Sunday, October 29, 2000

Not So Much In Real Life

Er, actually, now that I think about it, I am really not seeing that much of this in real life.  Regarding the women I know in real life, I am not seeing the same self-destructive patterns.  Remember I attend a vocational technical college rather than a typical party school.  That means these people are serious about their futures, including the women.  Like myself, they are mostly in their early twenties.

Unlike the dumbazzs I keep reading about in the glossy magazines, the majority of them are married.  Married or engaged, mostly married.

I greatly admire and respect them for doing this.  This means they made the emotional commitment, they made the [[[emott]]] investment, and they took the plunge.  They found someone they wanted to spend the rest of their life with, they found love, and they went ahead and took care of that momentous step.  Now they just have to make sure the marriage works.  (It probably will.  Some of the older ladies in those same classes have been married for twenty years and stuff.)  I say that's good.  Why wait?

No more hemming and hawing, none of that mess about wringing their hands in agony.  Or dissecting every single syllable of conversation they just had on a date, or (roll eyes) wondering if the guy they had a one-night stand with will call.  (Heh, the weird stuff you find out from these magss.)

A legitimate question might be, “well, if’en you are not seeing this in your own real life, encounter it with real genuine tangible people, then why worry?”

The answer is, I can't just be cozy in my little cocoon of an enclave here.  I have to be aware of what’s going on in the world.  There is no reason for not being aware of it.  I can’t just bury my head in the sand like an ostrich, and pretend all that nefarious mess is not happening.

Monday, October 23, 2000

Naked Crazy People

There are those that say that being naked in public is a good thing, frees your inhibitions, lets you express yourself, is perfectly healthy, perfectly natural.

No, all that’s going on is that you're a freaking <exhibitionist!>

Stop acting as if your own perversions and personality disorders are somehow the pinnacle of human existence.  This is not "freedom."  You are simply a pervert who gets your jollies off of showing your private parts to complete strangers.  You are nothing more than the modern incarnation of the old movie hackney of a dirty old cump who wears a trench coat and walks down the street + flashes people.

Marilyn manson had a little girlfriend with whom, just a few short years ago, he attended some music awards show.  His girlfriend specimen was wearing something that, well, I do not think it can legally be called "clothing." This object consisted of a few strings strung like party banners from curtain sconces, on the front and back. This whatever-the-hell-it-was covered less than most shower caps. A long time ago, I saw a comedy skit on TV where some guy is getting out of a shower, and a woman hands him a little face washcloth as a joke. That washcloth offered more modesty than Marylin manson's girlfriend.

Courtney Love and her blacked-out-drunk-about-to-be-hospitalized-for-ODing-on-drugs-any-second-now-probably-not-for-the-first-time self shows up in public most of the time looking like she just stumbled out from a stint at rehab gone wrong. You know, whatever might have started out as clothes once in the distant past, but now is the tattered remains of dead dreams.

Sunday, October 15, 2000

On The Subject Of Success

What is this whole thing we have in this society that wanting to be a success is somehow automatically evil?

As in, it is somehow evilly conservative and government-corrupt or something, a ridiculous argument like that.  We hear the terms “soapbox,” “morally high ground,” or any of the ridiculous arguments that lazy slacker types use as an excuse for the fact that they simply do not have any goals for themselves.  More importantly, they are unable to reach any goals.

What’s wrong with wanting to be the best in your chosen field?  What's wrong with aiming(shooting) [[[[squaring it in your crosshairs]]]]] to be the best you can be,
What’s wrong with competition, and with competing with others for a reward?  Or more importantly, how about competing for the distinction that you have genuine, honest-to-goodness talent, that you have the most talent in the whole group, and that you are the best?

What’s wrong with showcasing honest, respectable talent that is actually useful to society?  What is wrong with demonstrating that this can be applied towards doing something good for the world, improving the world's condition, acting on a local level and doing good for your community?  And proving that you can diligently work very hard to achieve your goals. ***perhaps use part of my sense of accomplishment, sense of belonging essay. -the good parts.**

What’s wrong with settings goals for yourself?  Yes, big goals, grandiose goals, (high standards), and wanting to be a success.
(include huge 'tirade', well not really tirade, more like inspirational lecture and discussion the way all my essays are.)

(((what is the true definition of success -- explain)))
Same ess as "accomp do not define a person"
Or "success has nothing to do with you as a person""

Uh?, actually it kind of does. // agn it has very little to do with money.  Eg, a very moneyed drug dealer makes more money than a poor drug dealer.  Does that make him more "successful"?  No, he's a goddamn drug dealer.

Let us refer again to the example of teachers.  ___If a teacher gives very clear, well-thought out explanations, provides excellent detailed well-organized notes, and is able to convey complex ideas to her students [[[very well; so that they understand)), then that is a successful professional.

Monday, October 2, 2000

About Praise and Appreciation

Apparently some managers and supervisors feel it is incredibly tiresome having to give employees congratulations for doing a job very well.

What's wrong with giving employees constant praise and positive feedback?
Lavish constant praise and rewards__
-I am an excellent worker.  I am a very fast learner...  I do not need to be const babysat to make sure I stay on task.  I can work with minimal supervision.  (As matter of fact, put resume qualities here)))

The only people that maintain that hard work is its own reward are those that don’t know how to say "Thank you."  Ungrateful a-holes that don’t want to show any gratitude, any appreciation for a job well done.  I fervently believe that if someone does an excellent job and does it consistently for a while, they have earned the right to be praised.  They should be showered with lavish praise and rewards.  Why the hell not?  What is this ludicrous attitude that we should not reward good work that generates good results?  That is crazy.  People should be rewarded for doing a good job.

We have all heard managers complain about employees that need to be constantly praised.  Well, if the employee constantly does good work, then what's the problem?  The employee has earned it.

Now, if there is a lazy employee who sits on its ass, and expects lavish praise the one time in a blue moon that they get off their ass and do work -- that is a different story.  I can understand simply firing that person and replacing it with someone who actually delivers results.

But I do good work and I expect to get recognized for it.