This is a biggie. What's all this pop culture babble about how women supposedly are not visually stimulated? "Women are not visual creatures." "Women are not turned on by images of hot men." "Women are not responsive to visual cues." Images. Pictures of good-looking men.
What is all this crap? I don't buy it for a second. _Of course_ women are visually stimulated. I'm not going to encounter a picture of a shirtless athletic muscular guy and then dismiss it and be all like, "What's more important is whether or not he would help out with chores at home and raise the kids and bring me flowers just for the heck of it."
Erm, it's a picture of a stranger. If he is really gorgeous, that's good enough for me. It is a stranger, so it's a given that we are not going to do anything intimate, of course. But in terms of garden variety arousal, impeccable looks is most definitely a positive. Perhaps seeing only looks are not going to put me in a mad frenzy. However, I am certainly not going to avert my eyes and proceed to wonder if he would be okay with visiting my parents on Sundays.
Are there truly any women out there that are sincerely going to try to tell people that a picture of a male underwear model is not arousing? Go to the men's underwear department of any retail store. Take a good look at the product packaging. Hot. Delectably hot. Why is popular psychology so hell-bent intent on insisting that women are not visual beings in the least?
There seriously seem to be males as well as females out there that still feverishly foaming-at-the-mouth insist that women do not register any male physical attraction. They screech and squawk shrilly that women are just fine being attracted to fat balding ugly men with pug noses and beer guts. They furiously try to pimp out at the public that women are _only_, but _only_ attracted to friendliness, sense of humor,
--and that all of that would be acceptable in a package that is a hunchback with a peg leg.
I don't think there is any straight woman on the planet who would be unappreciative of a gorgeous male specimen. I don't think any woman can say, if she were being truly honest with herself, that she would apathetically dismiss a prime example of a male specimen at physical peak and say, "meh. I would rather look at a picture of a fat dude who delights in heart-to-heart conversations."
Men should not go on believing whatever pop psychologists tells them since it somehow fulfills their ultimate nerdboy fantasies. Men should not go on nurturing a whole lot of wishful thinking and self-projections that they wish were true. You should not go on pretending that negative self-projections and insecurities are somehow validated by the latest pseudo-psychology philosobabble.
Ohmigosh, high blood pressure, gigantic body percentage of fat, and zero social skills are _so_ hawt. Ohmigosh , greasy skin, and pus trapped under pockets under flabs of skin that don't get accessed and cleaned out on a regular basis because the guy is too lazy and miserable to bother washing himself properly is SUCH a turn-on.
Why does this myth still persist that women don't care about a man's looks? That women don't want a man that is desirable, sexy, lights her loins on fire?
Do not allow yourself to stoop to that level. I'm not even talking about the sake of romance anymore, I mean in terms of who you are as a human being. I'm talking about how you perceive yourself as a man.
You do not want to be one of those fat-ass pathetic losers, gigantic beer bellies, horrible grooming and hygiene, who spend all day sitting on their asses in front of a computer screen or gaming console, rubbing around and ___ their joysticks as well as their video gaming controls. Stuffing his pustuled, greasy-complexioned, whiteheaded, blackheaded face with double cheeseburgers and soda and corn chips, living out some make-believe world that is all in their head. Their thumbs are the only part of their body that get any exercise on a regular basis. Well, after further consideration, they probably do need all ten fingers to play with their joysticks.
Do not allow yourself to become one of these males that have convinced themselves that women who desire well-groomed, hygienic men that keep themselves in shape absolutely must be no-room-for-questions shallow.
Do not allow yourself to fall into the trap of turning into a loser living vicariously through his video games, wishing he were a special forces Covert Ops Black Ops officer.
You cannot keep ignoring how frenzied women get at bachelorette parties screaming and stuffing dollar bills down the jock shorts of a mouthwatering young specimen. Go on and ignore how massively, rampantly, successfully those "Firefighter" calendars sell every year.
You cannot go on ignoring the plain evidence, the plain facts that are right in front of your face. You cannot go on ignoring common sense. You cannot go on disregarding all the grecian godlike male celebrities that make women scream and faint and wet themselves.