Sunday, November 18, 2001

Grow Up For Real

Re:  the waking up in a stranger's dorm room not knowing what happened the night before or with whom, the failed breathalyzer tests, the screwing around that is rampant and epidemic.  And these gullible, astonishingly stoopid young females are claiming that this is how they are trying to find their identity and this is them trying to grow up.  And they accuse anyone who has a problem with this morass of "not wanting them to grow up."

Oh, for Christ's sake.  Don't give me that crap.  Don't insult my intelligence with that crap.

Wrong.  I DO want you to grow up.  I want you to learn responsibility for your life.  Learn how to manage checking and savings accounts.  Get a college education, get a job.  Realize that you will have a future life beyond the here and now, and you need to prepare for it.  Learn to respect yourself.

I was in the college library and I was staring at the cover of "Ms." magazine.  Well, half that and half staring off into space.  And in a hale and blaze, I realized why all these silly little females were engaging in all that self-destructive behavior.  The binge drinking, drunkenness, the drug abuse, the tattoos, the piercings in very delicate sensitive personal private places.

As long as we're on the subject of tattoos.  What is up with all these "butt tattoos," which is what I have monikered them, popping up on young females that evidently want to draw the whole entire world's attention to the top of their butt cracks?  Do they think they are challenging society's pre-conceived notions of women... by getting tattoos in personal private places?

Because I'm seeing these popping up all over the place nowadays.  Not that I am actively looking for them; I will be just innocuously minding my own business perhaps browsing through a sale rack at a clothing boutique, and I will happen to glance to the right -- and there will inevitably be but a "butt tattoo" staring me in the face.  They are kind of hard not to notice -- the females call attention to these tattoos by wearing reeeeeeaaaaly low "show-your-butt" jeans in tandem with reeeeeaaally high short too-small shirts.  I have managed to keep my shocked shrieking to a minimal decibel level.

In one of my classes, this one girl who is not particularly svelte happened to sit in front of me a couple times.  And every time I looked up from my notebook to look at the Prof and the chalkboard at the front of the room, that damn thing will ambush my line of vision.  Good god, man, it's like getting lemon juice squirted in the eye every time I look up from my books.  I try to keep the outward expression of cringing down to a minimum.

Mercifully the weather is getting a little colder and I make an effort not to sit behind her, so I do not see it as often now.  But I feel sorry for her future classmates in the spring semester.  Actually to be honest, her male classmates probably enjoy it.  And let's be even more honest -- that was probably her aspiration -- to please males and gain their approval by sexually objectify herself.  Let me be brutally honest yet again -- I am surprised she's even in this class.

Back to seriousness.  So this is what you think construes grown-up behavior?  They are under the impression that this is how grown-ups behave.

They don't much care that their rebellion, as it were, is dangerous and possibly deadly.  Blood alcohol poisoning, fatal car crash, the risk of drunken rape.  Stranger than that is, they don't even realize that this is not grown-up behavior in the first place.  They think that this delinquent mess is the entirety of being grown-up.

An average human lifetime follows thusly:

Childhood -- Rebellious adolescence -- Boring responsible adult phase
Wild teenager types do not realize that a stage of psychosocial development exists beyond this point, which is their current stage.  They truly seem to be locked in a worldview that only two stages of life exist-- childhood and rebellion.  They have reached the later one, rebellion, so they think they have achieved adulthood.

This is all because they are not *truly* grown-up.  I have finally figured out why teenagers think that drinking, drugs, promiscuity, general stupid irresponsible rebellion that only harms them and has no other outcome.  (I remember seeing that stoopid ms magazine cover and suddenly sprung from this theory.)  They think that this constitutes adult behavior.  Teenagers rebel against their parents and challenge their parents' authority, rules, anc control over the teenagers' lives.  Whatever parents tell teenagers not to do, like sneaking out late at night, going to drunken parties, getting drunk,

They think that simply by dint of questioning some authority figure in their lives, this automatically makes them grown-up and mature.  They think that breaking the rules,

Never mind the fact that the rules exist for good reason.  Parents don’t set rules for their children just to ruin the kids' lives and prevent them from having any fun.  Parents set rules because they would like to avoid having to encounter their child bearing a toe tag and having to identify the body at the scene of a drunken car crash or at the morgue.

Never mind the fact that this behavior is self-destructive, dangerous, etc.  The teenagers are questioning authority, and they think that is all that is required for the honor of being considered grown-up and responsible.  They think this is the extent of expectations that constitutes being a grown-up.

And just totally cast out of your mind the fact that teenagers are not grown-up in the least.  They do not take care of their own finances or bills, they do not manage their own money, they do not cook their own food, they do not run their own households.  They would have no idea what to do if their parents ever agreed with the teenagers and truly let the teenagers "run their own lives," as is the usual insufferable request from said adolescents.

I finally figured out that this is the sort of thing that un-grown up teenagers think is mature and adult.  <They> think that it is grown up behavior.

They don't know that there is a world beyond their immediate gratification -- because they are too shortsighted to see this.  They do not seem to realize that binge drinking and letting complete strangers with electric needles near private anatomy parts -- are not skills that will serve them well in the future.  They are so shallow in their vision that they don't realize that frat hos chanting "chug-chug-chug" at a job interview probably won't get them that job.  I don't imagine there are a lot of banks that view shooting heroin as a good reference on a mortgage application.  The fact that they do not realize any of this -- proves that they are not grown-up.

They think that screwing around and destroying one's medical health are emblems of growing up.  They seem defiantly obtuse to the fact that this incredibly narrow worldview is in fact point-blank-evidence that they are not grown-up.

They think all this -- precisely because they are NOT grownup.  They are not truly intelligent, reasonable, or responsible.  They are not truly rational or logical.  This is the sort of behavior that non-grownups, adolescents, think is mature grown-up behavior.  Real adults know that in truth it is destructive, damaging, and irresponsible.

Real adults know that in truth it is destructive, damaging, and irresponsible.

Saturday, November 10, 2001

The Pervasive Epidemic Of Liberal Misogynists

I realize now that liberals are not any smarter___  This is especially regarding extremist liberals.

they are not any better at [[[somegn along the lines of, they are not any better at weighing the pros and cons of decisions to make.  not any better at analyzing___]]] [[[or not any better at analytical thinking___]]]]]  [[[not any better at critiquing]]]

It’s just one extreme -- traveled to the other extreme.  They simply went to the opposite end of the spectrum.  This is a particularly devastating realization that extreme libbs are every bit as misogynistic as extreme religious conservatives.

I was watching that ahole billmaher and I realized something, about him and all the other so-called self-proclaimed "liberals" he invites onto his show.  They do not give a flying rat's ass about women's rights.  They are simply promoting [[loose morals]]] women___  Same with that irritating "rolling stone" magazine.  "Rolling stone" is definitely considered liberal.  But they adamantly, vehemently promote loose morals, "free love," sex, drugs, and some rocknroll.  None of which is particularly beneficial to women.  Look at the sort of trash they feature in their magazine.  So-called spring breakers with its alcohol-fueled r--pes.  The interviews with er, musicians (paperwork terms only) with their commentary on how they view women and sex.

It is ludicrous that liberals [[call attention;; criticize religious fundamentalists for having outdated views about women.  They say that zealot fundamentalist religious types are backwards and oppressed in women's roles in society and women's place.

They say that zealots do not regard women as whole, healthy human beings.  They say that religious extremists do not see women as being equal to men.  Okay, fair enough.  But in the same breath, these same liberals say with a straight face that prrnn and prostit are okay.  They are not doing a great job hanging on to their credibility when they turn around and say strippers are somehow okay because of "free speech."

Are you kidding me??

Spouting empty platitudes-- about how the religious types are oppressing women.  You have to really dig deep to get at these liberals' underlying intentions.  Really get in there and inquire, dig and delve.  Get at the raw gummy squishy pink innards of their minds.  It is much like an archaeological digging expedition.  You have to shove aside a lot of sand and dirt, meaningless fluff to reveal the true motives.

Where exactly does this selfless, magnanimous generosity on the part of the liberals, originate?  This takes a lot of prodding and goading to get these so-called liberals to be honest.  Do not be content with their rote answers of, "oh relig types oppress women from being liberal."  That is obscure, [[[bland]]]], and basically meaningless.

Ask for specific answers.  You should be asking for the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

Here is another very important distinction.  Insist that they provide concrete examples of what exactly they are "liberating" women towards.

This all is a two-part question -- this topic of how exactly they claim to be helping women.  Not only should you investigate what they claim to rescue women from.  But also investigate, what exactly are they liberating women for so that women can go ahead and do???

They are simply treating women as sxxx objects.  Nothing else.  It is not any more profound than that.  They are reducing women to less than the sum of their parts.  Or rather, less than the separate assemblage of each of their parts.  They have made it quite clear that they could not care less about career or educational advancements for women.  They see women as just sex objects and nothing else.  They laugh about r--pes at concerts; they laugh about those aforementioned pseudo-musicians hanging out at prno houses or whatever the hell those are called.  It is plainly evident that they do not see women as having any purpose other than serving as pleasure toys for males.

They don't seem to show a whole lot of gusto in support of *actual* women's rights.  I am talking about things like education, career opportunities, women entering the fields of science and medicine.  I am talking about women being elected to seats in city council.

I detected a pervasive throwaway tone in which they discuss all the other important issues that women face in the world of today.  They should be talking about voting, they should be talking about breast cancer research.  They should be talking about stricter laws against domestic violence and r--, as well as stricter enforcement of said laws.

But any time an important topic such as those is mentioned, the commenters casually say, "yeah, yeah, great.  Now let's get back to seccal liberation."  They keep talking about sddd liberation.  That seems to be their main focus.  For some reason, they always steer the conversation back to promiscuity and promiscuity alone.  Even more sinister, they keep endorsing activities that traditionally have always been seen as degrading, demeaning to women.  This has become more and more apparent as billmahar's show has aged.

Yeah, right.  Prostitn??  Prrnrn?  This is somehow supposed to be a good thing?  What about risk of STDs?  What about risk of unwanted pregnancies?  What about just having high standards and morals for oneself?

What it truly is, is treating women like pieces of meat.  It is objectifying women.  It turns out that these "liberals" are exceedingly misogynistic.  These "liberals" are shockingly anti-feminist.

I also realized that the only reason “liberals” put up a pretense of being in favor of educating women is that they think this is the "price" they have to pay for having access to loose, commitment-free, strings-free sxxx.  This is the only reason they believe for truly uplifting women **at all.*  They are simply "putting up" with women being independent and intelligent and self-sufficient.  They are merely tolerating women being actually financially independent and women being [[[__able to take care of herself.__]]]

It is obvious that to them, the idea of women being ___ is so unpalatable, so (undesirable), that they expect to be able to____
They automatically assume that this should happen.  They think that this is somehow an equal exchange in the space-time continuum of the universe.

The skeleton is out of the bag.  They have betrayed their loyal, dedicated followers.  These "liberals" have profoundly disappointed people that thought that they were on the same side as they.  These liberals have violated trust, and instead left only shock and fury.  To put it bluntly, they have been lying all this time.  Deceptively, sneakily leading the public to believe that they were for the women's fight.

Remember that one part in “The Lion King” near the very end where Scar suddenly turns on the hyenas?  When it came right down to life or death, Scar suddenly screams that the hyenas were the true enemies and he was just an innocent little pawn.  But before this, the hyenas had been his loyal, dutiful, devoted subjects, hanging on his every word, eagerly collaborating with him in the belief that they were allies.  Now with this disclosure of his true priorities, the hyenas bare their shiny, gleaming teeth in disillusionment.  And then they murder him. (In case it’s too obtuse, I am one of the hyenas in this analogy, and the liberals are Scar.)

I thought we were comrades in this sociopolitical fight against injustice.  Liberals were supposed to be the good ones.  Isn’t that what they have been preaching all this time?  They were the ones that hailed positive social change.  They were the ones that enacted revolution of feminism and civil rights.  They were supposedly the ones that rallied against women being treated like seerrr objects.  I thought they were walking with us, hand in hand, in unity fighting together for a common good cause.  But then it turns out, no.  It is now obvious they having been stringing us minorities and women along in pretense of teamwork and camaraderie.  All this time, they were just putting up a façade.  And now their true nature is revealed.

These so-called "liberals" are the true hypocrites.