Saturday, April 30, 2005

Philosophy and Values & Bioethics- Summer 2005 Talking Points

So- the main things:
*Playing God
*Biochemical research is not really needed, it is just a matter of socialization and politics.
*Hygiene prevents a lot of disease.  Again, not biochemistry but socialization.
Open your eyes.  Really see everything that is happening all around you.

You see, simply by reading the news and watching the news, I already _have_ the solid foundation and support in philosophical ethics and values in the world of science.  See, I already _have_ the full credit for the three-credit-hour course that is "science and values."

I have been studying, keeping track of, and chronicling this stuff for at least the past ten years.  I already _have_ done all the critical thinking, all the lectures by studying sociology and life, and the long expository essays and trains of thought.

(1)  Liberals will hurl accusations around all over the place like cheap confetti.  Usually anytime they hear someone be in favor of the death penalty.  They will say, "Oh you are playing god because you want to put someone to death."

Well, what about abortion?  Is that not also ending a potential life?  I am not necessarily saying I am against abortion.  If someone wants to go through with it, that means they have their own personal reasons for needing to do it.  But one has to admit, that is most definitely playing god.

Or what about birth control?  It is a given and it is perfectly understood that that is not ending life, it is in fact preventing a life from ever forming.  That preventing a life from existing is very much an act of "playing god."  Now, I am not AT ALL saying that I am against birth control.  I am very much for it.  Some people simply should not reproduce.  However, it is foolhardy to observe it, to discuss it, and then to try your damndest to be ignorant of the fact that that is playing god in some aspect.

If it is not okay to play god by killing, then it is also not okay to play god by keeping people alive well past their expiration date.  Vital signs are dead, brain activity is nil.  How is the act of keeping this person alive not playing god?

(b)  Every time you drive a car.  With passengers or without.  Every airplane pilot.  Every doctor.  Every surgeon.  Every time a doctor diagnoses a medical condition in a patient.  Every time a doctor prescribes a course of action for that condition.

(c)  Isn’t stem cell research playing god?  Once again, I am not against it; I am all for it.  The more efficient and safer and effective, the better.  But at least I am honest and acknowledge the fact that doing stem cell research is in fact playing god.

(2)  All the supporting evidence I have gathered over the years that biochemical research is not really needed.

More chronicling biomedical research -- any necessity is really more honestly a matter of socialization and politics.
--We already HAVE all the research we need.  Everything hindering medical knowledge and administration is vastly a matter of politics and power.  NOT that of biomedical research.  NOT of the production capability of the planet.

E.g.  Why exactly are people starving on this planet, really?  Give me complete and honest reasons.  Is it because the world population is no longer sustainable?  Is it because we are plainly outgrowing the nutrition-producing capacity of farmland, fisheries, agriculture?

The world produces enough food to feed everyone on the planet.  However, the powers that be ensure that this food does not reach starving malnourished people who are in dire need of it.  It is a bargaining chip, it is used as leverage.  It is used as a cruel negotiating tool with third-world countries.
(b)  There is enough food produced on the planet to feed everyone.  To prevent anyone from being hungry.  To cure the pestilence of world hunger.  So why is this food not making its way to people who need it?  This is beyond infuriating.
This would be an example of infernal, demonic republican-conservative types purposely keeping the masses poor, huddled, starving, and in the dark.

E.g.  Why is malaria so widespread in the developing third-world countries?  Is it because there are presently non-existent solutions for protecting people from being exposed to the disease?  Is it because there is no barrier of some kind to protect people from the disease-carrying fomite (vector)?

No, it is because the stupid liberals have their incessant campaigning to care more about the birds and crocodiles, etc. than about the health and well-being of humans.  "Oh no help it's thinning the eggshells" or some nonsense like that.  But DDT spray works effectively in ridding an area of pests.  Including farmland.

They will push mosquito nets onto the population, which actually do work well in a few isolated cases, such as when a patient is sitting perfectly still.  However, this is not practical for regular use.  Mosquito nets work by providing a mechanical barrier that the mosquito insects literally cannot fly through.  Okay, that's fine for sleeping at night because you can string up a mosquito net to hang from the wall so that is surrounds your bed.  But what about people walking around from place to place during the daytime?  Are they supposed to wear a mosquito net the same way a beekeeper wears a beekeeping outfit?  If a mosquito net is worn like clothing, guess what.  A mosquito can simply sit on top of it and still be able to easily reach a person's skin.

(d)  Liberals saying "oh save the birds" or the "worms" or some crap.  Therefore we can't use DDT to spray for pests including mosquitoes.  And we are forbidden from eradicating a deadly disease using a powerful proven method of fighting malaria.

(e)  The reason Americans are fat.  It’s not because of genetics or some crap.  It’s because they eat all junk food all the time and they play their xbox and playstation killing ------ to get money back and they worship hollywood.  It’s because they don't frakkin know how to cook.
The Duke University has some sort of fat lab.  I forgot the official name for it, but it researches metabolism, fat digestion, nutrient efficiency of patients, blah blah blah.

They think that absolutely EVERYTHING that is healthy that requires cooking must taste like absolute crap.  It absolutely, no-holds-barred, no room for discussion, unequivocally, unanimously, no possible way no how, must taste and look like fungus, mycelia, moss, mildew, and forest shrubs.

They think that absolutely EVERYTHING that tastes good must be an artery-killer.  It must be greasy, fatty, lardy, oily, buttery, jiggly, gooey, lipemic.  The sheer degree of ignorance is astounding.  They simply have no idea how to cook healthy.  And they certainly have no idea how to cook healthy and have the food actually taste good.  These are not teenagers or kids I'm talking about here, these are grown-ass adults.  Geez, how stupid can people get?  There are tons and tons of adults, who are supposed to be able to take care of themselves and make reasonable logical decisions.  And they don’t know how to cook healthy?

Americans simply have not discovered spices yet, simple as that.  It’s like they have never even heard of the reason Chris Columbus sailed to the new world.  See?  It’s a matter of socialization and ignorance.  NOT a matter of scientific research being inadequate.

Also a major thing is more republican sinisterly behavior.  Look, I identify with conservatives, but a lot of stuff that republicans foist on the Americans public is truly diabolic.  Republicans are giving farmers subsidies NOT to produce food.

E.g., why are Americans fat, stupid, lazy, in the dark, helpless?  Is it because it is not feasible, economically impossible, to produce healthy fresh produce, vegetables, lean meats such as fish?  Is it because it is not realistic for farmers, etc. to produce healthy fresh food that would be realistically affordable price-wise even for people below the poverty line in the United States?

No.  It is because the republicans in power are doing everything possible to keep the masses poor, huddled, and in the dark.  Fat stupid, lazy, totally dependent on junk food and McDonalds corporations.  Farmers are paid subsidies NOT to produce food.

E.g., also in relation to that.  Why are Americans fat morbidly obese?  Is it because genetics have changed so radically and drastically over the past 50 years?  Really, are there that many new nuclear power plants sprung up like weeds all over the western hemisphere?

No.  It is a case of severe ignorance and stupidity.  Americans do not know anything about healthy foods, eating choices, lifestyles.  They have not discovered spices yet.  They do not know how to flavor food and make it fun without using gabs of butter and deep fried oil.  They don't know how to cook healthy.  They don't know how to grocery shop.  They don't know how to cook food.

(f) Diseases of poverty
The reason people in third world countries keep getting cholera and other gastroenteritis diseases.  Is it because there is a dearth of biomedical research leading the people to greet the dawning of a new era?

No, it is because these people do not possess knowledge of basic hygiene practices.  They do not know about environmental sanitation.
Most of the diseases of poverty are *easily preventable diseases.*  They do not result from horrific strains of bacteria or amoeba that are a scientific mystery and that silently wreak internal bleeding on people.  No, the causes of these diseases are quite understood, and the prevention of them is even better understood.  To people in the first world, at least.

People working in health care and who monitor these things readily acknowledge the fact that diseases of poverty are easily preventable conditions.  We hear reports from the Centers for Disease Control about world health reports.  There are always brutal effects and symptoms of those diseases, and they reach often-fatal ends.

People in third-world countries hardly ever use soap to wash their hands after visiting the bathroom.  They do not know how to shower properly.  Oh sure, when you bring this up they will screech and say "that is disgusting and offensive and racist."  And they will claim, "third-world countries people shower as often as you do."

But let us really break this down and analyze it, shall we?  What exactly do you mean when you use the word "shower?"  Take us through the process step-by-step.  Include every single last detail.  You will ask them this, and you will find out that, no, they do NOT shower in the same manner as western countries people.  They do not immerse their entire bodies in clean water.  Often they do not even use soap of any kind in the shower.  They might not shower and clean their private areas completely.  And here's the clincher -- a lot of people do not even take their clothes off when they shower.

Now, how the hell is anyone supposed to get clean if they don't even bother to take their clothes off for a shower?  They are unable to access their private parts in the shower.  They are unable to get in there in all the crooks and crevices and really clean.

(3)  How far do we go in the name of science?  I am not a fan of philip pulman, but he did make a good point.  And it is a viewpoint that I and a lot of other people already had harbored before reading this.  Conservative extremism is bad, and so is liberal extremism.  Religious fanaticism is not okay, and scientific fanaticism is not okay either.

Science research just for the sake of science?  Just to see if we could.  So-called progress.  Regardless of the consequences to humanity, to our souls, to our spirits?  Consequences be damned?

(b)  Like Jurassic Park.  Like all those articles and essays I wrote for the AHS 101 course.

(c)  e.g. human cloning -- bad.
There.  I just took care of a three-credit-hour course.  That costs probably three thousand dollars to enroll in at Clemson University.  Like I said, this is stuff that I have been deliberating over, pondering over, and reflecting over my whole entire life.  I got it covered.

Monday, April 4, 2005

The Purpose Of Religion

Science is woefully inadequate in addressing these [[__]]]] of our existence.
Science can tell you the *how,* but it cannot not tell you the *why.*

What religion does do:

What religion does NOT do:
I'm not going to tell my patient, "Okay well, so we lined up these spirit crystals in the proper deviation and supplicated to them, so I guess we can skip that round of chemo today."  No.  That is not the purpose of religion.  It is not a goddamn magic tricks worker.  The point of religion is personal spiritual growth.  Like what the person Buddha did in his own life.