Monday, September 8, 2008

Evolutionary Anthropology

call it evolutionary anthropology

My awesome groundbreaking trailblazing thesis/dissertation::
Does human creativity and imagination go through evolution as surely as human physiological evolution?  witness:

•Pyramids were built at similar times, seven thousand miles away from each other.  Aztec pyramids at Giza.  Egyptian pyramids.

•Two different people invented, discovered similar methods of extracting and purifying elemental aluminum.

•Charles Darwin and that other dude both discovered/theorized the existence of evolution at around the same time, without collaborating with each other.  that other dude didn't get much recognition for it.

Evolution can be observed in culture and technology, both of which are human creations.

The deities that a culture worships are reflective of that culture's values. So this aspect is distinct and identifying from civilization to civilization.

I hadn't considered the fact that as humans evolved, so did our religion.  Obviously religion has changed over time as human understanding of the universe grew more detailed over time.

But here, they are making the claim that religion, meaning people's perception of the universe and of their place in it, actually improved over time.  As in, their system of belief reflected their more mature, comprehensive worldview.