Men, women, abuse, and race. This must by necessity bring up the topic of Evolution-- intelligence, temperament, and inclination to violence. There are distinct differences between the races.
Let us start with what is probably the most disgusting, outrageous claim being made -- that murdering baby girls in India is somehow an act of love. Yes, the men's rights activists really do make this absurd, shocking declaration.
what kind of sick, twisted, skwed form of illogic is this vile drivel?! Man, and I thought women were illogical. Seriously?! THis is seriously a claim that mra's make?? They truly seem to think that___ is sprung from love and a sense of protection towards baby girls.
I will borrow a line from the liberals' playbook. do you actually know any Indians in real life? have you actually talked to any of them? I don't mean injuns, I am referring to Indians from back in the old country. sorry to burst your bubbl,e grisl, but yep. Idians really genuinely do look into the fac of their baby girls daughets and they geuinley are, in fact, filled with murderous rage.
1)))) rebuttal to completely unfounded and frankly fictitious claims that "men are protective of women." Mostly utter bsullst in the case of non-white non-western countries.
Compare how middle-class white men in the western world treat women -- to how males in third-world brown-skinned countries treat women. A male shot a bullet using a gun into the head of a little girl, a thirteen-year-old child.
Honor killings in fundamentalist islamic countries.
Child brides in African countries and in more rural parts of South Asian countries.
Children being forced into peist, or as is more accurately known, rp, in Thailand, parts of India, and parts of Africa.
Contrast this with how well white men treat women in civilized western first-world countries. A man opens a door for a woman, tryign to be coirteous. And what is his reward? The female is foamin at the mouth, complainig that the man is a "mysogynistic," unevoled caveman.
Let us recall that the world is very dangerous, even with the conspicuous absence of wild prehistoric animals running rampant.
Where exactly is this danger coming from? It's not lions and tigers and bears, oh my.
How have the bad parts of American towns come to exist? What exactly is bad about those parts of towns? I am not asking mere rhetorical questions -- I want honest, factual answers that are arrived at logically through observation. Why exactly is it unsafe for a woman to walk around alone at night? Is it because a supernatural or extraterrestrial being might abduct her? Again, these are not rhetorical questions.
No. It is because a human non-white male___
What exactly is "danger"? Is it some mysterious force that cannot be pinpointed from on high, originating from a mysterious source that can never be cracked? the source of which can never be figured out?
Deducing from these facts, an obvious if depressing conclusion emerges. Yes, it is frightening to finally have to confront the truth. But you must simply heave a sigh of resignation, and if you truly possess logic, then you must accept what is in front of you.
I have been witness that because of this, middle-class white women are the most ungrateful, unappreciative bitches on the planet. They are completely obtuse, oblivious to, and ignorant of the fact that they have possibly the best men on the planet. Yes, they do. Most white men are quite polite, courteous, gracious, gentlemanly, mannerly.
This is a notion that is defiled and denigrated as being racist, politically incorrect, et cetera et cetera. But that is only because it is 99.999 percent true.
Middle-class white women complain about maxipad commercials on TV. As if this is some sort of huge grievance that should strike all of us in our very souls for its lack of empathy and compassion towards humanity.
Middle-class white women complain that if men feel a bit nervous around feminine hygiene products, this indicates these men are "misogynistic." They attach the moniker of "misogynistic" to this behavior that is honestly no more than a natural emotional reaction that men have towards a topic they are unfamiliar with. Frankly, I feel that this tiny aspect of men's behavior is too trivial to even mention. But this often elicits a cat-five temper tantrum from white women.
Women complain that men don't take them seriously in the work force. Erm, that is not true. If a woman conducts herself with professionalism, men will treat her with respect. The only times people do not take a woman seriously in the work force is if she is incompetent and cannot handle her job, which happens an awful lot. Or if she displays an air of being slutty or airheaded. I find it ludicrous if a woman wears shorts skirts and low-cut tops to what is supposed to be a professional work environment, and then has the gall to complain that men don’t respect her.
In those instances I have seen that it is not just men who have a hard time taking those women seriously, but also other women don't really have much faith in the unprofessional female's abilities. I have seen too many instances of this being true to believe it when women complain that men don't take them seriously.