Can we be done already with the idea that men are good at logic and that women are good at communication? Neither is true. Their reciprocals are also most certainly not true, and most people know this. But it needs to be acknowledged that these oft-held assumptions are also definitively untrue. We must tear down these universally-consented-upon notions, for they are false.
Men are not logical. Now, women are not rational, reasonable beings; no argument there. Everyone knows this. But the evidence has spoken -- men are not logical/rational/reasonable/etc, either.
Men like to think that they deal only in facts, figures, and absolutes. Things that can be quantified, measured, things that have definite right and wrong answers. Men like to spout the notion that they are logical rational beings who only acknowledge concrete information. I don't mean that they think only in black and white. No, not at all. They think that they appreciate nuanced variables that can be solutions to a given problem.
What they do not know is that they are governed by emotions and hormones almost as tumultuous as those of any woman. Men experience hormonal cycles, which a lot of people do not know. It might not follow a month-long pattern the way women's hormones round. But men do experience hormone fluctuations that affect their ability for risk-assessment and their foresight.
This is why they approach business mergers and acquisitions with such frenzied gusto, too rashly and without that much forethought. And it is why these hasty decisions, whether concerning money transactions or going to war, often end in disaster.
Consider these queries. Where did the concept of religious zealotry come from? Who issued fatwas on people's heads? Who said that gays caused Hurricane Katrina and felt so strongly about it that they preached this on national television? Or at least preached this notion to mass meetings of people? If males were logical, then we would not have psychos flying airplanes into buildings. We would not have carbombers, we would not have airport shoe bombers, we would not have school shootings.
There would be no such thing as r--. If males were logical, then they would realize that, she said no, let it go, that's it, move on. If males were logical, then there would be no such thing as asking a woman out, then she said no thanks, then following the woman into a public bathroom and beating the s--- out of her.
From many men's accounts, men inflict onto other men far more damaging, abrasive abuse and harm than anything women inflict onto men. Including sexual terrorism. Women are not telling young boys, "oh you’re not getting any? You’re not a stud? What are you, a wimpy wussy sissy boy?"
Women are not the ones sending young boys, children really, into war zones to die for what is, in honesty and truth, absolutely no good reason. Read a dam' news article or two from the last thirty years. Women are not sending men into war zones to lose limbs or die. Other men are. Women are protesting wars.
Men are less safe drivers than women. Insurance companies are well-aware of this. This is why they charge higher premiums for male drivers than for female drivers.
Men are not any better at managing money than women are. Sure, women spend money they do not have on crap they do not need like designer clothes, name brand hair, nails, jewelry. Now, comedians and everyone else always joke about women's atrocious judgment with money handling. Which is all true -- women rack up credit card debt on crap like jewelry, hair salon stuff, designer couture name brand clothes, designer shoes, Botox.
But men also are horrendous at managing money. They rack up credit card debt on things like SUVs, Blu-ray players, DVD players, plasma flat-screen TVs, video game consoles, outdoor camping equipment, gambling, drinking. Men spend money on electronics, toys, gadgets, video game consoles -- and that includes grown-ass men.
You think that because males play creepy, misogynistic video games wherein they dismember women and then r-- the individual severed limbs, this indicates that they are logical? Not hardly.
Women need to *stop* trying to fill in the blanks that are not there... and actually start listening.
Men are not logical. Now, women are not rational, reasonable beings; no argument there. Everyone knows this. But the evidence has spoken -- men are not logical/rational/reasonable/etc, either.
Men like to think that they deal only in facts, figures, and absolutes. Things that can be quantified, measured, things that have definite right and wrong answers. Men like to spout the notion that they are logical rational beings who only acknowledge concrete information. I don't mean that they think only in black and white. No, not at all. They think that they appreciate nuanced variables that can be solutions to a given problem.
What they do not know is that they are governed by emotions and hormones almost as tumultuous as those of any woman. Men experience hormonal cycles, which a lot of people do not know. It might not follow a month-long pattern the way women's hormones round. But men do experience hormone fluctuations that affect their ability for risk-assessment and their foresight.
This is why they approach business mergers and acquisitions with such frenzied gusto, too rashly and without that much forethought. And it is why these hasty decisions, whether concerning money transactions or going to war, often end in disaster.
Consider these queries. Where did the concept of religious zealotry come from? Who issued fatwas on people's heads? Who said that gays caused Hurricane Katrina and felt so strongly about it that they preached this on national television? Or at least preached this notion to mass meetings of people? If males were logical, then we would not have psychos flying airplanes into buildings. We would not have carbombers, we would not have airport shoe bombers, we would not have school shootings.
There would be no such thing as r--. If males were logical, then they would realize that, she said no, let it go, that's it, move on. If males were logical, then there would be no such thing as asking a woman out, then she said no thanks, then following the woman into a public bathroom and beating the s--- out of her.
From many men's accounts, men inflict onto other men far more damaging, abrasive abuse and harm than anything women inflict onto men. Including sexual terrorism. Women are not telling young boys, "oh you’re not getting any? You’re not a stud? What are you, a wimpy wussy sissy boy?"
Women are not the ones sending young boys, children really, into war zones to die for what is, in honesty and truth, absolutely no good reason. Read a dam' news article or two from the last thirty years. Women are not sending men into war zones to lose limbs or die. Other men are. Women are protesting wars.
Men are less safe drivers than women. Insurance companies are well-aware of this. This is why they charge higher premiums for male drivers than for female drivers.
Men are not any better at managing money than women are. Sure, women spend money they do not have on crap they do not need like designer clothes, name brand hair, nails, jewelry. Now, comedians and everyone else always joke about women's atrocious judgment with money handling. Which is all true -- women rack up credit card debt on crap like jewelry, hair salon stuff, designer couture name brand clothes, designer shoes, Botox.
But men also are horrendous at managing money. They rack up credit card debt on things like SUVs, Blu-ray players, DVD players, plasma flat-screen TVs, video game consoles, outdoor camping equipment, gambling, drinking. Men spend money on electronics, toys, gadgets, video game consoles -- and that includes grown-ass men.
You think that because males play creepy, misogynistic video games wherein they dismember women and then r-- the individual severed limbs, this indicates that they are logical? Not hardly.
Men start foolhardy business schemes of opening a bar or starting a band without doing the market research of what kind of businesses do best in a given location. Or finding out how much work and money investment it takes to open a bar.
Men often claim that the only legitimate reason they have to communicate with others, especially with other men, is to exchange useful information. This sounds reasonable enough until you take a close look at what they define as "information." They often cite the fact that they keep astride of sports stats.
Hang on a minute. Oh what, you think that because men quote sports figures and statistics, this means they are logical? Why? Because they like sports? Guffaw. Your beloved "sports" are nothing more than grown men hitting rubber balls with sticks and running around a playing field. It is silly comical juvenile fantasy of batting balls around a court, perpetuated by peter pans that refuse to grow up. It is an overgrown, outdated relic of childhood that is ruefully, wistfully rehashed by people that are legally adults that are trying to relive boyhood fantasies.
But please have the balls to call it what it is -- entertainment. It is not logical, it is not practical, it is not realistic.
Fine with me. I like entertainment myself. But be honest about it. Either be actually logical, and give up the ghost in the shell, or admit to not being logical.
Now for the next phase. Women are horrible communicators. Men are certainly horrendous communicators, no argument there.
Men are bad communicators in that they refuse to communicate at all, and they never listen to what people say, even if the other person is saying stuff straightforwardly.
Women are bad communicators in that they dance around a subject, fudge about, beat around the bush, talk in circles, do anything and everything except come right out and say what they mean. I am well aware that in pop culture, in pop psychology, and in discussions with friends, the common knowledge that is shared and agreed upon by everyone, is that women are great at communication and men are terrible at communication. Females love to toot their own horn and declare that they are skilled communicators.
But the truth is, this is simply not the case. Think about it for a minute. Really rack through your brain and go back through your memory. Try to remember conversations you have had with a wife or girlfriend or female friend. Did she honestly and clearly come straight out and tell you what she was thinking?
Or did she try to tell you, "well why do I have to ask?"
Or, "why didn't you already know that?"
Or, "you should know me better than that. if you know me so well, why couldn't you tell how I was feeling?"
Or, "why don't you already know what I want for my birthday?" or "our anniversary?" or any major event or holiday.
I read some crap on the internet written by a female, "why can't men just come right out and say what they feel?"
Huh? Yeah, fekkin right. As if women are honest and straightforward and come right out and say what they feel. They don't even know themselves very well. They cannot easily identify, explain, or even name their own motivations.
They also refuse to listen to what someone else is straightforwardly saying. You see, being receptive to other people's communication is crucial to being a good communicator. Listening and truly paying attention to other people are paramount in any two-way conversation.
Men often claim that the only legitimate reason they have to communicate with others, especially with other men, is to exchange useful information. This sounds reasonable enough until you take a close look at what they define as "information." They often cite the fact that they keep astride of sports stats.
Hang on a minute. Oh what, you think that because men quote sports figures and statistics, this means they are logical? Why? Because they like sports? Guffaw. Your beloved "sports" are nothing more than grown men hitting rubber balls with sticks and running around a playing field. It is silly comical juvenile fantasy of batting balls around a court, perpetuated by peter pans that refuse to grow up. It is an overgrown, outdated relic of childhood that is ruefully, wistfully rehashed by people that are legally adults that are trying to relive boyhood fantasies.
There is nothing wrong with liking sports. Although you couldn't tell from my rant, I really do not think sports are a waste of time. Sports are fun; I love watching the Olympics myself.
It is common knowledge that women enjoy sports as much as men do. There might be a slight difference in population percentages, but any given woman sports fan will like sports as much as any given man sports fan. It is not confined to only one gender, not by a long shot.
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It is entertainment. It is laughable that anyone would think that exchanging meaningless drivel such as this has any profound meaning. It is laughable that a grown-up, who supposedly possesses critical thinking abilities, would opine that looking at sports stats has any characteristics whatsoever rooted in "logic."
Now, I personally luurrrve entertainment. I like movies, TV shows, music, etc. But I am not laboring under any false pretenses that this crap is "logic." I call it what it is -- entertainment.
Fine with me. I like entertainment myself. But be honest about it. Either be actually logical, and give up the ghost in the shell, or admit to not being logical.
Now for the next phase. Women are horrible communicators. Men are certainly horrendous communicators, no argument there.
Men are bad communicators in that they refuse to communicate at all, and they never listen to what people say, even if the other person is saying stuff straightforwardly.
Women are bad communicators in that they dance around a subject, fudge about, beat around the bush, talk in circles, do anything and everything except come right out and say what they mean. I am well aware that in pop culture, in pop psychology, and in discussions with friends, the common knowledge that is shared and agreed upon by everyone, is that women are great at communication and men are terrible at communication. Females love to toot their own horn and declare that they are skilled communicators.
But the truth is, this is simply not the case. Think about it for a minute. Really rack through your brain and go back through your memory. Try to remember conversations you have had with a wife or girlfriend or female friend. Did she honestly and clearly come straight out and tell you what she was thinking?
Or did she try to tell you, "well why do I have to ask?"
Or, "why didn't you already know that?"
Or, "you should know me better than that. if you know me so well, why couldn't you tell how I was feeling?"
Or, "why don't you already know what I want for my birthday?" or "our anniversary?" or any major event or holiday.
I read some crap on the internet written by a female, "why can't men just come right out and say what they feel?"
Huh? Yeah, fekkin right. As if women are honest and straightforward and come right out and say what they feel. They don't even know themselves very well. They cannot easily identify, explain, or even name their own motivations.
"Why can't he just come right out and talk about his feelings?"
Yeah, right. "Just come right out," as in simply and easily come right out. Oh yeah, sure, because that's just like SUCH an easy thing to do and women are SO good at expressing their thoughts and/or feelings.
Are you truly one hundred percent aware of your own feelings?
right. That is laughable and a bit sad that you are so hell-bent on
getting this person to be in tune with his feelings -- when the whole
truth is that YOU are not aware of or in tune with YOUR feelings. Do
you know the difference between love and lust (physical sexual
attraction)? Do you know the difference between love and infatuation?
is a decision. It is something that must be handled delicately and
carefully. Otherwise we have the pandemic of _any_ sort of feeling,
whether physical or psychosomatic, being mistaken for love. It might be
fascination, it might be infatuation, it might be a craving for
attention. But I cannot believe it is real, true, peaceful love.
Or from the flip side, I see that some females have a bit of elation at the acknowledgement that someone is finally paying them a bit of attention. But you have to really truly ponder over it so that you can arrive at the truth.
Or from the flip side, I see that some females have a bit of elation at the acknowledgement that someone is finally paying them a bit of attention. But you have to really truly ponder over it so that you can arrive at the truth.
have to know the difference between emotions and physical feelings.
You must learn how to distinguish emotional feelings from physical
for a minute the sheer number of females that are in crappy
relationships. They are in this situation because they are terrible at
listening to people. Some male tells them in no uncertain terms that he
is not looking for any steady relationship, and she convinces herself
that he will change his mind once he finds out what a stunning
fascinating goddess she is.
Or if females, surprise, DO believe a male when he says he is not looking for marriage, then the sneaky manipulation begins. She will try to seduce him, fool him. She will try all sorts of underhanded, gutless, cowardly, passive-aggressive tactics to make him think he was the one that thought up the idea of half-baked pseudo-commitment.
They drop so-called "subtle hints" and expect you to be able to read their minds. Then they get all mad and huffy and puffy that you could not infer their intentions from the psychic brain waves they were sending to you through the ether.
Or if females, surprise, DO believe a male when he says he is not looking for marriage, then the sneaky manipulation begins. She will try to seduce him, fool him. She will try all sorts of underhanded, gutless, cowardly, passive-aggressive tactics to make him think he was the one that thought up the idea of half-baked pseudo-commitment.
They drop so-called "subtle hints" and expect you to be able to read their minds. Then they get all mad and huffy and puffy that you could not infer their intentions from the psychic brain waves they were sending to you through the ether.
They also refuse to listen to what someone else is straightforwardly saying. You see, being receptive to other people's communication is crucial to being a good communicator. Listening and truly paying attention to other people are paramount in any two-way conversation.
Women are horrible at this. This is why they are terrible at character judgment. They make excuses for people's behavior. They think, "oh they don't really mean that." They think, "oh when they think about it for a while they'll change their mind." Or, "I'm sure they're just going through a phase; this isn't really them; I'm sure they are a nice person who is considerate of others and cares about their feelings."
I've noticed that females are very easily manipulated. A guy whispers some crap about love and the next thing you know, bam, her panties are off. This is again because females believes what they want to believe, they hear what they want to hear. Or, females assume______ Reverse psychology works excellently on them. There was this one episode of "Scrubs" where a guest character was described as a "strong, independent woman." And yet she was very easily manipulated into rebelling against some office-dating rule, and she thought the rebellion was her idea.
All that mess is just more wishful thinking. That is ignoring someone's behavior that is plainly in front of your face. Instead of seeing what is truly there, women make up excuses in their heads. They add false interpretations that don't exist for someone's behavior. They do a crappy job of interpreting people's behavior. They believe what they want to believe.
I've noticed that females are very easily manipulated. A guy whispers some crap about love and the next thing you know, bam, her panties are off. This is again because females believes what they want to believe, they hear what they want to hear. Or, females assume______ Reverse psychology works excellently on them. There was this one episode of "Scrubs" where a guest character was described as a "strong, independent woman." And yet she was very easily manipulated into rebelling against some office-dating rule, and she thought the rebellion was her idea.
All that mess is just more wishful thinking. That is ignoring someone's behavior that is plainly in front of your face. Instead of seeing what is truly there, women make up excuses in their heads. They add false interpretations that don't exist for someone's behavior. They do a crappy job of interpreting people's behavior. They believe what they want to believe.
Women need to *stop* trying to fill in the blanks that are not there... and actually start listening.