Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Abortion as a medical issue

Every time I read of someone being vehemently against abortion, I react with vitriol and loathing.  But admittedly, every time I read of someone that insists abortion is a good thing especially for a strong capable woman in charge of her own life, I also then react with vitriol and loathing.  This is possibly one of the very few sociopolitical issues that truly is complicated.

forcing a woman to go through a pregnancy against her will is cruel and unusual punishment.  Constitution of the United States, Amendment 8.  "no cruel and unusual punishments shall be remitted..."

if a patient should be made to sit through a reciting of all the possible complications that could arise from abortion.  Okay fair enough.  However, if this is the case, then the patient must also sit through a reciting of all the possible complications that could arise from pregnancy.  Fact:  [inlclude statistics from CDC] carrying a pregnancy to term is much more risky than having an abortion.  toxemia ___.

Anyone who thinks that pregnancy is NOT a potentially dangerous medicla condition that requiers extremem caution, medical care and attention, and close monitoring -- is lying to themselves.
[[[[[    CDC    ]]]]]  here is a list of physiologicla complications that WILL happen to a woman's body as a result of pregnancy.  Not "might happen," not "possibly happen," but WILL happen.

Here is a list of complications that MIGHT POSSIBLY happen to a woman's body as a result of pregnnacy.

as far as informing a woman of complications that could arise from having an abortion, I am all for it.  this is purely for medical reasons.  jsut like with any medical proceure, a patient has a right to know all the possible risks of having a proceudre done.  same as with heart surgery, colonoscopy, kidney transplant, bone marrow transplant, prescription for insulin, gene therapy, or any other medical procedure.
but informing a patient of risks involved CANNOT be done with the purpose of swaying the patient's opinion from one side of the sociopolitical pendulum to the other.

I am of the opinion that abortion may be vile, disgusting, and repulsive.  However, it is certain that it is even more vile, disgusting, and repulsive to force someone to carry a pregnancy to term if she does not want to.

Forcing a woman to go tbrough a pregnancy when she does not want to, is in itself a form of rape.  It is vile and disgusting to force a person to do something with her body that she does not want to.

and jsut as with any other medical proceudre, a patient has a right to privacy and doctor-patient confidentiality.  what the hell was the point of passing HIPAA laws if government officials, i.e., complete strangers, decide that they know better than the patient and her doctor what to do for the patient's health?

sicne we are so concerened with the supposed medical health of uteruses, I propose that we enact some additional public rulings that have to do wth the medical health of other internal organs of patients.

Should have to sit through an instrcutional video detailing the risks of smoking cigarettes. 

hard liquor.  SHould be given informational videos and pamphlets on the risks of drunk driving.  THey would also be given literature on the risks of cirrhosis, other liver diseases such as post-hepatic jaundice, and blood alcohol.
They would have to go through a twenty-four hour waiting period.  Then, if they really want that liquor, they can come back to the store and purchase it.

A customer that wants to purchase a Big Mac from McDonalds or a Double Whopper from Burger King should be given a waiting period of twenty-four hours and should be given informational pamphlets on the risks of heart disease, diabetes, and kidney failure.

A customer's buying habits should be monitored and officially recorded.  Many customers amass purchases of large amounts of candy, soft drinks, and other unhealthy food over a period of several days.  The next time the customer goes into a grocery store, he or she should have to refrain from buying any more junk food and should be given a 24-hour waiting period so that they can think about their health.

be honest now.  you just want to punish the woman for having sex.
some commentors in support of this will even come right out and say, "if she didn't want to have a baby, then she should not have had sex."  "Abortion is murder, and if you're irresponsible and you get pregnant that's your fault."  In response to an OP:  "Why is it okay to cut spending for Planned Parenthood, but NOT okay to cut tax breaks for big oil companies?"  post  "Well, we need oil. If people can't keep their legs together, it is their own dam [sic] fault."  in essence they are stating that a woman shoiuld be punished because she had sex and whatever birth control was used (if it was even used at all) did not work.

Well, as far as the philosophical aspect, to be honest I agree with conservativees -- it is about morals and self-respect.  look, as far as the opinions about calling a woman irresponsible, stupid, also (I apolgize in advance for my upcoming offensive remarks) slut, whore, dumb bitch -- I don't know that there is much that can be done to stop opinions.  if we are going to say that opinions such as these should be kept to oneself, then that would have to be all-inclusive of all personal opnions across the board.  all opnions that call 'em as they see 'em would have to be silenced.  including calling out philandering politicians, corrupt CEOs, corrupt politicians, and the ilk.  like in that everlast song that mentioned a pregnant girl that went to a clinic to seek help, "they call her a killer, they call her a sinner, they call her a whore." 

yeah, so?  what else would you call it?  everyone can have all your opinions, I'm fine with that.  I beleive in freedom of thought; you cannot censor opinions, and that includes conservaticve republican opnions.  and by the way, personally I do agree with those opnions.  I am also of the opnion that a person is an irrensonsilbe idioit if they had sex butr did not bother to use birth control.  I am also of the opnion that a person is an idiot if they have sex but do not want to deal with the possiblity that pregnancy could occur.  everyone has a right to judge all they want.  like I said, freedoim of thought includes the freedom to judge.

but this does NOT give anybody the right to legistlate that a woman should be forced to go trhough a pregnancy.  from the standpoint of a healthcare employee, from an ethical standpoint, I cannot force a woman to carry a pregnancy through to term if she does not want to.  morally and ethically I see that as being wrong.  many other healthcare workers agree with me.

you want to be offended by the fact that women have sex.  fine, whatever.  but your personal opinions, incuding things that you are offended by, cannot mandate governemental legislature or medical practice.

also, since we love making people sit thorugh lectures, I propose that we also do the follwing.  Anytime a customer goes to a restaurant and orders veal or lamb, and also any time a customer goes to a grocery store and purchases veal or lamb or any other animal product, we should make the customer sit thorugh an informational video that includes footage of the innocent happy little animal frolicking through lush green fields, minding its own business, occasionally stopping to graze on the silky green grass.  the customer should also have to sit through a video that documents the farmhouse slaughter mthods, the killing of the animal, the skinning, and the cutting up the meat for the butcher.

then the customer would have to wait twenty-four hours to think on it, and then would have to come back to the restrurant if they truly still want to order that menu item.

now, as most people will probably agree with me, forcing a customer to sit thorugh all that crap is idiotic.  it is also encroaching on their right to eat whatever the hell they want.  it is ludicrous, tedious, preachy, didactic, and a royal pain in the ass.

please do me a favor and don't bother preaching about castles in the sky as a so-called arguemtn against abortion.  do us all a favor and don't bother yakking eloquent on cotton-candy clouds of imagination.  "how many untold potential geniuses have been aborted?"  "how many world-class scientists have been aborted?"  "how many of those babies might have cured cancer?"  please just stop it.  all of the above is a mythological, non-existent ether.  it does not exist.  there is nothing out there.  they are not living, they never were living, they will not be living.  resorting to non-existent gods out of machines is simply not illogical.

I know America hates science and math from every possible angle, from extremist Christians that think that studying science is a sin, to liberals that believe in social promotion regardless of actual achievement and who think a structured learning environment is too constricting and limiting, and that we should not judge anyone based on how stupid they are, etc.

there are tons of things that licensed medical doctors, i.e., not the patient, have to take care of that is the patient's own damn fault.  a diseased lung, a diseased liver, diabetes and heart disease brought on by eating unhealthily, being lazy, and not taking care of oneself.  how is abortion any different?

"a human zygote *is* a full-fledged human, merely at a very early stage of his or her development"

Oh geez, blogger, you're going to try for that "age ain't nothin but a number" crap?

I believe that's the same argument that pedophiles use for molesting children.
"But age, like race, sex, sexual orientation, and a thousand other things, is just a characteristic of an individual."

No, age is not the same thing as race, sex, or sexual orientation. Those last three things are absolutes that do not change throughout an individual's lifetime.

Age, on the other hand, is by its very definition something that changes throughout an individual's lifetime. This includes age and developmental state of a fetus or that of an infant.

It denotes emotional maturity, ability for logic and reasoning, physical maturity, and sexual maturity. Just as it is not possible for a child to give consent to have sex with an adult, it is not possible to equate an undeveloped fetus with a fully-formed human being.