This goes for both conservatives as well as liberals. Extreme religious conservatives, as ludicrously displayed in the media, obviously hate sex. They think sex is wrong, dirty, evil, sinful, rotten, and that you'll go to hell for it. They don't even mention sex within a lawful marriage.
Why do liberals hate sex? When it is in a healthy, mutually beneficial relationship?
Don’t know if anyone noticed, but liberals' opinions of sex are astoundingly similar to that of conservatives.’ Liberals also think sex is something dirty, shameful that one should be ashamed of doing. They harbor a deep shame and resentment and self-hatred. They manifest this self-resentment in their attitudes toward sex.
Liberals only approve of sex if it is in an unhealthy, sneaking around, fling, uncommitted, emotionless, unattached situation. One-night stands, random drunken gropes in club bathrooms with strangers. Sure, they have a lot of sex, but they carry over and display their deep shameful attitude into the sex they’re having. They cringe and are incredibly embarrassed any time sex is mentioned within the context of marriage. They cannot stand the idea that people in a sustained, monogamous, long-term relationship are having sex.
They embody this [[shame]]] so much that they take a perverse pride in this self-torture. They roll around in its filth. They wallow in it and claim that sex is never something that a happy couple would enjoy who are one hundred percent committed to each other.
Liberals hate sex that takes place within a loving, affectionate, and importantly, committed arrangement. They cannot stand the idea that people in a sustained, monogamous, long-term relationship, preferably marriage, are having sex. They are embarrassed whenever a married person talks about sex. Look at all the comedians and the rag mags and the lad rags. They expect people to think that promiscuity is the be-all and the end-all of sexual “freedom.”
If anyone ever does get married, this is a requiem bell of sex.
According to most liberals, if a person is pro-marriage this must mean they hate sex. According to libs, a person could not possibly be pro-marriage and also enjoy sex. Liberals absolutely cannot stand talking about sex within the context of marriage. It is too uncool, it is too unsexy, it makes them feel too uncomfortable.
Liberals only approve of sex in damaged, unhealthy instances. A one-night stand. A casual booty call. A casual encounter in which the two people do not look each other in the eye. They do not acknowledge each other as fully-formed, flesh and blood human beings. They do not regard the other's presence as a person with thoughts and feelings.
Extremist liberals say that marriage demeans women. That family structure and values are demeaning and degrading to women. That having sex with the same man every night is backwards, unprogressive, blah blah blah. Holds females back, holds them down, oppresses them, keeps them from reaching their true potential or some sh’t. It traps them. It puts them in a cage, etc.
So many liberals are vehemently anti-marriage. I don't quite get why. Is this due to their own perceptions and experiences in life? Are most liberals incapable of sustaining long-term healthy relationships, preferably marriage?
Liberals are worse than conservatives. They say they like sex. But then they only have it with a flash-in-the-pan encounter, a person they will never see again.
They hate it so much that they can't bear to have it with the same person more than a few times. They are so ashamed of it that they cannot stand to look at the same person many more times. They distance themselves from sex emotionally, and they distance themselves from the sex partner. They perform it, but they are so filled with fear that they cannot reconcile the sex with the emotional perception of it.
They are distraught, absolutely horrified, at the notion of a husband and wife actually having sex with each other. It is a sort of perverse self-flagellation. They internalize the guilt and fear and shame that extreme conservative society instilled in them while growing up. It is really quite sad. Sex without emotion, sex without feelings.
Why do liberals hate sex? When it is in a healthy, mutually beneficial relationship?
Don’t know if anyone noticed, but liberals' opinions of sex are astoundingly similar to that of conservatives.’ Liberals also think sex is something dirty, shameful that one should be ashamed of doing. They harbor a deep shame and resentment and self-hatred. They manifest this self-resentment in their attitudes toward sex.
Liberals only approve of sex if it is in an unhealthy, sneaking around, fling, uncommitted, emotionless, unattached situation. One-night stands, random drunken gropes in club bathrooms with strangers. Sure, they have a lot of sex, but they carry over and display their deep shameful attitude into the sex they’re having. They cringe and are incredibly embarrassed any time sex is mentioned within the context of marriage. They cannot stand the idea that people in a sustained, monogamous, long-term relationship are having sex.
They embody this [[shame]]] so much that they take a perverse pride in this self-torture. They roll around in its filth. They wallow in it and claim that sex is never something that a happy couple would enjoy who are one hundred percent committed to each other.
Liberals hate sex that takes place within a loving, affectionate, and importantly, committed arrangement. They cannot stand the idea that people in a sustained, monogamous, long-term relationship, preferably marriage, are having sex. They are embarrassed whenever a married person talks about sex. Look at all the comedians and the rag mags and the lad rags. They expect people to think that promiscuity is the be-all and the end-all of sexual “freedom.”
If anyone ever does get married, this is a requiem bell of sex.
According to most liberals, if a person is pro-marriage this must mean they hate sex. According to libs, a person could not possibly be pro-marriage and also enjoy sex. Liberals absolutely cannot stand talking about sex within the context of marriage. It is too uncool, it is too unsexy, it makes them feel too uncomfortable.
Liberals only approve of sex in damaged, unhealthy instances. A one-night stand. A casual booty call. A casual encounter in which the two people do not look each other in the eye. They do not acknowledge each other as fully-formed, flesh and blood human beings. They do not regard the other's presence as a person with thoughts and feelings.
Extremist liberals say that marriage demeans women. That family structure and values are demeaning and degrading to women. That having sex with the same man every night is backwards, unprogressive, blah blah blah. Holds females back, holds them down, oppresses them, keeps them from reaching their true potential or some sh’t. It traps them. It puts them in a cage, etc.
So many liberals are vehemently anti-marriage. I don't quite get why. Is this due to their own perceptions and experiences in life? Are most liberals incapable of sustaining long-term healthy relationships, preferably marriage?
Liberals are worse than conservatives. They say they like sex. But then they only have it with a flash-in-the-pan encounter, a person they will never see again.
They hate it so much that they can't bear to have it with the same person more than a few times. They are so ashamed of it that they cannot stand to look at the same person many more times. They distance themselves from sex emotionally, and they distance themselves from the sex partner. They perform it, but they are so filled with fear that they cannot reconcile the sex with the emotional perception of it.
They are distraught, absolutely horrified, at the notion of a husband and wife actually having sex with each other. It is a sort of perverse self-flagellation. They internalize the guilt and fear and shame that extreme conservative society instilled in them while growing up. It is really quite sad. Sex without emotion, sex without feelings.