how the universe works.

Ooohh so they’re like, the new rock stars?  Ohmigosh that’s like totally awesome?  Oh so, like, they’re really good with, like, money and stuff?  And now they, like, exist and stuff?

What about a smart girl who always knew you were alive, who always acknowledged your existence, who would respect you and treat you as an equal and a human being?  what do WE get?

You see, this is why smart girls turn into comic book supervillainesses.

Sunday, February 6, 2005

Liberating? No- The Opposite

You think it is liberating not to belong to a religion?  Not in the least.

I am religious and spiritual, definitely.  But I do not deflect to only one established belief system.

It is the farthest thing from being liberating.  No.  It is such a burden, it is so much work, it is so demanding having to weigh the pros and cons all the time, the weighted possible consequences of every single decision I make.

It is immensely cumbersome to have to do all the psychological work yourself, all the time.  Every time you encounter a new situation that requires an important decision.  It is an enormous burden and weight on your shoulders.  It is so much work not having all the decisions made for you.  It is so much work not having a canned morality already set up in place, assembled for you.  And you know what?  I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Religion and belief is important to me.  I like to pick and choose the parts that agree with my strict code of morality.

"Well if you do not belong to one and only one religion, then why bother about religion at all?"

And why not?  Where is the joy and purpose in life if I cannot relish in spirituality? It is fundamental to the human experience.