Thursday, November 30, 2000

Guiding Light Cartoons

Continuation of my childhood in the 1980s.  Apparently there was a huge marked difference between an elementary-school child's experience of the '80s, and experiences from what one would designate "young people."

This includes pop culture terminology, idioms, and phrases.  What the hell is a "yuppie?"  As near as I can figure, a "yuppie" is the following.  Baby Boomers were born in the mid-to-late 1940s to the very late 1950s, and they had to be young at some point, correct?  The term "yuppies" refers to young Baby Boomers that existed in the 1980s who were in their late twenties to very early thirties; you know, people who are movin' on up and getting their footing in their careers.  Yeah, I know the math doesn't quite add up, but whatever.  These "young people" apparently forged a shallow, empty non-culture type of life that had no meaning.  Teenagers perpetuated this with their mall things.  Meh, go figure.

I am also surprised to learn that apparently people back in the 1980s were all shallow, superficial selfish aholes.  Again, this was not my perception of the 1980s.

We had Saturday morning cartoons.  Do these even exist anymore?  The kids today are so deprived of guidance and morals and wonderful routines that establish a safe and trusting environment.

Winnie the Pooh!  Rainbow Brite, Punky Brewster, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.  I was Jem for Halloween way back in third grade as an eight-year-old.  I was a huge fan of Jem and the Misfits.  Jem was way more fun and interesting than Barbie.  We also had She-Ra and the Guardians of Greyskull, and She-Ra's cousin He-Man.

What do kids, especially girls, have nowadays?  Britney Spears and "grl fon wild" to emulate?  The poor dears.

There existed a wealth of good music from The '80s.  I am surprised to learn recently that the '80s had a lot of crappy music such as david lee roth, whitesnake, prince, centerfold angel, billy idol.  I cannot tolerate that big-hair metal little-talent bands nonsense.

This is because my parents only listened to the good stuff.  Crowded House, Tears For Fears, Simple Minds, Foreigner, just to name a few.  Man, Tears For Fears is still it.  I don't care how many Natalie Merchants or (I hate to admit it) Sarah McLachlans you give me, Tears For Fears still rules.

Kool And The Gang.  My absolute favorite song by them is "Cherish The Love."  I especially cherish the intro to that song, with the seagulls trilling in the distance.  I will forever associate this song with my childhood because of those beloved seagull chirps.  It weaves together the New England, the beaches, and the positive aspects of the 1980s.  (Hehe.)

I am also surprised to learn that some individuals associate Madonna with the 1980s.  Urm, nope.  Madonna is a washed-up lost old hag.  The '80s belonged to Cyndi Lauper and Pat Benatar.  I was the hugest Pat Benatar fan in elementary school.  Yes, I listened to Pat Benatar in elementary school.  My parents had some of her albums.  I did not put much stock into the actual lyrics if they were offensive or whatever.  I just liked how her music sounded.

Although I suppose it is good that nowadays there is actual pop culture music kids can listen to.  All that britney spears, backstreet boys, chrwsi aguilera , nsync stuff...  You have to admit, the music itself does seem remarkably kid-friendly.  Back in my day, there really wasn't' any pop-culturally [[[[radio hits,, stuff that was actually played on the radio meaning adults also listedne to it..]]]  That's why I had to listen to Pat Benatar and Cyndi Lauper.  Great music, sure, but not really geared towards little kids.

Wednesday, November 22, 2000

Shout-Out To Nurses

*** possible incl the thing about my discovery about nurses??  and tr level of education nnn training they really need????  not surre....

Yeah, they don't screw around with the nursing program.  None of that college algebra crap.  They have to have actual math.  And none of that intro pre-chemistry crap.  They have to have organic chemistry.
-- They have to have more pharmacology than I realized.  They have to take anatomy and physiology.

This was possibly the slap in the face I needed to show me that I was wrong about nurses.  They are not just silly simpering little female "assistants" to the male doctors.  They actually have to know some stuff.

I apologize for not taking nurses seriously enough.  I apologize for underestimating you.

Thursday, November 9, 2000

About "Partners" and "Single Mothers"

I am noticing a weird little trend in usage of vocabulary.

I notice that the vast majority of relationship advice articles and stuff say the word "partner" rather than actually defining the relationship.  This is the prevalent trend in women's mags, teenage girls' mags, celebrity mags, other crap.  They kind of mumble this "partner" nonsense because they "do not want to put a label on the relationship."

What the fruck?  Are you kidding me?  What the hell does the term "partner" even mean?  I remember being back in kindergarten and the teacher would tell us, "Find a partner to go out on the playground with you."

It is a term that a little kid uses to mean some light and fluffy playing partner.  It is nottt a term that a grown adult woman or man needs to use to indicate someone they are having sesss with.  There are already words that exist to denote a grown adult having sex with another grown adult.  Husband, wife, boyfriend, girlfriend.  A person you had sex with is not a "partner."  It's just some random person you had sex with.

Don't attach some useless misleading pseudo-label to it.  Just be honest about the nature of the non-existent relationship.  There is no relationship between the two people.  They are simply perfect strangers that happened to meet in a club bathroom and let their lack of inhibitions rule their behavior.  (No relation to that really fun TV show from the 1980s titled "Perfect Strangers" featuring one Bronson Pinchot.)

At least with complete sluts, they are being honest.  They know there is no relationship between the two sepp-people whatsoever to speak of.  They know that there is no relationship, no commitment, no meaning at all in their chance meeting.  What the hell are they?  Friends?  Business associates?  Family members?  Rolling stone fan club members in arms?  Nope.  There is no substance or quality to their physical intimacy.  They did not bother creating an emotional bond upon which to

In my opinion, if they are going to do that, they should just do it once with any given person and then move on.  Rather than keeping this person off as emergency "partner" contact and rather than pretending there is any semblance of a relationship.  That would stave off the embarrassment, awkwardness, and humiliation that accompany such interactions.  All of this has been documented in those very reliable sources of this type of information, namely women's mags.

At least sluts admit that with one-night stands, club happenchances, and the ilk, the two participants will exchange body fluids and then will be on their merry ways.  They are not pretending the two people are "partners."  They can then go about their business and forget that they ever met each other.

This is chronicling the gradual erosion of any hint of a genuine relationship.

I realize now that they are quietly switching to this catch-all term "partner" so that hyper-sensitive <<liberals>> are not forced to face facts of their own self-destructive tendencies.
So they do not have to confront the fact that they have no stability, no security in their emotional relationships.

I guess liberals screech and scream if anyone dares makes a mention of the fact that a sexual relationship is usually supposed to have some modicum of commitment and emotional bond.

There is a similar sorry trend following on the coattails of the aforementioned.  I notice a weird little thing lately in all news reports about the economy and demographics.  And also in women's mag articles.

They lump all mothers who are ->currently the sole provider or "legal guardian" of their respective family into one big huge lump sum.  They use this general bank term to collectively address alllll mothers that are not currently in a state of active marriage right this second.  As if they are all exactly the same.

This is even though simple facts dictate that the phrase "single mother" does not describe all these groups accurately.  "Single mother" does nottt apply equally nor does it define___
When I hear the phrase "single mother," I think of a crackwhore baby-daddy situation, wherein both the female parent as well as the male parent are stupid, irresponsible crackwhores.

"Don't you dare call attention to the fact that they royally screwed up their lives.  And also started off their kid on the fast track to disappointment and failure.  Don't you dare call them 'unwed mothers.'"

"Don't you dare make a distinction between widows, divorced women, and promiscuous idiots that got pregnant because they couldn't keep it in their pants."

They are subconsciously trying to convince people that all these wildly divergent categories are part and parcel of the exact same thing.  By using this same general phrase repeatedly, the media are trying to hypnotize people into thinking there is no difference between these vastly___

I think they are hoping people will forget that each of these demographic categories have very little in common.  There is a canyon of difference between the future foresight, life planning, and decision-making processes of each of these

It all comes down to the fact that they are trying to make single unwed mothers, i.e., dumbazzes, more acceptable in mainstream culture and society.  Just like how in recent years, this new-school pseudo-feminism has been trying to force people into accepting sluttery as normal behavior.  I suppose this follows hot on the heels of that one.  Since they strained constipatedly trying to make that one acceptable and welcome in polite society, this is the next step.  It is the consequence of sluttery.  Or more accurately, it is the next gradual move down the downward spiral.

Saturday, November 4, 2000

On The Subject Of Race Stereotypes

All stereotypes exist for a reason.

All humor is based in truth.  Stereotypes are a type of humor; they work to diffuse aggravation and tension.
(((Very soon after this was when I realized that) all stereotypes are based on observable facts.  This is very depressing to arrive at this realization.

Unfortunately, all stereotypes are rooted in truth.  Similar to how all humor is rooted in truth, you know?  Stereotypes were probably drafted as a way to [[overcome, release]]]] aggravation.

Good lord, this was a devastating discovery to make.  That all stereotypes have had their foundations implanted within truth.  There are some pretty dark, sinister stereotypes, which I am sure most people know what I am talking about.  Such as those that state that black people have higher crime rates, are more violent, are more promiscuous, have more out-of-wedlock births, et cetera.

I can understand why so many people reject the accuracy of stereotypes.  Instinctively they are so very negative that they could not possibly be true.  However, there is some light at the end of the tunnel.  Looking into this subject a little more deeply, it turns out that not all stereotypes are "negative."

So many people want to call for the abolishment of ALLL stereotypes.  All across the board, no matter which stereotypes are in question.  But perhaps this is not necessary.

I have decided not to waste energy getting frustrated with stereotypes.  Look, stereotypes will always exist.  People will think whatever they want to think.  There is no point beating your sanity into the ground over other people’s perceptions.  At least I got one of the good ones!  There is the well-known stereotype that Asians are good at math.  Asians are excellent students, they strive for straight A’s, they strive for high SAT scores, they always study mathematics and science.

Asians are stereotypically more studious, more cerebral, more intelligent than the other racial categories.  Why on earth would I have a problem with the stereotype of the nerdy Asian who excels at math?  This is an excellent stereotype to be stuck with.  If there are going to be stereotypes, then this is one that I am glad to have ownership of.
They place education in very high regard on the scale of human priorities in life.
Hold [[[_notions, ideals of intellectual accomplishment, extracurricular activities___]]]] in high esteem...

We Asians like activities that broaden the horizons, that enrich one’s mind.  As well as enrich one’s worldview; that is, educational and cultural development.
People tend to look at me and automatically assume that I am intelligent.  I like that.  It saves me time.