Thursday, June 30, 2005

Feminism And Democracy: Too Naïve

I am against feminism for all women all-across-the-board for the same reason that I am against democracy for all men all-across-the-board.  Feminism is too important to be left to the poor dirty huddled masses.

Both ideologies have the same fatal flaw, in that they are both incredibly naive.  They are both far too optimistic.  They both assume that the vast majority of their target audience are rational, logical beings.  They both assume that most people have fairly reasonable intelligence.  They both assume that people will think before they act.

Both theories assume that people will make well-informed decisions, both in their own personal lives as well as when making decisions on any issues that affect voting districts.  Both theories assume that people are smart enough to be safe, healthy, happy, and have good life management skills -- and that people do not engage in self-destructive behavior.

The theories assume that people will do all the necessary research before backing any political ideology.  Not to mention, they assume that voters will carefully review all policy-making history of a political office candidate before voting for any such political office candidate.  They assume that people will not vote for a candidate based on emotions and skin color, no matter how politically correct it is and how victorious it "feels."

The theories assume that people will not do impulsive, possibly dangerous things in the heat of passion.  They assume that people will not be ruled by their emotions.  They assume that women will not be ruled by hormonal or hysterical personality tendencies.  They assume that men will not be ruled by violent or angry character leanings.  They assume that people will not get drunk and attempt to shoot an ex-relationship partner in a fit of jealous rage.  They assume that people will not allow their own personal, private experiences to color their voting patterns when deciding on public policy regulations for an entire voting district.

There are problems when the general mass populace gets wind of a sweeping new social change.  The general population includes people of less-than-average-intelligence, i.e., the lower-IQ people whose thought processes do not always follow rational sequences of progression.  The truth is that people cannot always be trusted to arrive at logical conclusions similar to those that are more burdened with intelligence.

It pains me to say this because I have considered myself a lifelong old-school feminist.  But this is the unflinching truth.  Feminism, unfortunately, is far too lofty as well as burdensome a goal to be freely distributed to the entire population at large.

If feminism is unrealistic because it assumes that the entirety of the female population is capable of making good choices, then democracy is twice as bad.  Democracy is twice as bad because it assumes that the whole ENTIRE population is capable of making rational, good choices -- women AND men.

Both theories assume that the people are capable of interpreting public policy in a rational manner.

I have never believed that people are truly equal.  I only hailed the word "equality" in the royal sense.  As in, we are all equally human beings on this blue-and-green marble we call home.  Treat everyone with kindness, dignity, and respect.  Just because someone might work as a garbage collector or some other manual laborer is no excuse to treat them like garbage.  They are human beings who deserve respect.  They still deserve to be acknowledged as autonomous beings who have inherent god-given human rights.  That is what is meant if someone such as myself states that people are equal.

But as far as believing any lofty myths that all people are across-the-board equal in intelligence, talents, capabilities, skills, personalities -- absolutely not.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  People are nowhere near "equal" in the practical commodities sense that has applications in providing for oneself and in taking care of oneself.

Here are the following reasons for this.  Their interpretation of abstract concepts is rather skewed.

1)  For example, they hear the phrase "self-esteem" or hear advice to "have self-confidence."

What the proponents of this were probably hoping for is that females will have confidence.  Therefore, they would feel good about themselves, and would feel happy.  Therefore they would not feel a need to engage in self-destructive behavior such as promiscuity, drugs, alcoholism.  And also they would not let themselves be trapped in dangerous situations such as an abusive relationship, etc.  And they would instead make good choices such as staying in school, not getting an unwanted pregnancy, learn to support themselves.

Count that.  That is a lot of beats required to arrive at healthy right choices.  Unfortunately, the average foresight capacity (i.e., intelligence) of the female population at large is not so far-reaching.  As the Department of Health and Human Services has witnessed over the last thirty years, the above is hardly how the "self-esteem" social experiment played out.  The same is true of the male population.

2)  They hear feminism and they think, "Any bone-headed decision any woman makes is okay."

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Let Us Discuss This Joke Of Academia and Odd Grown-Up Complaints

We see this with best-selling books that are written by suburban middle-class white kids who evidently think of themselves as being soooo original and trailblazing and breathtaking because they rebelled against their parents.  They made the giant leap of bravery by rebelling against a solid support net, the suburban cul-de-sac white-picket-fence upbringing which their parents gave them, and which will always be there for them to catch them when they fall.  Examples:  Dan Brown, a lot of hollywood TV and movie writers, the best-selling authors as mentioned earlier.

To be totally fair, it's not solely the colleges.  Magazine editorials and internet editorials everywhere say similar things.

They claim that a really shtrrui retelling of a Shakespearean play that just butchers it -- is just as valid as the original masterpiece.  There was an episode of "Head Of The Class" where some "modern art" person completely skewered Hamlet up one orifice and out the other.

This is the same liberal bs that any modern crap is as legitimate and as good an another.

And the tearing down of historical figures.  Gw, mlk, all the founding fathers.

I came from
But I am not going to kid myself by "rebelling" against it.  I see and I know the wonderful opportunities my suburban middle-class upbringing has given me.  The advantages of an excellent school system, good communication abilities, a thorough understanding and appreciation for science.  I am talking about genuine science, not the weak PC fluff being circulated through the media that masquerades as science.

The college says to the student:  Be liberal, be more open minded.  -- It's okay everything that black people do; it is okay; it is excusable.  Try to be understanding and open-minded to what black people do; it is not their fault they are__

No one should blame black people for their lot in life.  It is all due to racism; it is all do other non-black people forcing oppression on blacks.  The college hammers this into the students' psyche.

this could lead into the dan bronw and his demolishing of religion, faith.  -- but do they offer anything in its place?  Not too terribly, no.
Dan Brown, who was probably educated in a "liberal, open-minded atmosphere that is welcoming to all types of thinking."

The college, in attempts of tryin to open the stu's mind says,,,,, question everything your parents taught you.  Any authority.  **Just don't question us.
Question any rules your parents gave you, including whom to date or when to date or how often to date.

Question how to express yourself.  Questions standards of vulgarity question standards of decency and decorum and good taste.  Question any self-respect or dignity your parents might have instilled in you.

Question any standards of drug addiction.  Hey, it's not drug addiction.  It's not a bad thing.  It is freeing your mind, it is freeing your inhibitions.

In this vein they ultimately get the student to question the validity of their whole culture and identity.
- their family identity, their family heritage.

The student gets to thinking that any deriving of cultural pride through their cultural identity or heritage is "evil."  The student is taught that having knowledge of their culture and indeed deriving any happiness from it is ""racist.""

This is that___ even though humans should learn more about their heritage, their origins, their family history.  People are naturally curious about their own race and culture.  Haven't you over-heard the phrase, "You can't know where you are going until you know where you are coming from?"

The liberal academia setting fumigated and is infuriated with the idea that people love their own culture and people naturally want to associate with people of their own ethnicity.

Saturday, June 25, 2005

The Negative Side Of Being Open-Minded

Liberals are pro-free speech?  Nope.

Recall they adamantly insist that anything happy and positive could not possibly be real art.  "You like sweet happy art?  You don't approve of real art!  That's not real art!!"  Like those sick, disgusting, nauseating, horrifying crap things in the NYC exhibit.  When Mayor Guiliani cut off city funding, they all shot back, "ohh you're a wimp!  You only want safe simple art!"

They lurrrvvve bragging about how much they enjoy depressing "art house" movies with miserable endings where everyone is just miserable.  They opine of mainstream movies, "cute, neat, packaged, formulaic with predictable happy endings."  They claim to understand the underlying profound meaning hidden therein.  This allows them to feel cultured and sophisticated.

The pseudo-intellectual, smarmy alterna-type has sprung from the same liberal spout.  "There is no such thing as a right or wrong answer."  "There is no such thing as a good or bad choice.  All choices are equally valid.  All choices have their own merit."  There is that ubiquitous, notorious word "equal."  They internalized those ideas, and unfortunately let this flow into their subconscious psyches.  This makes them feel very smart.

But what this translates into is => no conviction for anything.  So in other words, they find any sloppy, floppy, flaccid excuse not to make a commitment in a relationship.  I see them write this crap all the time, "ohh why do you have to put a label on it?  A label is a judgment."  Some crap like that.

They do not make any commitments, they do not make any promises.  They keep being wishy-washy, flaccid and frozen in indecision.  This ultimately means they are wimps, ultimately namby-pamby wusses.  And they seem satisfied with this hovering and hanging in the balance, in this dull dishwater gray area.

For all their profession of their love for irony -- they seem brickwall-obtuse to <sarcasm.>  Like the cow said in the animated movie "Home On the Range" earlier this year, "They don't have sarcasm where you grew up, do they?"  Exactly!  That is a perfect way of expressing it.

Middle-Class White Males Try To Be Badass As Best They Know How

The notion of wanting to be badass has taken an absolute permeating stronghold on their middle-class psyches.  Like in those "Animorph" books, how yeerks are described as wrapping around an intended victim's brain, slithering into the crevices and gulleys, the gyri and sulci.

There are no direct physical gladiator competitions like those duels back in the 1700s.  They whiled away their childhoods and adolescences in suburbia with two-car garages, lawn sprinklers,__

There are not a whole lot of opportunities to prove their manly worthiness in a philosophy class.  No heroic feats of derring-do are demanded from them in their everyday workaday lives while sipping Starbucks.

There are only a few careers (freelancing, whatever)/dispositions/degenerate-members-of-society that are one hundred percent accepted and welcomed as being badass.  The act of playing video games and fantasy roles about them does not make one a badass.  It seems a lot of people think that certain video games are badass and whatnot.  Uh, no, they are not.  For god's sakes, it's just a freakin video game.  Playing it does not make a single person badass.  What, you think that playing grand theft auto made you badass?  Uh, no.  All you are doing is sitting in front of a TV screen and clicking a couple of buttons on a rectangular piece of plastic, while gathering adipose tissue.

If your profession in real life were being a ninja, only then you would be badass.  Playing splinter cell does not make one badass.  Being a stealth-trained mercenary assassin in covert ops in real life is badass.  And even again, the so-called badass video games all use well-known occupations for their badass-factor.

Actors that act in movies about spies and shit, who are addled with the syndrome of "i am not a secret agent nor a member of the armed forces but i play one on tv" ... are not badass.  They are actors that are supplied with stunt doubles, controlled situations on movie sets and soundstages, safety harnesses and safety nets, and all the f/x you can eat.  The one and only actor that is intrinsically badass is Sam muthaf*kin Jackson, but you probably already knew that.  (I myself am employed in none of the above professions, nor am I sam jackson, so I know for a fact I am not badass.)

But they do not <want> to be emasculated.  [[[They want to prove their masculinity.]]]  For their own peace of mind of some sort, they want their manly mettle to be reinforced and validated.  And we know that women are catching up to them and challenging their masculinity -- but NOT in a way that they like.  A <questioning> challenge is not the same thing as validation.

We have already established that they do not encounter any affirmations of their manhood.  So where do they turn to, to prove their masculinity?  To venues of entertainment.  That's right.  They might not feel very manly sipping a tall four-buck frappe latte.  But what if they are sipping a tall four-buck latte while typing on their laptops about how much they luurrrvvve the video game in which they violently dismembered all the female characters?  Now THAT is badass!

Friday, June 24, 2005

Philosophy Of Middle-Class White Kids Trying To Be Badass

I can't believe so many people praise and laud mafia movies, oliver stone movies, ad ilk.  Glorifying and glamorizing criminals on the TV screen, in video games, on the projector screen.

I have noticed that it is usually the most boring white-bread mayonnaise middle-class white people that tend to clock to this.  Which most likely means they are fantasizing about this, pathetically wanting to live vicariously through fake made-up cardboard dolls.  They want so badly to want to believe this about themselves, to convince themselves that they too can rise above the powers that be.

Well then again, there are also quite a few poor lower-class black people that glorify street gangs and movies that celebrate street gangs. Dumbasses, the lot of them.  They have not truly thought at all about the consequences if someone were to commit any of these actions in real life.  I, on the other hand, have actually gone through a logic-based argument weighing the pros and cons......

Then I almost had to laugh as the realization hit me that they were all ...poseurs.  Fakes, the whole lot of them.  Ohh, they are trying to be badass by pretending they can stomach all this filth.  They are playing bravado machismo video games.

They are typing this from behind a desktop computer screen.  Trying to prove they are badass by typing into a little keyboard, and hiding behind a computer screen based on the type of movies they watch

They are sitting in their comfy, cushy little air-conditioned, blanketed in a soft, thick, plush fuzzy wall-to-wall carpet, fully furnished homes with indoor plumbing and running water and plenty of food.  Sabrina the Teenage Witch already foresaw this back in 1999.  The "irony-addicted jaded ____ jerks."

And laugh of all laughs, they truly seem to believe that they are badass!

"Oh yeah I'm so rebellious, oh yeah I looouuurrrrvveee playing disgusting gory video games, and you are just a brainwashed closed-minded wimp."

Laughable suburban white kid trying to tell people, "you are weak because you don't like sickening, nauseating stomach churning scenes of violence and gore..."

You have allowed the soul to be sucked out of you.  Your innards have been entirely cored out of you...  Until there is nothing left.  Nothing to hitch the meat to, metaphorically speaking.  Nothing to keep it alive and whole, integrated, and cohesive.

You have been hollowed out like you have been worked upon by a handy kitchen gadget.  Until there was just an empty shriveled, dried up hull remaining.
It is a condition that appears to inflict a great number of wannabe-badazz mcw kids.
They are all wannabe badazzes.  They all fancy themselves as indie film directors.  They all fantasize about the glamorous life of drugs or some crap.  This "badass" curiosity is analogous to-- like when hydrochloric acid gas slowly, lazily, languorously floats through the air, killing anything in its path.
Now, I am a suburban middle-class Asian gal meself.  I am the least badass person I know.  But at least I admit it.  I am not trying to fake-badass my way through a computer screen.

Saturday, June 18, 2005

Race and Class- More Media Myths Swallowed by the Public

I realize that a lot of the statements I will make in this essay might be taken as presumptuous or even inflammatory.  But please exercise patience as you read it, and please try to keep the hate mail to a minimum.

I do not know from whither in the world this notion originated that upper-class black men tend to marry white women.

Any and all conservative blacks in civic and political arenas are all married to other black people.  Middle- or upper-class black women are all married to black men, and middle- or upper-class black men are all married to black women.

These socially conservative (within reason) blacks come from a middle-class or higher background, therefore they know that other middle- and upper-class black people do exist.  These men don't need to hook up with a white woman to validate their existence, or to validate their self-worth, or to prove to the outside world that they are movin’ on up.

I am positive that the fact that some black men marry or "hook up" with white women is proof those selfsame blacks came from a very lower-class poverty, minimally-educated background.  This is not blind opinion; this is a fact that I have observed over and over again.

They never saw anything positive emerging from the black culture while they were growing up.  Therefore they are now trying to distance themselves from that negative culture that they were swarmed by growing up.  Emotionally, geographically, in their choice of personal relationships.

They think the fact that they have now acquired a white woman is a sign that they have made progress.  This white woman is a status symbol, which brings me to another point.  Lower-class black men see women as pieces of property, as objects to acquire, as a form of gainful advancement in the social strata.  Owning a white woman is a symbol of affluence and success.

Whereas if they merely stuck to owning a black woman, well ya see, that is just a black woman, someone from the old neighborhood.  They would feel as though they have not attained their desired stratum that would imply they are moving on up.  Why in the world would they stick to a lower-net-worth black woman when they could trade up and obtain a higher-net-worth white woman?

Oh of course there is a quality scale, an appraisal gradient, sure.  Women are after all, mere objects to own and acquire like equivalent-weight pieces of meat, and to toss out as soon as you can afford a prettier better model.  These poor black men saw poor black girls and women while they were growing up in their difficult childhoods in harsh environments.  That's what they saw back when they were ghetto poor and in the projects.  Therefore there is no way that keeping one of these is satisfactory now that they have made it into the big leagues.  Obtaining a white woman is now in their grasp, it is a realistic feasible purchase.

I am telling you, I seen it and I know from whence I speak.  The black males I have observed that pursue white females almost always come from a degenerate, basal background.

I have NEVER, but only NEVER, with the exception of NEVER, oh wait I’m mistaken so sorry I do recall NEVER seen a black-man/white-woman relationship where the black man is anything but ghetto hood poor living in the government housing projects.  He is always wearing those gigantic pants that hang halfway down to the ground, big ghetto Fubu athletic shoes, some kind of tee shirt (point being that it is never a nice button-down shirt with a collar).  And there is the ever-present du-rag.

And I have NEVER, but only NEVER, with the exception of NEVER, oh wait I’m mistaken so sorry I do recall NEVER seen a middle-class or upper-class white woman in a relationship with a black man.  Any time I have seen a white woman in a relationship with a black man, she comes from a severe-redneck-beyond-just-the-working-class-whites, trailer-park, trailer-trash, poor poverty-stricken background.  She and the black guy possibly have gotten knocked up, casual like they do.  Usually they are NOT married.  At the most they are in a semi-declared semi-committed relationship.

You going to try to tell me that black athletes and musicians, in short, *entertainers* -- that since they marry white women, that this proves that upper-class black men always hook up with white women?

Guffaw.  I'm not buying it.  If they were so damn upper-class, then they would have planned for their futures better and would have pursued careers that have better longevity.  They would have pursued careers that are not mere entertainment, inconsequential trivial crap such as that.  They would have pursued careers that actually require intelligence.  They would have pursued careers wherein they would not be forced to be sidelined in the case of some physical injury.

Not to mention, careers that don't have OD-ing, coking out, etc. as a major threat.  Be honest now.  These rappers and football players -- how many of them truly come from a middle-class or upper-class background?  Did their parents graduate from high school?  Were their parents married?  Since before they were born?  Were their parents full-time employed in respectable jobs?  Even some sort of skilled labor is better than food stamps or unemployment cheques.

Some people might try to pipe up with the example of Sammy Davis Jr.  Yes, I will concur that he was an incredibly classy man who yep, was married to a white woman.  Yeah, well he was also Jewish.  Any other black Jewish people you know of?  I didn't think so.

Middle-class black people, on the other hand, know for a fact that other middle-class black people exist.  They do not feel the desire to separate themselves from black people, because there is no need to do so.  They come from that background, so they know that black people can be positive and optimistic for the future.  They know that there is nothing there to be ashamed of, nothing from which they need to detach themselves.  They know that positive ideals as well as high expectations for the culture can and do emerge from the black community.

Black teachers, college professors, student advisers, doctors, lawyers, civic leaders -- the men all marry black women.  And the black women who are educated professionals in those same fields all marry black men.

They see positive messages, they have good influences, they see encouragement, they come from a culture that has appreciation for achievement.  They were raised with much higher standards of living.  They came from a background that placed a lot of worth on stable home life, and on sustained, monogamous, long-term personal romantic relationships, i.e., marriage.  They were expected to have better attitudes towards life.  They see much higher expectations from people towards the young generation that is growing up.  They see people finishing and graduating from high school, they see people realistically expecting to attend college and complete a degree in a reasonable amount of time.  They see educated people with respected, esteemed jobs.

They were surrounded by a culture that valued education, post-secondary education, accomplishment, and respectable careers.  They grow up knowing that there is something better than the negative stereotypes that are seen on the six o'clock news.  They grow up knowing that there is something far better than that for themselves.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Black People Are Good Musicians, However

....That mess about black people having the sexiest, most romantic music that always put people into an affectionate mood.  The media adamantly keeps trying to tell us that this R&B music is, like, smooth and rich and soulful and stuff.  Like that Barry White or whatever?  Ugghhh, cringe.  Excuse me for not being ((([whipped into] built up into))) a mad frenzy of desire___.  It's just not my preference.

However, remember how I always say that I don't believe absolute equality exists?  And that I don't believe in gushing endlessly about something that is plainly a falsehood?  And that this [[[simultaneously, equivalently]]] means I do believe in recognizing people for their natural strengths and talents?

I will readily admit that black people have the absolute best vocal ranges.  I am putting my personal biases aside.  Black recording artists, for the most part, wipe the floor with everyone else that struggles and scrunches to achieve a percentage of the objective talent that blacks possess.  Raw natural musical talent.  Potential.  That is something that cannot be learned.  That is something that cannot be trained.  A pupil has to already possess it, and it can then be harnessed and molded into something great. I am not allowing my personal tastes to affect something that is empirically, objectively a whole truth.

In full admission (come on, you know you were waiting for it), I do not necessarily think this is a [[[reliable, flawless]]] indicator of positive social change yet to come. Musicians are only entertainers.  This does not speak to civic leadership or improvements in education.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Why Black Men Are Not Desirable

Look, these are going to be some very honest confessions.  This is the unpleasant truth.

Several reasons why I do not desire black males.  I understand that this is not really the type of conversation topic that one discusses in the company of polite society.  That is a pitying shame.  This needs to be addressed openly and honestly.

Preface.  Nowadays, I am seeing that really pasty, ghost-white albino men are fully admitting to being pasty and unattractive.  This is good.  They are not being jerks with inflated self-esteem that think they are G-d's gift to women.  You know how women complain that some men are sexist jerks that think they are so hot, and they think that women should fall over themselves to get to the man and they treat women like crap?  These guys do not.  I like how these pasty men are being completely honest.  About how not all women might desire pale guys.

Well, if people are being honest in one direction, then people should have the guts to be honest in another direction.

Okay, so pale, pasty guys are aware that they might not be that desirable.  Now it's time for black guys to be as much aware, also.

•••Black males are violent, loud, rude, aggressive.  I have seen many, many times that they just barrel down a corridor.  When they jostle into someone (when, not if), they can hardly be bothered to say “excuse me.”  Abusive.  [[any race can, this does not mean---, they are abusive out in public, this also does not mean it is ok in private, but they exhibit this sort of beh, this simply makes it more obv. Blah blah bl]]]]]

They're just so... hostile.  Their general demeanor, their mannerisms are not courteous, are not polite or civilized.  A lot, and I do mean a lot, of them are mostly sarcastic aholes.  Not in a funny, cute, mildly flirtatious way.  Woe to you if you act in a way that expresses the honest fact that that was incredibly boorish.  Then they loom out like, “ohhhh your majesty, oh I'm soooo sorry that I offended your royal highness.”

They are exaggeratedly sarcastic to the point of being an ahole.  They think that just because they are expected to conduct themselves with dignity and manners, that that is somehow racist.

•••They are violent criminals.  Watch the six o’clock news.  Read the newspaper.  Peruse the US federal website -- study the crime statistics as broken down by race and sex.  I am not making this up, people.

There is a lot of criminal behavior rampant amongst the black male population, ages 17-45.  They are the most murderous beings in the country.  They rape with abandon; they abuse children; they murder children; they do horrifying unspeakable things to children; domestic violence against single mothers is the language they are most fluent in.  Hell, let’s be honest, the initial onset is much younger than that 17.  There are 13-year-old and fourteen-year-old black males in juvenile hall.  By the way, re:  some of them are in juvie only because some states refuse to prosecute them as criminals, as adults.

••• They are vulgar.
Have you ever actually listened to a group of them conversate?  Let me tell you something.

••• The big 6!cK thing.  That is beyond vile, filthy, vulgar, sickening.  Forget it.  I don’t even have the words.

•••I should go ahead and warn you, this next portion might be very offensive.  This might be construed as racism or seething hatred of black people. I really hope you approach this with no pre-held biases -- that of black people all just being sweet innocent pure angelic little victims of evil racism, or of media stereotypes or whatever.  Just clear your mind completely of the brainwashing the media subjects people to on a daily basis.  Read over it, and then comb through your memory for *facts.*

I simply find black males to be incredibly ugly.  Their features are far too coarse and unbalanced.

I told you that you might find this offensive.  I am talking about their facial and physical features.  Looking at the massive jawbone structure, how it juts out further than even the nose.  Looking at the shape of the nose, and how it is wide and flat, with very large, open, strangely upturned nostrils.

The way that many of them have gigantic nostrils that look permanently flared.  The wide, flat nose.  The excessively large and oddly-shaped lips which I simply find repulsive.  The lower half of the face sticks out much, much farther than the upper half.  This is not just a regular amount of maturation and development of the mandible, maxilla, and sphenoid bone that a person transitions when growing from childhood to adulthood.  This is a grossly exaggerated, distorted formation of the face.

A lot of people will probably have the response that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and that I am being unspeakably racist, shockingly judgmental.  Shrug.  Yes, beauty is indeed in the eye of the beholder.  You are absolutely correct on that account.  And this beholder is stating what she does and does not find beautiful.

The ideal male beauty--face is a combination, a perfect balance of masculine and feminine traits.

Sometimes hollywood opinion writers understand this.  But sometimes they are still stuck in a stage of praising "rugged good looks."  Errm, look at it a little more closely.  You will notice that the male celebrities that they praise for being good-looking are in fact not hyper-masculine.  There is an incredibly complex and delicate balance on the spectrum that spans from "masculine" at one extreme and "feminine" at the other extreme.

Asian male models and celebrities are quite pleasingly the ideal exemplar of this.

The overly-exaggerated masculine looks of blacks, therefore is not attractive.

*I heard some black women talking about a black guy that they found to be good-looking and how he had "nice dark skin color.”  ...Erm, well, okay.  That’s their preference, I suppose.  If that's what they want, great, have at it.  But personally, that very dark black skin is not my cup of tea.

•••••Possibly worse than that, is the plain fact that they act like criminals as well.  I am not just referencing the violent criminal tendencies.

I mean their general aggression, their mannerisms, the demeanor.  Little subtle modes of behavior that could very well be subconscious.  *If you look one of them in the eye, they interpret that as a threat.  They see that as a challenge to their dominance.  This is a behavior pattern most prevalent in the lower apes.  Amongst them, eye contact is a sign of aggression.

It is entirely possible that black guys are not voluntarily choosing to act this way.  However, that shoddy excuse does not make it any better.  They are grown-ups.  Do they not know how to conduct themselves in public?  Are they that empirically un-self-aware?  How does a person lack so much introspection that they do not realize how they act?

•••I have also noticed that---
They become very offended and violently insulted if you do not return the attention, the flirtation.  This is the major reason that I do not desire one in the least, possibly a larger weighting factor than the lower-primate resemblance.  They become overly aggressive when their “affections” are rebuked.  I have seen this demonstrated over and over.  They evidently think a woman should be obligated to act as thought she desires them...  Why exactly?  In a bid to make up for slavery or Jim Crow laws?

•••We hear how black men are in regards to education and employment.  At least the media allows some people to bring up this point (but only if racism is ultimately blamed).  Black males have no motivation to succeed whatsoever.  They have zero desire to make themselves better or to improve their lot in life.  This has been true of the vast majority of black men that I have seen.

Sigh.  Okay, I’m going to stop myself right there.  To be even more completely honest, I really do not trouble myself with whether they are successful.  That has hardly any bearing on my decision whatsoever.  The fact alone that they are extremely unattractive to me, and that coupled with the fact that they are exceedingly violent, is enough to turn me off of ever considering them as potential romantic partners, i.e., a spouse.
There have been a scant few____

Sunday, June 12, 2005

This Is Not "Racist"

I do not think it's fair or accurate to brand someone as "racist" just because they refuse to have sex with someone else.  It also is not correct, definition-wise.  Anyone that makes the claim this approach is "racist" is not magically an open-minded person, multicultural person.

I am not so desperate for love/romance/sex that I would seek this sort ___   When people say things like, "be more open-minded to dating/marriage outside of your own race," or "it's racist not to consider black people as potential marriage partners" --
This is what that sounds like to me.  To me it sounds like the person dating this is trying to justify their having secc with someone. 

This sort of intimate companionship should not be subject to the same Equal Opportunity scrutiny to which mega-corporations rightly should adhere.

This is not "racist."  For goodness' sake, it's not like I'm calling for a non-revolution back to the days of segregated schools.  It's not like I'm harkening for light -skinned people across the nation to resume lynching blacks.

This is not about political correctness.  This is not about ____.  This is about romance and intimacy.  This is about who a person feels most comfortable with.  This is about exercising wisdom when choosing the person with whom you want to spend the rest of your life.

This belief is not "racism."  This is not job discrimination.  No one is denying anyone a human right.  A person does have the right to earn a livelihood and support themselves with honest work.  A human being has the genuine right to work and support oneself.  A human being has the right to be safe from abuse and violence.  A person has the right not to be inflicted with violence, torture, rpp, etc.

But not the right to marry whomever one wants.  Romance choosiness is not a violation of civil rights.  This is not an infringement upon the Bill of Rights.  Dating is not mentioned in the Declaration of Independence, nor rights guaranteeing life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  Dating is not a right.  No humanitarian or moral code on the planet impels interracial sex.  No one owes anyone a date.  No one owes anyone romance or sexual desire.  Just because I do not wish to court a black guy does not mean I somehow endorse slavery.

I have no obligation to court or marry a black person, whether to repent for slavery or some other asinine irrelevant reason.  Any one of the prior reasons is enough to disqualify them from the running.  Even if I were white and the media were trying to shove some notion of “white guilt” down my throat, I STILL would not have a trace of obligation to date a black person.  Neither do any of you white folks, FYI.

They truly do not register a blip on my romantic sensors whatsoever.  I regard them much as I would regard a child, almost.  A hostile, high-strung, physically imposing child.

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Black Men Not As Desirable As Media Says

A little subject I feel merits some in-depth discussion here.

I am noticing a strange little trend.  For some reason, the media seems convinced that all women secretly crave sexual advances from black males.  As a woman, I would appreciate it if the media would quit trying to tell me this.  They have gotten very aggressive with this odd social campaign recently.  I remember back before the days of the Ricki Lake show, yep, in the early 1990s, this was unheard of.

It gradually morphed into a few billboards here and there that were truthfully not sexual at all; they were very subtle and simply portrayed friendships.  But nowadays it has infested advertisements, movie clips, TV shows, etc. all over the place where a white woman is seen cheating on her husband with a black guy.  They are implying that the white guy is not able to, er, “satisfy” the woman, so she flings with a black guy.  Or a white teenage girl is sneaking out at night against her parents’ rules to have sex with a black guy because he’s so irresistible.  Or out of the corner of her eye, a non-black woman is stealing glances at a black guy.

I hope this is just some typical media hype and rubbish, like where they take a teeny facet that someone saw once, and then sensationalize it.

I am truly, honestly getting the impression that any white girls making this declaration are most likely suffering from "white guilt."  This is because blacks are the most disenfranchised group in this society.  So the white girls are claiming to offer up their goods in a proffer to repent for past transgressions against long-dead African Americans.  So this is what "white guilt" means.  They think that this is a peace offering.  This is a bid for political correctness.

White girls that claim to have the hots for black males probably underwent the following thinking process.  "I am going to force myself to be polite and friendly towards blacks.  Even though I have no desire whatsoever to get to know them on any intimate emotional level.  However, my true attitude is not socially acceptable. So I will pretend to want to be close friends with them.  There ya go -- I am overcoming racism and prejudice by going out of my way to become friends with blacks.  As a matter of fact, not only that, but we are going so far as to claim to desire them romantically.  How's that for accepting tolerance and diversity and reaching out to those less fortunate?!"

Black people are the most abused, violated, victimized group in this society.  This has historically always been the case.  It is still true nowadays, what with dropping out of high school, teenage pregnancies, poverty, massive rampant violent crime, social ills rampant throughout neighborhoods that are predominantly black.

The white girls probably know deep down inside that they do not truthfully desire black men.  They are fully aware of the fact that they do not find black men the least bit attractive.  Look, I am an Indian South-Asian woman.  My skin is way closer in color to black people, than any white girl's skin color is to black people.  I admit that I have no romantic interest in blacks.  Ergo, I find it incredibly difficult to believe that a pearly-skinned white girl would be genuinely interested in pursuing a black person.

They are trying to overcompensate for two reasons that form a double-whammy for why they feel obligated to reach out to black guys.  They probably feel like their true feelings are "racist."  When there is an unpleasant truth, people will overcompensate and force themselves to believe the opposite.  So in an effort to combat this guilt, they are trying to throw the black guys a bone.  They are trying to boost the black guys' self-esteem.  Kind of like how the kinder members of the popular group in high school will purposely make friends with an unpopular kid or a kid with Down's syndrome to help them feel better.

I simply do not find black males the least bit attractive whatsoever.  When we see dating surveys from time to time where women claim to find black guys attractive, I feel that this might be just political correctness manifesting in a sinister way.  This is simply another insidious embodiment of “white guilt.”  I have noticed that unfortunately, sometimes females in the media too easily fall prey to liberal gobbledygook the media tries to pimp out.  I get the distinct impression that here they are, saying, “ohh poor black people having to deal with slavery and racism, I will survey that I desire them, that’ll help them feel better about themselves and boost their self-esteem.”

I know that the accusations are going to start flying fast and furious that I am "racist."  Sigh.  This has nothing to do with political correctness or a misguided bid to repent for slavery or any such drivel.

This is about romance.  This is about whom a person is most comfortable with.  This is about having someone you can connect with and have shared interests, someone you can find common ground with and can talk to.  Back in high school, I already came to the stunning realization that for someone to want to date/marry within one's own race is not "racist."

You know, I can honestly say that I have met a scant few non-black women who come from healthy, emotionally stable, loving, two-parent homes who decide to date a black guy.  This too is possibly an artifact of living in the south in a medium-sized town.  I admire and respect them for not kowtowing to the liberal morass media.  At least they are being honest.  They have no compelling need to date outside their own race.

I do not understand this media nonsense that upper-class white girls desire black males.  I do not understand this media nonsense that, 1) supposedly there is someone available of a different race, 2) the white girl would not actively seek him out, 3) but the only reason she would not seek him out is that she is oppressed by the evil white male overlords in her family.

Indeed, the media tries to tell us that the only time any white person **does** have a problem with miscegenation, they absolutely must be from redneck trailer trash stock.  Supposedly they are inbred southern redneck hicks with massive genetic inbreeding problems and why would a black person ever lower themselves to reproduce with that anyway.  Uh-huh.  Okay.

Yeah, totally unlike the media darlings of enlightened, diverse-blooded, liberal people that have seen the error of the redneck ways and are far too open-minded to ever allow themselves to stoop so low as to actually date and marry within their own culture, and with people they actually have common ground with.  No sirree.

Very, very recently the media's methods seem rather akin to water-boarding and other forms of government-issued terrorism.  Like, “hey white girl, you better offer up your lady area to blacks as a sacrificial lamb.  This is a peace offering.  You owe it to the collective consciousness of black people.”

People on the internet point to pictures of black male celebrities as "evidence” that attractive black guys do exist.  Feh.  Not seeing it.  And let us be honest.  Vanishingly few black males in real life look anything like actors in movies.

Actually, let me be more honest than that with you.  In general, they are rather intimidating looking.  They are threatening looking.  I honestly, truly do not find black males the least bit attractive.

I wonder if the media’s claim might be based on the following.  It seems that some women find it a huge turn-on if a guy walks into a room and commands attention.  Recall all that sociobiology drivel the media tried to spit out at us a few years back.  The allegations were that due to evolution, women are attracted to men with stereotypical masculine traits.  Women are supposedly attracted to power and money.  They think it is hot if a guy exudes “powerfulness.”  Maybe they think the stereotypical black male is somehow an exaggeration of that.  A grossly (meaning corpulently large) distortion of that, inflated to grotesque proportions, which they think automatically means it is better.

Not me.  (They swoon or flutter breathlessly or some crap at the mention of a guy being CEO or earning a lot of money.)  I find that whole picture to be completely unappetizing.  A guy makes a lot of money and I'm supposed to find that appealing?  Disgusting.

The black males’ version of this is even less appetizing.  It is a parody of stereotypical masculinity, exaggerated to comically outlandish proportions.  Ridiculous, ludicrous, to where it seems like he is overcompensating for an inferiority complex.  And I’m supposed to feel magnetized?  Vomit.

Ghetto fags.  Sorry, I did warn you that this would be offensive.  But that is only because this is the truth.

But this dating-ness is an incredibly shallow approach.  How does the [[situation, errr...]]] of a white girl obtaining a black romance person actually <help> the black person?  How does a letting a black guy impregnate a trailer trash white girl help the black guy?

As a matter of fact, it does not help either one of them.  This is an incredibly derogatory, disgusting, and degrading tactic of promoting racial harmony.  This is yet again, still enforcing the vile, nasty abuse of treating women like sxx objects.  It is a false, grotesque parody of social activism for elevating the status of black people in society.

It would much better serve black people if those white girls did volunteer work in the black community.  Do tutoring in predominantly black high schools.  teach little kids___

It would much better serve black people if *black people* galvanized their family and friends, and decided to improve their lot in life.

As a matter of fact, many white girls (as well as boys and girls from many different races including blacks) already do a great amount of volunteer work.  Let’s stick with that.

Monday, June 6, 2005

A Reasonable Approach To "Science"

Let us discuss the methods of gathering information, the purpose of utilizing this information for human benefit, and what this reveals about humans.

I hv studied science lojg enogh to know its true purpose.

To find the actual truth,,, but itss not.  Sci is being corruoted aduoterated, conteminated by the ideology of ignorsnce nn wishful thinking. Not nkt wodful thinki exactly b

I realized a long time ago that the concept of "percentages" is often exploited to misrepresent data and to mislead readers.  Percentages can be twisted around and can be used to conceal the actual numbers.
- use ex of cougar attacks 400% more this year!! Makes ut sound much worse than it is.
-- and what is poss the most badfling,,, use of 'percentages' to twist and convulse and warp whatver infor they are claim to be reporting. ii find myseld kaufhing in incredility at the _[[ madness]
""""Only 15 perct of pp participated in voter registrration three years ago.
""" last year there was a forty percent increse in participation drom tbe prev yr.
""" ofvthese larticipators, twenty percent were black and anothger sevebty prect were white.
"" black voter rdgistrat increased by ,,, which is a thirtyfive percent incs compared to white voter rfgitsTrn increasse.
so whch oercent are they taklnh abtvthis time-- the first faction or the most recent faction? If youre really astute, youll notuce that the year counts ars off as well. At this poit i usually roll my eyes and stop paying attrnt, either bc the numbers are accurate but the article topic is ynimportant enough that the writer didi not boyher thselves wi the concern of clarity, or bc the topic is in fact important but the writer simply pulled rhe njmbers iut of their azz.

Most pp are horrt at. Ath. Nn they dont know how to dustinguish meanibhs btw smll but sigf distinct differences in verbage,/expression

- Ten times as pretty vs trn times prettier
- 400% incr vs 400% total

Statistics nn scientitifc [[[___realism?? nonon,, interpretation ]]]
--- that an idioi. single mother who got pregnant out of wedlock, proging that she is gtenrally irrsponsible, not too intelligent,
could smwh magically raise
- mosy liekly not exucated, most likely not employed in a rsspectable useful profession such as treacher or nurse,,, but het that sh could magically taise her kid into a good human being who hads all the intelli and common sense that she lacks. -that she xould instill in the child during uts formative years.
--- nn the gay argument also. -that it soemwho does nto amtter whether a child has both a mother and a father___ as long as the child has two parents__ At one point I tried to force my opinion inot this politically correct wooden box.
- as if the mother-father dynamic is smt arbitrary. __,,, which any substiute can ____ mimic,,, incl a lving, respctwble relationship ,-in a sustained, monogamous, long-term reltsp__ '"this is an 'artificsl social construct"
Or worse, they put forhthe notuon that this dymanic does not matter to the sustaining of a normal and healthy society ,; and that it is unilportant to exist in the first place.

--- that statistically ((( smt abt bl lw class parents raising a

I hb made anither discovery abt human cognitive processes.  This is a way of tying otgether consp their, insisting on looking for 'sci evid' whne commonsense will serve the purpose just fine.

--- pp will find any [[__ties that tying togeher randomly related loosely correlated phenomena__]]]] this is why dan brown's pontifications work.
(( here incl the,,, innone culture this flower means one thing. In anith cukti this heart shape means smt ekse.

it's time to chuck all that out the window, and just use common sense.
- insisting that there is no evidnce for washing hands nn genrl hygrine
- insisting that single parents can ___are capable of providing a loving healthy stbsme env in which a child can grow___,,, anf refusing to provide a child ww a stable household unless there is stroung sci evidence that proves that a child fsres better in a stable househild. - and sinsitigntbhat there is no diff whatsoever btw a married coulle n an unmatried cople.
- insisting that being prsicuous hS no negative effecs on a person's osyche wahtosever.