Wednesday, August 16, 2006

In Defense Of Continental Africans' IQ

You did say "the intelligences that are important to succeed," correct?

You seem to bear thinking that in the western world, we operate by logical intelligence (derivatives) of success and (field-minding).  You like facts, right?  Well, we know for a fact that this is not true.

You are claiming that "abilities involving personality influences" are somehow less important.  Well, I'm sorry, but "to function in the western world" you HAVE to be able to play your cards right.  You have to be able to suck up to the bigwigs (heads).

You seem to be under the impression that somehow success in the western world is determined by actual ability/skill/intelligence and hard work.  We know for a fact that this is not true.  If it is, then how come actors and musicians, nothing but entertainers, have the most money, meet up the most easily w white house and government people, and have the most easy influenced impact on disease research in this society?  They are just entertainers.  Nothing else.  They are not partaking in true creativity, cultural, or depth.

How come grade school teachers of high school and junior high school, who in my opinion are the most overworked, underpaid, underrated, underappreciated, (give such a huge contribution to society), bravest souls around, make the absolute least amount of money?  Especially given the amount of time and dedication they have to put into their work (pay-to-work ratio)?

Maybe you're just mad because you are not skilled at playing/manipulating people.

Erm, it's cheating and manipulating that allow one to function in a "first-world globalized economy."  how else do you explain so many Americans being denied and cheated out of health insurance, a 76-year-old man still having to work full-time, and my friend being denied health coverage a few weeks after she &husband found out they were pregnant because it was a pre-existing condition?  Are these good skills that the health insurance companies are using?  Or are the insurance companies cheating and lying (dishonest) and their lobbyists paying off the congressional representatives to keep their costs down (their taxes at bay)?

Why are big ford chrysler companies ceos given a huge tax break to keep factories in US, but move to Mexico anyway and pay them a pittance?  if the companies are really losing money --which they are not-- why aren't we cutting out the fat from the fatcat ceo's paychecks?  Is this what you call a modern global economy?

Is it starting a useless, endless war wasting billions and billions of tax dollars in this country, and veritably turning what used to be one of the richest nations on earth into a third-world country?  Are you really stuck back in the 1950's in which people might have thought truth, justice, and the American way actually worked?

What I'm saying is that, if their intelligence only works in Africa, then good.  they are far better off there than in this land of depressing, sickening nazi types.

Don't bother telling me "if you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen."  I'd rather stay and put out the fire.