I am not understanding why a lot of females say that tasks of cooking and cleaning are demeaning to women. Too many liberals seem to think the only reasons a woman would need to cook or clean -- is to service a man. They state that if a woman is single, career-minded and modern and strong, then she does not have to know how to feed herself. Oh but handing out sesual favors like candy is supposed to be empowering. What the eff? Can someone explain this to me?
Ah, excuse me? Why are you only concerned with what men think? Who cares how it benefits men? How about the fact that I am cooking and cleaning for *myself*?? *I* think it is important to maintain. So, what, you're saying that if a woman does not have a man to cook and clean for, that this somehow means she would not need to take care of *herself.* So I suppose this means you are perfectly fine with living in filth and sh-t, and eating McDonalds’ every day.
And this somehow makes you empowered? “I can’t cook or clean or otherwise take care of myself, therefore I’m a feminist!” I see little write-in, blurbs about like, "woke up hung over and ate potato chips w ketchup for breakfast." But hey at least she has a job! That’s great right?? That’s way better than those weak, submissive women that know how to take care of themselves in living their day to day lives, RIGHT????
You are basically saying that until you met a man or started dating or got married, that a woman would be okay with living in filth and shtt, and eating McDonalds every day.
Ohhh boy. There is just too much of... is this what people mean when they say "emotional baggage?" There is just way too much slop like that which is fed to pigs in their trough, that people assume is slogged through and piled on top of and burdened with. [[[lead into from the whole fallacy of females in wmns mags sayi how they are strong inds""" and not weak helpless submissive arm candy; And they are concentrating on their career right now and that is why they do not know how to cook food for themselves.
Hang on; you know how earlier I wrote that I understand not? That is not quite true, unfortunately. I do know of the background noise from whence this originates. Whenever a woman states that she can't cook or she hates to cook. I can tell you for a fact that they are secretly proud of this sorry fact. They are secretly cackling in gleeful pride. If you notice, they always declare this fact very smugly with a proud grin.
Here is the weird, nonsensical reasoning behind this. Cooking and cleaning has traditionally, all throughout the course of human events, been designated as "women's work." Their interpretation is that this must mean that cooking is automatically trivial; it must be less important to the survival of the human species. After all, women have been treated as second-rate citizens all throughout human history. Men must have taken residence of all the <important> jobs available in society. Such as plumbing, automotive work, construction work. Therefore whatever tasks were given to women, by default surely must have been the trivial crap left over.
So with all that ancient history in mind, these so-called strong modern women have decided that they must repel any cooking. They must act like two like-charges in an atom. Any time they encounter food that needs to be prepared before it can be consumed, they must repel it and run away, and they must proudly unabashedly declare their woeful lack of skills in feeding themselves. They declare that this weird factoid automatically means they are magically a strong independent modern woman.
I myself unfortunately temporarily fell prey to this skewed mentality -- until my Madre set me straight. I then came to my senses. I realized, wait a minute. Why would anyone be proud of not being able to have a very useful vital skill? If this is what "feminism" and "girl power" means, then maybe we as human beings need to enact a massive overhaul in what those terms mean.
Look at it this way. You have to learn a useful professional skill so that you can get a job and support yourself. You have to learn to manage your finances so that you don’t go broke. Pay attention to and monitor your medical health. So too do you have to equivalently be able to take care of yourself.
Cooking and cleaning-- demeaning? Ohhh so it’s empowering to be able to take care of oneself outside the home. But it is not empowering to be able to take care of oneself inside the home. Riiigghht, toohhhtally.
Fine, so she has a job, good. But there is no discernible reason that she has to neglect everything else.
I have been thinking about this brain-dead, skewed, illogical, and frankly disrespectful approach, regarding towards women’s work. I realize now that this is astonishingly degrading to women. This is frankly as bad as demeaning women as sex objects. I decided to re[[_vampp__]]] my worldview on many things. The biggest thing I have decided to massively shift my viewpoint of is women's roles in the family and society. I have decided that instead of continuing to degrade women's contributions, I should instead recognize them for the fact that they are woven into the fabric of society.
Yep, sure enough, men are the ones that decided that because cooking is women's work, this automatically means that it is cutesy superficial fluff. They decided that simply because it is women’s work, by default this must mean it is unimportant to civilization. And unfortunately too many women absorbed this narrow-minded, unenlightened way of thinking. Oh, so cooking is trivial, you ungrateful, unappreciative aholes?? Then good luck eating your raw chicken and munching on your raw wheat and grains with the skins and hulls and corn silk still on. Go get salmonella and massive amoebic dysentery. Go have fun chewing and masticating raw tree foliage, and continue to be stuck in your little caveman hole in the rock and continue to think that women's work is unimportant to the good of the community.
A long time ago, I'm talking on the order of third grade. Around that time the media was spewing its usual babble elegance that cleaning is demeaning to women.
And I realized that, waaait a minute, I *like* being clean. I like living in cleanliness. Even at that young age, I had the fortuitousness and strength of mind to dismiss these claims as being fictitious.
I did not know of these forthcoming particular turns of phrase, but I felt that it was cleansing. Simply put. Order is restored to the universe, chaos is reduced.
*like martha stewart back in the day, back in high school.