Saturday, March 20, 2004

Good. At Least One of Us Is

I am getting irritated with all the liberal accusations that people are "trying to play God" anytime they are in favor of the death penalty.  They pout and say in a whining babyish voice, "You're just trying to play God.  You meanie."

This is my response.  (Glance up at the sky for a brief moment, then look back down here at people on earth.)  "Well, somebody has to."

If it is pre-meditated cold-blooded murder, I have no problem with the death penalty being used.  Of course, then then they spew other inane aphorisms such as, "using the death penalty won't bring the victim back," and other such irrelevant drivel, but that is a topic for another time.  This post has been a long time coming, but it was most recently spurred on by a recent "Crossing Jordan" episode.  That's a pretty good show, but like all good liberals, Jordan is against the death penalty for a mass murderer.

Anytime a liberal pouts indignantly, "because I want mywaymywaymyway nownownow!!!"  Says self-righteously, "you're just trying to play God!!!  Boo boo you!!!"  Subsequently pouts and throws a temper tantrum.

So it's not okay for us to play god by allowing someone to die.

Oh, but what about when deciding whether to keep someone alive?  Expressly expend and use effort, resources, money, labor to keep someone alive.  Oh, you sure as hell are okay with us "playing god" then.

If someone is severely injured, in a trauma accident, their body is severely mauled and mangled.  Perhaps this is a sign from G-dash-D.  Who are we to question the universe's authority?  Who are we to keep this person alive when the universe would so clearly have us do its bidding?  Who are we to question circumstances the universe has so obviously bequeathed its request upon us?  When it is plainly evident that the universe has given us a sign?

We are mere mortals.  Who are we to decide who gets to live?  Perhaps the universe ((( the powers that be; the spirits beings that circulate, that navigate the universe; or the multiverse if your beliefs cleave in that direction)) has decreed that thy will be done.

This person's body is beyond repair, and we are but mere habiters of this one plane of existence.  Why should we have any say in who gets to live?  In who gets to live and breathe another day?  Who are we to declare that this mortal vessel gets to see another day in the present universe?

This person is comatose, unconscious.  Such as Terri Shiavo.  There is very little brain activity.  This person is on full life-support -- oxygen machine, nutrients vitamins minerals, an IV tube constantly feeding this person because it is not physically possible to sustain this person's earthly body in any other manner.  Who are we to keep this person living?  Perhaps the universe has already sent us signs aplenty -- that we should let this person go mercifully and peacefully, and then move on.

Let’s get one thing straight, you liberals who love smugly questioning authority, organized religion, and law enforcement:  Every one of us plays god.  All of us.

We are always playing god.  Every single time that we decide what life-saving technique to administer to patients.  When we decide what sort of treatment, whether holistic, traditional western medicine, even more traditional eastern medicine, chiropractor stuff, surgery, titanium pins being put in a person's bones to hold their bones properly aligned and in place, talisman crystals lined up in a row to focus and harmonize the energies of the spirits of the universe to call zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

When you decide to get your kids vaccinated or decide not to get them vaccinated.  When you decide to take your heart medication precipitously.  When you decide to take your insulin to keep your diabetes in check.  When you decide to start eating more healthily and exercising.  When you decide to start doing yoga to help your heart condition and stress levels.  When you administer medicine for a stomach ulcer.  When you decide to undergo gene therapy, radiation therapy, et cetera.

Sunday, March 14, 2004

More Words On The Related Subjects Of: Happiness Supposedly At Odds With Accomplishments; Pop Culture; And Authority Figures

More of this nonsense.

There was a movie called Gattaca a few years back.  It was about the evil future where they genetically enhance people so that said people do not grow up to become doofuses.  This is apparently "evil."  There was a guy in the movie who was born the old-fashioned way and so therefore lacked the genetic enhancement privilege.  (We the viewing audience were supposed to feel sorry for him, and I guess we were supposed to cheer for him when he got to sleep with Uma Thurman, apparently because he was such a sad sop that he deserved something good in his life.)

He wanted to be an astronaut or something, but he was not allowed to become an astronaut because he was in bad health, he was not tall enough, he was not missing enough loose skin flakes, his pee was the wrong color, etc.  (He didn't get to be an astronaut, so sleeping with Uma Thurman was his victory.  Or something like that, I don't know, I wasn't really paying attention.)

Erm, excuse me, but, tough cookies.  Most career paths that are actually worth anything, including being an astronaut, have some sort of necessary stipulations.  Number one, you must have the inherent skill, which will combine with your years of education and training to learn the job duties.

Number two, you must possess all of the secondary qualities that you might not immediately associate in your mind with the particular career, but when you think about it, you realize these are very realistic and reasonable expectations.

For example, to be a clinical lab technologist who might also have to draw people's blood, one must be very adept at many things.  You have to have a full range of scientific knowledge-- biochemistry background of human beings, biochemical basis of blood tests that are running, knowledge of how the testing instruments work, and the ability to troubleshoot the machines, among other skills.  That's all the obvious Part One.  Part Two-- you must have steady hands and good eyesight.  These secondary traits support the primary job requirements.

Friday, March 12, 2004

Credit Cards And Loans Grown-Up Complaints (So, More Spoiled Grown-Up Complaints)

From time to time I hear a sound similar to the buzzing of mosquitoes near your ear in summer.  Spoiled upper-middle-class or rich kids whine and cry, "waahhh!!  I have to pay the money back that I borrowed!  Wahhh!!  Why do I have to pay the money back for that impulse purchase of five hundred dollar shoes!!  Ohhh those credit card companies are so evil because they expect me to pay back the money that they lent me, which I consciously voluntarily used to make a whimsical purchase for myself!!!"

"Whaahh ,, it's not my fault I'm poor and can't afford those Nickelback concert tickets!!"  Really?  Nickelback?

"Wahhh!!!  I want a blackberry!!  Why shouldn't I have what I want??  It's so not fair that I can't afford to buy a blackberry and can't afford the monthly cell phone service bill that is much higher than a local landline bill!!"

**____I closed that credit card, and I haven't looked back.

I notice that a lot of the people protesting this tended to be all these spoiled lazy slacker middle-class white kids.  They were mad because they could not get a job.  They majored in crap majors in college, such as Philosophy of Art History.  Somehow they finagled some reasoning that blamed corporations for their own lack of employability.  They blamed corporations, the manufacturers, for the middle-class white kids' own lack of being able to buy stuff.

And then some people are complaining, "ohhh the credit card companies check your creditworthiness;" "how dare they do a search into your personal private business to see if you are worthy of borrowing their money?"

Well, why would they not check a prospective cardholder?  Why would a bank not check the financial background and spending habits of someone to whom it might potentially hand out a loan?  Why the hell should the credit card companies risk it?  Why should they risk lending out their money if there is a good chance they will not get it back?  You know that cynical but truthful joke of lending money to slacker friends that probably won't pay it back.  "Always borrow money from pessimists.  They don't expect to be paid the money back."

If you are truly so damn responsible and financially prudent with all of your affairs__ If you know how to handle   __ then guess what.  You would not need to borrow money in the first place.  You would have already envisioned that some day you might have an expense or two for which you should have planned ahead.  You would have already been enterprising enough to be prepared, and you would have already established a rainy-day fund for yourself.

intolerance impatience for people that complained that their jobs don't pay them enough; that Microsoft products were too damn expensive, that their jobs don't provide adequate healthcare; that their job provided no peace of mind, no [[[[sustainable longevity of long-lasting__]].

My counterargument to them is the following:  well, what the hell kind of crap-assed job do you have that does not provide job security, in a field that is not a useful endeavor that contributes to the progress and improvement of society as a whole?  What kind of a job do you have that does not have a good deal to provide affordable access to Microsoft software products?
they also tended to be violent and destructive.  they vandalized, they threw chairs through storefront windows.

Wednesday, March 10, 2004

Middle-Class White Girls, Try Being Genuinely Interesting Sometime; You Might Like It

They could be *actually* interesting, and go and learn about different cultures, travel the world, delve into their own family's heritage and investigate your family's history which is your own tapestry as well.

Go to international festivals.  Learn about different cultures.  You don't have to immerse yourself doing charity work, under the sweltering unforgiving sun toiling in the sands of some foreign land; hehe that's from Jane Eyre.  But at least learn about something beyond your own cushioned, cocooned front porch.

Middle-class whites act snooty around service workers as well as around people of minority races because they think this lends them an air of sophistication.  Middle-class white people act like this because they think this is how rich people act.  But in fact it is not how rich pp act at all.  Ultra sophisticated people who travel the world a lot, and this includes sophisticated white people, know that 2/3 of the world knows the sport we call "soccer" as football.  And what we call football, they call "American football."

But, no.  In an effort to prove that they are interesting and nonracist, they go and have s with a bunch of different dudes from different cultures.  I'm not kidding.

I see that a lot of middle-class white kids are content with simply calling themselves "white" and American and that’s it.  But I can't understand how they can just settle for that.  Acknowledging your American-ness is fine, I certainly admire the patriotism.  I am American, as well.  But that is hardly the whole story.  There is so much more to people's family than just that.  Your family is not just the dinky little small tonw you grew up in and the dinky small high school you graduated from.

Just calling yourself "white" is fine but is hardly conclusive.  There are many different subcategories of white.  Aren't you curious as to your detailed origins and genotype?  Don't you want to learn about your family's complete history and lineage?

Latvian, Irish, German, Scandinavian.  Perhaps a combination of the above, a mix-and-match patchwork.
tapestry___  research about

I know about my family's journey and ancestrage going back to about the twelve century.  I do not have a charted genealogy, no, but I do know my family's specific [[[_history,__,, chronology]]] of geographic movement, languages spoken, languages absorbed and [[[accepted as their own.]]  cultural traditions which they may have assimilated into their own family customs.

Certain universal truths that all humans practice around the world.  Certain family dynamic that transcends any differences in race, culture, ethnicity.  I think there is legitimately such a thing as a social norm.  It's not just a trivial matter of, "this is just how some people choose to live their lives, it is not because it is because of a moral compass, no it is simply a matter of personal preference and all other choices would have been equally valid, would have been perfectly healthy acceptable lifestyle choices."

takes an enormous amount of work and dedication,..  and it is fascinating.  growing your own food.  be truly, genuinely independent rather than simply aping the pop culture babble version of "independent" by engaging in needless self-destruction.  Some people think gardening is boring, but I don't abide by that opinion at all.  How can I, when I know what an enormous undertaking it is?

Do you know how much time effort it takes __  I have very close loved ones who are gardeners.  Before you even start to officially till the land and prepare it to support nutritionally critical plants, you have to check the soil conditions.  Are they optimal for supporting lush vegetation?  a gardener must add vital nutrients and minerals that nourish plants before the plants ever get to the stage of being a life force.

It might take a bit of luck, as in the weather... and that's about it regarding luck.  The vast majority of necessary traits are skill and talent.

I think farmers are fascinating.  I'm serious.  Farmers are people that don't even cross two whits in most of the populace's minds.
At Clemson University, there was one student who seemed a genuine, bonafide, country bumpkin *farmer.*  Not a low-grade redneck from the trailer park.  Certainly not a typical boring middle-class racist white girl roaming the suburbs aimlessly.

But a farmer, as in a girl who raises animals for food, feeds chickens, collects chicken eggs, raises cows and plumps and fattens them up so that said cows and chickens become sustenance for humans.  useful, economically important.
Sustainer of life and nourishment for her fellow human beings.  a girl who really knows [[[[darn it I am getting liek no isnpriation whatsoever.]]] cultivates food, really knows what food is philosophically, at the core.

I feel that they are harbingers of the emblems of feminism.  They are smart and interesting and they are making themselves useful to society.

Aren't you curious to find out about science?  I just don't comprehend at all the mindset that they don’t care to discover the universe and all its mysteries.  These mcw females are so boring that they want to remain boring and bored; they don't care about discovering the ways that the natural world works.

Atoms have certain properties and powers.  They have distinct effects on life and the universe at the fundamental level.  Then they join forces in the comingling of molecules to create a more important compound.  They work together to form a new force.  (Don't worry; this is a mellifluous, poetic way of describing it squarely for the sake of this essay.  When tutoring, I make sure I am much more straightforward and detailed.)

Tuesday, March 9, 2004

Middle-Class White Girls Are Either Boring, Or Disgusting

I hate to say it, but there is a lot of evidence that middle-class white girls are even more boring than middle-class white boys.

I thought for a time that most middle-class white kids are boring as hell.  They are bland, drab, potato salad types who hold lawn mower contests in their parents' backyards and major in English literature.

Then I realized that many of them seem to feel the same way about their own selves.  They too thought their own middle-class white culture to be sorely lacking in the enrichment department.

So how did they choose to mitigate these odd circumstances?  How did they decide the make themselves fascinating and dynamic?  Ummm...  They become "goth" or "punk" kids and get weird tattoos and piercings in private places.  They eschew their comfortable, charmed upbringings with all the privileges offered therein.  They rebuke the morals and values their parents instilled in them in their stable, two-parent homes.  They develop chemical dependencies.

Then I came to my senses and realized, wait a minute.  None of that is truly what one might call "interesting."  They have skipped right over the actually fascinating, interesting, respectful qualities that they could have embraced -- and instead dove right into disgusting territory.  It is a disgusting, self-destructive mess.

Sure, there is plenty of crap about them trying to prove themselves "badass," which mostly involves self-destructive delinquency.  But they don't know how to actually be intelligent or contributing anything positive and useful to society.  They don't know how to do anything interesting or fascinating unto themselves.  They are not intense or dynamic.

Go traveling, find out more about your own heritage and ancestral culture.  And even travel around the world__  gain firsthand [[expereince_ exposure to differen famiyl dynaimcs, see the divesrity,,,

When you travel and see different diverse cultures, you will see that many of the same universal tenets are reflected in them all.  Such as the nuclear family dynamic, and the fact that healthy whole societies are built upon the two-parent home.  And you will also observe that less healthy, less___ cultures often lack these pillars that are supposed to support humanity._]] expanding your worldview and being able to visualize the entire world because you have learned about many corners of it.

It will start to strengthen your convictions and your morals.  You will have a stronger sense of right and wrong.  This will give you the strength of mind not to fall for any Johnny-come-lately new psychology babble that tries to tell people that morals are outdated.  This is because you will see that certain universal truths about humanity transcend skin color, climate, geography, genre of music, style of dress, cuisine.  At least they do among the civilized societies of the world.

As for "deviance" being only what a culture labels as unacceptable, that is oversimplification hogwash. Most civilized societies agree on many things. Criminal acts are seen as wrong and cruel in all civilized, gentrified societies.  I feel sorely sorry for those societies that do not think so. Apparently, those societies do not want to get better.

Start your own engineering firm and do something positive for society?  Yeah, right!  Graduate from college with a degree in biochemical engineering?  Guffaw!  Learn to cook healthy food for yourself rather than relying on McDonald's, thereby taking charge of your own health and well-being so that you can genuinely have body confidence?  Freakin entertaining!  Start working right out of high school and then in a few years open your own business?  Hilarious!

No, they do not want to be genuinely interesting.  This is because like most middle-class white kids, middle-class white girls are lazy and spoiled.  And see, the thing is, the above-mentioned methods of making one's life interesting take a lot of work.  Like I said, liberal middle-class white girls hate doing any kind of honest, legitimate work.  They refuse to put in the effort, refuse to make the necessary sacrifices to their clubbing and partying.

They can, however, have sex with other people who might be interesting!!

So they only way they can define their own interesting-ness is through being sexually deviant.  I.e., by defining themselves vicariously through others, through their sex partners.
The weirder and more numerous their sex partners are, they interpret this as making themselves interesting.

Rather than traveling and learning about different cultures yourself, be liberal and screw a bunch of dudes from different cultures!  Sure!  Multiple males of different races?  Sure!  A weird tattooed pierced freak, sure!  An alcoholic abusive social degenerate, sure!  Multiple males, sure!  Or the females define themselves through the amount of abuse they put themselves through-- drug/cigarette abuse, alcohol abuse.  That is interesting, right???  That is waaaayyy better than being a boring cookie-cutter virgin! (christina aguilera)

Be content with this negative method of defining yourself as interesting.  _skewed way of__as carving out your identity in this world.  Accept the pat on the head from liberals for being a good little liberal slut-slave.

End satire.  I got news for ya.  That is not being interesting.  That is being disgusting.

Do something groundbreaking that is genuinely positive and useful for society.

Get hired by Microsoft and become a supervisor or manager.  And not because you graduated with a degree in "Management," but because you completed a degree in computer engineering, worked at the company right out of college, and worked your way to management through skill, savvy, and hard work.

Design a solar panel that can be realistically implemented to power an average-size American home.

Monday, March 8, 2004

More Spoiled Grown-Up Complaints

I am sure we've all heard of the musical play "Rent," wherein a landlord is evil because he expects his tenants to pay their goddamn rent on time every month.

Elsewhere in real life, apartment complexes are evil because they evict people, with due process and giving ample time to amend their ways.  The apartment complexes' reasons for doing this are sound and logical -- they are giving people a place to live, and in exchange they expect to get paid by those people.

Said people are lazy, bad at budgeting, bad at managing money, bad at managing expenses, bad at taking care of themselves.  This is all even though they are grown-ups that are supposed to be able to take care of themselves. And somehow people observing this mess are supposed to side with the lazy slacker tenants who expect to be able to live somewhere for free.

This is an idiotic, spoiled, juvenile mentality that has not matured past the age of twelve apparently, judging by the slacker people's outrage at being expected to pay their way through life.

If you neglect to pay your gas, electricity, or water bills for a few months, the city will shut off these utilities.  That probably sucks, having your electricity and heating cut off, especially if that were in the dead of winter.  And having to shower in cold water is horrible.  (Whenever I visited Bangladesh, I would have to shower under the cold showerhead.  The country of Bangladesh does not have heated water in the plumbing system.  So people have to make do, either by showering in cold water or bring a pot of hot water with you into the shower.)

Yeah, that's harsh, but too frreakin bad.  That’s life.  Plan your budget better for next month.  Work a second job if you can't make ends meet with just the one job.  Don't eat out as often.  Buy groceries and cook at home.  Get a roommate if you have to.

That's life.  That's adult life.  There are necessities.  There are expenses that are a vital part of living.  These include medicine; food; monthly rent if one lives in an apartment, or mortgage if one has bought a house; utilities; gas bills.

I have read and heard the protests that none of these commodities are splurges; they are in fact quite basic -- and I agree with you.  None of these are really what one would consider luxuries.  These are basic things a person needs in order to live life in this first-world society.  You are right on that count.

Like I said, that's life.  I am tired of grown adults complaining, "ohh there are just so many expenses in the high cost of living, ohh woe is me, ohhh why should I have to pay for stuff.  ohh why should I have to spend my own hard-earned money on stuff that is just a base standard of living?  Stuff which is just the minimum necessary to survive at a reasonable health and decency?"

Yes, there are expenses to living that can get quite expensive.  Especially in this western first-world society.

That's why you go to college.  Major in something useful.  Get a freakin job.  So that you can freakin afford to live.  Learn to support yourself.
Let us discuss the oft-misunderstood and oft-misused subject of "rights."

[[emergency response]]
[[[[mentio emergency romm, emergency medical services.  Law enforcement,;; police force.  Yes, you do have a right to these absolute ___base safety and protection from preventable death__]]]]

You are not a child.  If you are a child, then yes, the world does have a responsibility to ensure that all your needs of survival are met.  Food, shelter, clothing, education, the right to be taught reading and writing and 'rithmetic.

To elaborate on these rights that children have-- nutritious food and not just junk food; weather-appropriate clothing such as warm coats in cold climates; safe shelter that is structurally sound and won't collapse, has adequate heating, has good plumbing, has reliable security from criminals.

These are rights that children have.  The world must provide these to a child without expecting the child to work for them, or pay for them, or earn them in any way.

Not to mention, general safety from harm.  Children absolutely have the right not to be molested or assaulted or murdered or worse.  These are all rights that a child has, which the world is obligated to provide to a child without expecting anything in return from the child.

However, you are an adult.  The world is not obligated to provide you with any of the comforts of living.  Not even necessities like food and heating.  If you want any of those things as an adult, you better pay for them yourself.

Now, the world does have an obligation to provide you with the absolute most basic general safety from bodily harm.  As in, the world has as obligation to refrain from molesting you, murdering you, raping you, mugging you, and/or in any way physically assaulting you.  The world does have an obligation not to let you die if it can reasonably safe your life.

Yes, you do have those basic rights of safety and a right to complete bodily autonomy.  And that's about it.  That is the extent of the obligation the world has to you.

Sunday, March 7, 2004

Philosophy Of Females Trying To Be Badass

Ohhhh, now I figured it out.  They think they are being badass.

You know how some females will try TOO hard to get males to like them.  They don't want to be seen as one of those irritating bitches that lecture males on respecting women.  (Which is pretty much who I am.)

So they will profess to not only supposedly being okay with and approving of sick depraved demeaning derogatory, disgusting degrading actions that specifically have the purpose of treating women like shit for no apparent reason.  But they are actually encouraging and inducing it.  Like, “hey, i'm cool.  i'm one of the guys.  i'm a bro.  don't sweat it.  i don't get offended and disgusted and about to vomit when I see women being treated like pieces of meat, reduced to less than the separate assortment assemblage of each of their body parts.”

Females who do this, I wish you would just be honest with yourselves.  You just want the guys to like you.  You just want to be accepted by the males.  We all know that there are millions of females out there, so you want to set yourself apart from the crowd.  You want males to take notice of you in any way possible.  Most women have respect for themselves and they are disgusted when men treat women like sh--, and rightfully so.  But you want to impress males.  You want to appear "unique."

The females being gross, loud, rude, offensive.   They think ‘oh I’m being so irreverent, renegade, trailblazing.’  They think they are saying, "I don't care what anyone thinks of me."

You are trying to impress males by supposedly projecting an image that you think makes you look "badass."  However, the only way you know how to appear "badass" and shock people's delicate sensitivities... is by acting like a wh---.  That’s the only way you know how to be a badass.  It is an easy call for attention.  It certainly causes them to sit up and take notice, because when it comes to sex, males are simple creatures.  They will go for the path of least resistance and go for the object that seems easiest and yielding.  And also you did the effort of trying to appear "badass" to impress them.  I know all this because I have witnessed females doing 3h:+ like this firsthand, albeit very minor subtle versions.  Then we finished sixth grade.

This is the kind of objectification that a disturbing number of females profess to being cool with and having fun about so that males will like them, and can feel more comfortable and friendly with them.  Goddamn.  They are festering, teeming, contagi-fying the airwaves.

“but, hey, no, i'm cool, i'm totally awesome wid it.  you males don't have to worry about offending or disgusting me.  as a matter of fact, I'm counting on the fact that you males openly like this stuff.  I totally like it because I don't want to appear uptight or stuck-up.  it's hilarious, it's cute, it's fun. bring it.  i'm aahiight.”

This is the exact reason that sarah silverman and other like females say and do the disgusting nasty things they do.  They profess to be totally mad about degrading, demeaning crap against women.  All those females that squealed, “oh i love eminem he’s so honest and real!! oh i love howard stern, he is not misogynist he is just calling people’s attention to hypocrisy and misogyny!!”  Tori Amos’s old interviews in rolling stone magazine.  That is another weird trait of their professing to love this trash.  They conjure up all sorts of convoluted, labyrinthine “logic” to try to justify their sycophantic rubbish.

They are implying, "hey I'm cool, I'm badass, hey I'm so cool that I'm shocking YOU and therefore nothing you will do can shock me.  You can be yourself around me, no need to be a gentleman.  No need to have any general manners or respect, you don't have to treat me like a lady.  I'm fun to be around."

"Hey it’s cool.  I’m aiight. I'm badass.  You don't have to worry about being gentlemanly or chivalrous or respectful towards me.  You can be yourself around me."

hdwrd strn
I remember in some movie, they were auctioning off women for charity.  you read that correctly.  so a guy noted, isn’t that disrespectful towards women?  and a woman responded, no it's okay because it's for charity.  in a magazine a few years ago, I read that some musician had pictures of naked chicks all over his guitar.  he was then embarrassed because he thought it would offend the interviewer woman.  then the woman said, "no it's totally cool, I was counting on something like that!"

Thursday, March 4, 2004

Spoiled Grown-Up Complaints

One of the idiotic asinine [[[trivial]] complaints from liberals is that minimum wage is not high enough.

Elsewhere they complain that maxi pads should not be taxed because they are medical necessity.

--but wait a min. ALL food is medical necessiy.  All medicines including diabetic supplirs, cancer meds, ___ -- I'm pretty sure these all fall under the umbra of medical necessity.
""oh oh would you like free rent too??  Howbot free beer?  How abit some free pot whe wyere at it??  Wld that be okay?"  I ask warmly and soothingly.  And then how about a free punch in your face and a free kick in your ass?

I saw some stupid commer on TV once where a middle aged couple had some "young people" in the back of their ssuv.  They looked way too young to be the young people's parents, as the youn people looked to be in their twenties.  The wife kept offering them hawaiian punch and hi-c, etc.  The young people readily took the items and did not express the least bit of gratitude.  The wife kept asking them if they were comf, if they needed anything else, etc.  Within two seconds I wanted to punch those yoiung people in the ungrateful face, and I wanted to scream at the couple, "Stop giving them shit, they don't deserve any of it!  Kick them out of the car for gods sakes."  It was obv that the youn people expected these handouts.  Then the comme revealed itself finally.  It was an ad for some SUV that wanted to show how much interior room it had.  the young people were just some backpackers "finding themselves" that the couple happened to pick up by the side of the road.

For gods sakes yu are angrwn up.  THe woerld does not owe you anything.