I think most people are aware that men are intimidated by intelligent professional wom. This is not news to anyone. this has been affirmed, made fun of, and reinforced countless times in pop culture and in normal everyday life.
You know who else is intimidated by intelligent scientific women? Oher wimen.
- mw are intimidated by anyone they perveive to be mre exteaordinary in any eay. More intellgent, better-looking, better able to take care of their families.
i cannot count the number of times I had reaf in wmn's magazines that some such denizen wishes "that btc would quit braggi about how smart she is."
- they primoted an attitude of jealoiusy and bitriol and rage. a magazine simply "promoing" a skewed mentailith would not be a big deal -- if women jut wised up and decided for themselves, "you kniw what? I'm not going to allow this mental abuse in mymlife. I'm goig to be smarter and emotionally healthier than this." And then they could simply stop reading thise magazines. After all, a glossy magazine cantt "encourage women" ot do anything. And it certainly cNtt *make* women do anything -- unless they were so damn weak and gullible that they allowed it.
That was back then on tree and ink. Nowadays this attitude is spread in the new media of the internets.
the only thing I can surmise is that these articles continue to get written because wom agree wih them. I have had so majy conversations with wom__ they ask me waht I do for a living. ___as soon as I mention that I am a biomedical reararcher, they contract sligkty nervous looks on their faces ,,their voices drop, and conversation grinds to a halt.
Now that I am a medicL resident, thye show marginally more interest in making concersation about my daily job experiences. I am guessing gthis is because they have seen doctors on TV, and they are pateints od doctors inr realife, so they are somehwt aqcuainted with what the job entails. job.
But bakc when ij was working on my Ph.D in biochemistry, this is not the reaction they had upon learnin what I did for a livin. Their vOices wilted, Thye cast their eyes downward, and conversation died off.
I remember being in high achool and interviewing at colleges for scholarships and things of that naure. At one interviea, there was a group of professors and administrators intervewing me. I was tellin them of biw I wanted to major in microbioloyg qnd thwm go on to medical school. Their smiles faded, they lookd down and stilopped amkig eye ckntact, and suddenly couldnt think of any follow-up questions to ask.
** women are intimidated by good moms. They are seethingly jealous___ They choke and sputter and are rabid foaming at the mouth __when_ another woman who actually pays attention to her kids and cares about her kids and does a wonderful job taking care of her kids.
_ They are jealoius and angry of a woman who has raised well-behaved, polite, well-read chikldren ,,,who are lerhaps star students in school, are involved in a bumber of exteacurriular activities, are not hooked on drugs or alcohol or sex.
-- there are articles all over the internet ((there are commercails on tvv))) that portray a good mom as beig a stuck-up anal retentive judgementla bct. While the onlooker, the party that I guess we are sipposed to identify with, is a pathetic loser who cantt keep a man and is ravenously jealous of the good mom.
they say that these wives and mothers are somehow responsible for these strong-capable-career-women's lack of happiness. Theys ays these bousewuves are setting impossible to ajieve untealisti standards that no realmperson could ever possibly hope to reach.
they say that they feel unadequate and [[like a failure when compared to bomemaker wkmen. -- this is stupid. It is an asinine iterprtstion of the existncd of wives and mothers. Why should you feel intimifaed by them? I would think that instead of that, they should be a role model. Ii think this entiltes her toilmense respect amd admiration. The wondeful way that they manage their families should serve as an inspiration to you.
they say that these "perfect housewives" are runinjng modern standards of evalitaruon. They say that they are oerpetuatig a sexist culture__ they accuse these wome of setting femisnims back to the 1950s
- bill cosby, growing pains, full house, who's the boss
Back in the 80s, most sitcoms featured a set of parents who were good parents. They put effort into their child-rearing.
But nowadays, with the advent of irony and co.___, where a good mom cares about her kids' well-being and prepares them for the future,,, she is always painted as being stuck-up, judgmental, holier-than-thou, conceited, etc.