Saturday, June 15, 2002

I Know How Writers Think Because I Am One Of Them

When writers say stuff like, "gosh, I'm so humble, I never in a million years in my wildest fantasies, ever *dreamed* I would become world-famous and read all over the world and translated into two hundred languages, ohmigosh, it's such an honor just to be  *mentioned* in the same breath as Stephen-King/John-Grisham/James-Patterson/Michael-Crichton.  Ohmigosh, I never ever besties forever and ever had wanted to become renowned or recognized or respected as a well-known writer.  I never ever finders-keepers-losers-weepers eenie-meenie-mynie-mo-catch-a-tiger-by-the-toe expected to get on the New York Times Bestsellers List.  I never expected to become famous, I just wanted to be published.  I never expected anyone to actually read my works and acknowledge that my writing exists, I just wanted to be in print."

I've read quotes by musicians that also in their own words "never expected to have such a huge following, never expected to have such a devoted fan base, they were just happy to be able to record their music."  "Ohmigosh, I NEVER ever ever ever besties forever and ever DREAMED that I would ever be mentioned in the Billboard music popular lists.  Or end up on the New York Times Bestseller List and achieve commercial success.  Or be mentioned in Oprah's Book Club."

Yeah, right.  Bull shyte.

Give me a break.  Yes, you did.  EVERY writer/musician/artist/etc. wants to be world-famous and renowned and respected and become a household name.  If they say they don't, they are either kidding you or kidding themselves.

**incl excerpt I read a quote somewhere from someone, about how "on some level, everyone wants everything they ever write to be published."  ...And I realized this was true.  I remember first witnessing and becoming aware of this back when I was in third grade, eight years old.  There was a storage shack in the apartment complex, with hundreds of abandoned, forgotten, discarded curiosities[[curios]].  Our neighbor was with us, and she happened upon an old diary ___

Wednesday, June 12, 2002

The Soul Being Intertwined With (Moral) Professional Success

For a very long time, I was incredibly bored with the word "soul."  When people would talk about losing their soul, it didn't have any effect on me whatsoever.  Even when the topic discussed was profound and serious, and even tragic sometimes, I still didn't get it.

I don't give much credence to the word "soul."  It sounds like some silly bs, mostly because the only times I heard it was when high school kids are talking about soulmates.  Or hippies saying that anyone who wants to earn a decent living "has no soul."

Never mind the fact that the person in question is earning it though probably moral and honest means.  They want to make an honest buck.  Simply the fact that they want to make money automatically qualifies them as a counterargument to "ohm, I have a soul."
Usually makes me burst out laughing and then yawn and flip to the next page out of boredom.

And when I hear the word soul, I thing of a bag of sputum and mucus, mostly mucus. A big drip like an uvula hanging in the back there.  one time I was sick and I could feel the mucus dripping in the back of my throat post-nasal drip except it was much thicker and tasted gross n slimy-salty , it was thick infected mucus I think, and that's what I picture for some reason when I hear the word soul.

Sunday, June 9, 2002

Not Hardly, or, Perhaps Even Worse; or Disillusionment

Let’s get a few things straight.  Writing in and telling me you are a liberal earns you absolutely no credence with me.  There are puh-LENTY of liberal misogynists in this world.  This is a fact that every human being on the planet needs to clarify and permanently brand onto his or her brain:  so-called liberals are absolutely, equally as hating of women as conservatives, on a number of different issues.

A strange new development has emerged out in the editorial opinion pieces. Liberals have always heretofore been hailed as the harbingers of revolution, the bastions of positive social change.  But lately, it seems they have revealed their true ugly natures.  It appears that they are gruesome dumbazzez.

You liberals accuse conservatives of being stuck-up, snobbish, conceited, displaying holier-than-thou behavior.

[[[[[[[after reeling from accusations of being ashmd bod]]]]]]

Why?  Because they have standards?  Because they want to be true to themselves rather than kowtow to the morass of your opinion (and of your ilk)?  You are making the claim that the fact that conservatives have morals is the reason you are superior to them. You are essentially saying that the fact that they are human beings who have boundaries that need to be respected, that they have limits beyond which is disgusting for them, is what makes you better than them.

That one wasn't too hard.  But this next one is perplexing, extremely disappointing, heartbreaking, and did I mention confusing?  Unfortunately I had to learn this.

Writing in and telling me you are a woman earns you absolutely no credence with me.  There are puh-LENTY of women who have this weird, sick, permeated hatred of women.

There are a disturbingly large number of editorials, authors of fiction, writers, people I have encountered in daily life, etc. whom I have read over the years, who cannot stand the sight of a woman in power.  For some reason or other, they seethe anger and vitriol at women who have power and authority in the government, in military, in any form of genuine societal authority.

Katie in 9th grade who said, "I don’t think girls are able to handle Citadel military school."  Sara w. in 8th grade who said, "I can't stand Hillary Clinton."  Author of "Animorphs" book series who thinks that the only way a woman could possibly be in power, is that she must be bad.  She must be working for the bad guys.  Consider the sheer number of people who don’t like Hillary Clinton.

Some black women who, when encountering facts of any men's infidelities, sexual promiscuity, unfaithfulness.  For example Bill Clinton cheating on Hillary, they will say, "He's a man, he's going to act that way."  Some black women making excuses for misogynistic lyrics, rap music videos, the way the gangsta rap culture portrays women specifically in general.  They say, oh well that's just the culture, it's just how it is.  That one girl in Columbia College public speaking class.

It would cease to be "how it is" if women refused to accept it.