Wednesday, May 12, 2004

Western Women Complaining About How Hard It Is Being A Woma… zzzzz

Theyre young sonof course hey hv anlot kf energy.  But they dont eant to do aythjgn useful so they resort ti being a oain in the ass.  Rehter hsn allocsting their energy toeards stufdyin scicne toeards preparinghtmesenvss for s usefuk future carerr thry comlalin sbt men

All they evr tslk abt is biw hard it is being a woman.

Yeah, right.  Erm, no life is not hard. You don't live in a third world country.  You are not cursed to existing in grinding, obliterating poverty. You don't have to deal with seeing trash and filth and unidentified gross objects strewn out all over the streets. You don't have to face starving beggars at your front door or traipsing after you as you make your way through town.

You have comforts and luxuries afforded to you that were [[unforesen nono_]]] [[[unparallelled nonn ]]] never before dreamt of throughout all of human history.

Welfare concerns.  Also, I no longer have any sympathy for people that claim there is no support or resources for poor people.  There are tons of resources.  There are charities, there are ___.  In poverty-stricken third-world countries, there are no opportunities.  There is no emergency fund, there is no public source of___.  there is no help.

Yeah, you do have to work hard to be able to pass the courses and complete the program and graduate.  Just like you have to do hard work to cook your own food and to clean up after yourself.  Well, that's life.

See there it is again, middle-class white kids complaining about having to do any hard work.  They’re thinking that simply living life is too difficult for words. Let me emphasize once again, that these are middle-class white kids, not rich lids. Yet these middle-class white kids are spoiled brats every bit as rich kids are wont to be.  Again, I don't see why all these western middle-class white girls are convinced that life is like sooooo haaaard.
There are all sorts of opportunities in western first world society.

And wringing their hands over college expenses being too high.

Now, this last one is a legitimate concern. If they truly are thinking about this, I am glad because it shows that they have comprehension, of the concept of thinking beyond the simple conspicuous here-and-now.

So go to a community college.  They have one-year-long vocational programs that will train you for a specific job
There are programs in medical office assistant, two-year programs in nursing, RAD tech, surgical tech.  As you can see, there are many that are healthcare related.  Yes? What is the problem?  It is a good thing that these are based in healthcare.  That means these are useful programs, you won't be wasting the state's money, and you are pretty much guaranteed a job when you graduate.

There are need-based educational grants for people who might come from modest means.

They might not have the resources to study some nonsense such as medieval Russian census techniques.  Well, these are silly, fluff, luxury pastimes for people who have not a care in the world.  These frivolous, useless libarts degrees for people who never have to worry about having to plan and budget and be responsible for themselves. They are not tasked with the burden of having to take care of themselves.  Even rich people don't necessary have that luxury of singing "la dee da dee da."  They have to keep making sure they are rich, remember?

Some nimrod nonsense about stripping to be able to afford the cost of college tuition.  What utter bs.  With all the scholarships, student loans, community college transfer programs in existence to help offset the exorbitant cost of education.

Because there are so many resources, and abundant options, and so much opportunity, I have zero sympathy for some dmass that says she needs to strip to pay her college tuition. Bs. There are tons of options for financial aid for vocational programs.

And look.  I hate to say it, but if a female is dumb enough to think she must resort to stripping to make money, then she is probably too dumb for any of the critical science majors.  Which means she is probably only smart enough for a useless libarts degree.  Which, as we all know, is a waste of taxpayer money and a waste of her time in the first place. Which brings me to my original precept. Go to community/vocational school and study something useful.

Monday, May 10, 2004

Aging, stringing along, sagging, hagging

Or the epidemic of aging boyfriends stringing aging girlfriends along is something that is slowly, quietly infesting western modern societies.

The female in this scenario gets no sympathy from me.  Oh boo effin hoo, cry me an effin river.  You agreed to this, and now you have the audacity to complain about it?  I don't want to hear it.  You chose to go along with this wishy-washy casual dating bullshit.  And now you're mad because he's not honoring a commitment that you two didn't have in the first place?

Quit hurting yourself

For a time I could not figure out whyyyy exactly a lot of these females were feeling "hurt"" because some random dude was having sxx with multiple partners.  It was like, okay, so he is sleeping with several partners simultaneously...  And sure, that is nasty and vile...

But why in the world would that affect you?  What in the world does that have to do with you?  If it upsets you that much, then break off the friendship.  That's what I would do.  Because I agree, I do not want to be friends with an STD-spreader.  That's gross.  What if I use the sink after him?  I do not approve of people that have that much lack of self-respect.

You do not have to take it upon yourself personally to feel hurt.  If I know a guy that is a male slut, it is not going to actually *affect* me emotionally.  If I have a male acquaintance that is a slut, I simply mutter, "hhunh.  He's a slut."  And then I shrug and go on about my business.

I see that a lot of females feel that they are "hurt" if a guy is a slut.  But -- sigh.  I really do not see how this would "hurt" you if some random dude sleeps around.  The only way it could "hurt" you is if you are one of the dumb sluts that he slept with.

Here is what I especially don't get about this.  Why are so many females claiming they are "hurt" or offended by this?  How would the vague assumption of some random guy being promiscuous affect you in any way?  This is what I do not get about some females' substitution for logic.  What in the world does a stranger's promiscuity have to do with you?

Why in the world would you want to bring that mess into your onw life?  if some guy wants to be promiscuous, fine, let him.  let him deal with syphilis and gonorrhea and chlamydia.  let him deal with illegitimate births born to a pre-broken non-family.

Ohhhh...  It is because you are sleeping with him.  Let me guess -- you started sleeping with him before you actually got to know him as a person.

Look, here's the thing.  Guys cannot "hurt" any female in a casual relationship in terms of sex unless she lets him.  There is no way in this physical universe that a guy can "hurt" you unless you made a stupid careless move yourself.  Again, this is all self-evident.  I learned all this by simply watching other people.  I didn't have to make any of these mistakes myself; I pride myself on learning from others' mistakes.

Like if I am friends with a guy for a while, let us use this as an example.  We are good close friends, we hang out, we talk about life, we talk about love in the general cosmic sense, there is an emotional connection, as evidenced by the fact that we get along well and we are friends.  But we are most definitely not having sex.  This is a clearly-stated delineator of the relationship.  We are friends -- no more, no less.  Then let us suppose he reveals to me that in fact he is a "player," i.e., a slut.

I might feel a sense of disappointment.  I would shake my head and look at him pityingly, the way you would look at someone that disappointed their parole officer.  And I probably would end the friendship.  Because, ew gross, that's a pretty major life issue not to have in common.  Most importantly, since we never had sxx, I would not feel hurt.

Human beings are evolved creatures.  We are not lower animals.  Ergo, sxxx has enormous emotional implications, ramifications, all that stuff.  This is common sense.

Sigh.  All this is, is reinforcing and proving everything that I have been saying for years.  It is aggravating that so many people screw up their emotional health, not to mention they cause massive social ills, because they refuse to face this truth.  So many on this blue-and-green ball refuse to believe that humans are very emotionally attached to sex.  A few even vehemently try to insist that this is a liability.  Idiots, the lot of them.  Shaking my head like the aforementioned disappointed parole officer.