Saturday, August 30, 2008

Cultures Are Unrecognizable Now as Compared to 2000 Years Ago

Some cultures are COMPLETELY different nowadays compared to how they were back in their heyday, back during their respective golden age.  The ancient peoples would not recognize their own culture if they were transported through time to modern day.  Or more specifically, they would not recognize the people that now reside in the same geographic location.

There is a notion in sociology and history of the "collective consciousness," the soul of the people.  The culture has a sort of sentience, an awareness, a certain disposition and a way of looking at all aspects of life -- education, religion, sex, lifestyle, common occupations.

••Ancient Egyptians.

••Ancient Aztecs and Mayans.  Nowadays they promote a culture of Mariachi bands, Spanish senoritas dancing in fiery crimson dresses with fantastically flouncy skirts.  Don't get me wrong, I love all of it, it is so much fun.  In addition, many of them practice Catholicism nowadays in place of their old, native polytheistic belief systems.

But it is not *them.*  Luckily one of the Mexican restaurants where I live is paying homage to the old-school Mexican culture-- that of the native Indians.  Getting back to their roots.

••Ancient Rome.  They are much much better now than back then.  Back then they were vile thugs.  Bloodthirsty, sick, depraved creatures that derived their pleasure from the torturing of human beings.  They enslaved the ancient Greeks and absorbed (cough*stole*cough) all the Greeks' culture, from their gods to their Doric and Ionic columns.  They fed on dreck that was beyond disgusting, gruesome, as entertainment.

But now modern-day Italians are all romantic and sexy, a trend that has been in place for the last few hundred years or so. With their classical music, their sexy actors and futbol players, their reputations of being the world's greatest lovers.  And there's that whole Vatican City thing.

••Ancient Greece.  They are not really *worse off* now per se.  Just different.

••United States.  Obviously completely different.  Not sure if this is a fair comparison because the population is comprised of numerous different groups, which is caused by huge onslaughts of different cultures.  Whereas the above-mentioned places have not had significant amounts of immigrant influxes.

How can a collective population of souls just be suddenly violently derailed like that?  how can it be so impacted that the people are unrecognizable nowadays?

Hmmm...  The cultures of China and India, by contrast, have retained pretty much the same culture as what they had four thousand years ago.  There are technological advances and infrastructure, sure.  And they have developed majors of study in university that adeptly cover all modern branches of science.  But in terms of the culture -- the religious traditions, the food, the personal that can become the political, those introspective as well as social dynamics -- are still quite similar.  They still preserve the music and art, the dress, the rituals, the ceremonies.  Those are still practiced widely all over the place and much of the ancient tradition is retained.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

A sobering discussion on Asians vs. blacks

I have long known that Asians are more intelligent than blacks.  I have had good reason to believe that Asians are more intelligent than whites.  And yep, I have been witness to ample evidence that whites are more intelligent than blacks.

In all the advanced-track classes that I have always been enrolled in, it has always been the case that there were not nearly as many blacks in these advanced classes as would be "expected."  Expected how exactly? you might ask.  I am talking about a percentage representation of the population.

In N. and S. Carolina, roughly one-third of the student population of any given public school in any given grade is black.  Now let us go into more detail.  Look at the demographic make-up of advanced math courses, advanced English, and the A.G/A.S. studies.

A cross-section representative sample of advanced studies courses does not in any way mirror a cross-section of the general student population.  Notice that black students are conspicuously absent from advanced classes.  An advanced math classroom that has thirty students is a large enough sample size to be representative of an entire grade of [[[[how many stu???]]]]

It should hypothetically provide an accurate cross-section -- **IF** all the students are genuinely equal in innate intelligence and ability.  In an average advanced math class of approximately thirty students, I have seen usually only one black student.

This is true no matter which school we specifically look at, which grade we look at, or which geographic region we look at.

The depressing, unfortunate truth is that no matter how many social, political, sociopolitical [[balustrades, rafters, arch___]]] are enacted, this severe discrepancy has never been remedied.  No matter how much welfare, government cheese, Section 8 housing, or money for FILA shoes the welfare office has given them, it has never resolved the stark lack of black students excelling in school.

The situation is even more severe when we look at a college student population.
[[[[The number of black students sharply plummeted when I moved from high school to college.]]]

But to definitively quantify this phenomenon by way of IQ scores seems a bit... harsh, and [[[final, finalized like it has been set in concrete__]]]  [[[set in stone and written in blood]]

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Blacks and IQ- a tasteless truth

Now, we must address the darker side of these IQ studies, no pun intended.  (Sorry, too soon?)

During most of this time, I had contented myself with basking in the victorious glow of having science confirm what I already knew about Asians.  As far as I was concerned, let you whites and blacks duke it out amongst yourselves, re:  which one is the smarter and which one is the dimmer.  I dunno; Y'all figure it out.  But alas, this issue necessitates more thorough discussion.
I mean geez, sure <I> had given up on them, but only because they had given up on themselves.  After all, how can anyone expect another to worry about and fuss over them if they cannot be bothered to give a hoot about themselves?

This, however, was beyond depressing.  What these IQ studies were essentially saying is that we should give up on them because they quite literally do not possess the capability to improve or learn or grow.  The scientific conclusions reached by these IQ studies, and the implications thereof, are that the black race is hopeless. The black race is doomed, and their future is bleak. 

I felt like an evil, cruel, tyrannical Nazi just skimming the body text of the article.  I felt like a monster just letting my eyes linger for a few seconds on the page below the masthead.  Look, I'm a scientist.  I like to think that I can remain calm, cool-headed, and collected in the face of such upsetting news.  I can be rational and unbiased, and I can make sure my own emotional [[[tendencies]]]] inclinations do not cloud my receptivity.

Reviewing this, I think the reason that I reacted with such devastation is precisely the fact that I realized this <is> true.  A less capable __colleague might react with righteous indignation, anger, sputtering disbelief.  In short, they would react with denial.

But the IQ studies are comprehensive, organized, detailed.  They are, unfortunately, conclusive.