Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Women and Science- A Practical Solution

This is such a depressing truth.  I dreaded reading up on this because I already knew what I was going to find.  Roughly only 10% of women college students study any science, mathematics, engineering, or technology subjects as college majors.  Being a Biochem undergrad with a Master degree in Medical Lab Sciences myself, I personally do not understand that attitude at all.  I feel that science is interesting and fascinating, and I do not understand why anyone would NOT want to study it.

The other 90% of women are divided thusly.  A 45% portion are sluts that think they are empowered and liberated because they whore around in college, hate their families, and blame men for all of their own self-inflicted messes.  They major in women's studies, psychology, medieval literature, or whatever.  Then they turn around and whine and complain that not enough women enter the science and math fields.

Well, here's a thought.  Instead of bitching and moaning and groaning that enough women don't study science, how about you... study science?  If they were to take the energy they waste on complaining about this and instead decided to devote that energy to actually studying science, then we might close that gap.

The other 45% still do major in softer subjects such as psychology, literature, child development, education, nursing.

But at least they do not waste time sluttifying themselves.  They are reasonable and they devote their time and attention to seek a particular solitary young man so that they may get married and raise a family.  Kudos to them, I say.  This is necessary because someone has to do the job of keeping society orderly, whole, safe, and healthy.  Who would do this, if not the women?

It seems that this 45% of women who are practical, logical, reasonable, and moral do not want to waste their time with anything that does not directly impact their families.  They harbor the unfortunate opinion that learning science falls under the umbrella of "wasting time."

Until they begin to truly take care of their families, that is.

The fact is that women who are devoted wives and mothers must dedicate a large arsenal of their capabilities to having a working expertise in science.
Food science and food chemistry.
Women who do a lot of cooking have to have [[an ididic,_ working knowledge, conversational,, well-versed in food ingredients and how they comingle
they know that eggs are mainly composed of a binding protein
they know the types of acid that comprise vinegar and lemon juice
they know about sugar___

They know a lot more about medicine and physiology than you realize.
Any mom whose kid has a gluten allergy.  Or a peanut allergy.  Or who wants to learn more about auto-immune diseases.  Or any mom who wants to learn about the pharmacokinetic effects that vaccines have on a child's body, even if she ends up being okay with her kids being vaccinated.  Or any mom who is a devoted, dedicated, and yes, strict mom who wants her kids to be healthy.

I am noticing that there is a growing distrust of "modern" commercial medicine, and for good reason.

A lot of women who want what's best for their families do significant research on commercial pharmaceutical medicines that were created synthetically in corporate industrial laboratories.  a woman who is devoted to her children and husband's health will get to know as much about disease states, symptoms, treatments, causes, antibiotics, prescriptions, and over-the-counter medications as any formally-trained Doctor of Medicine.

Women read up about commercially available cooking ingredients like white flour, white sugar, and white rice.  Women know that these food options are empty calories, void of nutritional purpose, which is what food is supposed to be.
and stripped of their nourishing [[traits__ ability]]]
reading ingredient labels for processed foods.

Moms who homeschool their kids have to know about electricity, introductory physics, introductory chemistry, introductory biochemistry, biology, gardening.  They have to know all of this so that they can teach their kids properly.  This might be just introduction to science rather than full-scale academia, but some effort is better than none.

All of the above is science.  What do all of these women have in common, and what inspired [[spurred]]]] them to learn about science?  Answer:  these women decided to learn about science when it became directly related to taking care of their families.  When women realize that they have to know about science or else their families would perish, this motivates them to learn science.

So how do we get more women who are still in college, each of whose family is merely a twinkle in her eye, to study science?  Simple.  We don't tell them it is science.

It seems that women are perfectly willing to learn "science" as long as greater society at large does not refer to it as "science."  This makes zero sense; I am aware of that.  Sigh; all I can say to that is what we already know-- women are irrational, illogical, hysterical, over-emotional, and impractical.

How do we enact something like this?

A college major called Home Economics can be established, which teaches girls how to be homemakers.  Since girls tend to want to be lazy with paid careers and not work anything useful outside the home anyway, we might as well just give this to them.  Give them what they want.

And girls absolutely refuse to study science.  So what we do is, unbeknownst to them sneakily teach them science in an underhanded and roundabout way.  Just don't call it science, call it "Home Economics."

Forcing girls to learn science against their will.  Which would make bastardized-liberal-feminists foaming at the mouth, because for whatever reason, even making girls do something that benefits them and is productive and useful, still makes feminists mad.
In India local healers use Cissus quadrangularis to help set broken bones. Experiments with rats and dogs [Indian Journal of Pharmacology 1994; 26:44-5.]

brilliant idea::  for future societal improvement of Bangladesh::
** have a college major of Home Economics.  Which actually incorporates quite a bit of chemistry, organic chemistry, biochemistry, food nutrition, physiology.

since so many girls just want to be housewives anyway,
Girls absolutely refuse; they put up a resistance at being given any higher-level knowledge.

But we want them to be smart.  We still want them to be able to solve and treat all of their families' health, nutrition, medical, and scientific needs.

And we still want them to understand and comprehend science.  despite their biggest protests to remain lazy and ignorant, to continue living in luxury and comfort with little to no effort, to not have to study any fields that actually have substance and genuine facts and information, to not have to study any fields that actually require any work,

*Subjects in science that girls must be taught:
-How to treat colds, sniffles, muscle aches, tooth aches, stomachaches, menstrual cramps using homemade remedies.  they must learn of the chemical backgrounds that substantiate these treatments.  --also learn why these old-timey home remedies are far more beneficial.  than the commercial corporate multi-national pharmaceutical company, synthetic produced products that are not good; are unnatural, elicit bad physiological peripheral reactions in the body, have auxiliary side effects, are contra-indicated to so many other synthetic substances.
-quite a bit of pathophysiology.  explain why antibiotics are not always a good idea, they wipe out normal flora, leaving behind an antibiotic-resistant strain that is even stronger and more virulent, and since it now has no normal flora competition that overgrows and would normally prevent the strong one from getting too much nutrition, now the resistant strain unfortunately is able to grow unchecked.
-learn about heart disease, diabetes, why diabetes has a devastating effect on the kidneys.
-learn about papaya and pineapple, their enzymes.
-more serious-- how to stop a wound.  What to do in case of heart attack.  how to change wound dressings.  how to set broken bones-- this is more serious; would be more risky if done wrong; so definitely not beginner freshman year.  how to make salve.
-How to dissolve a cyst within body.
-How to make toothpaste, deodorant, lotion.  must learn chemical theories supporting these homemade products.
antibacterial oils e.g. peppermint or rather tea tree oil.  coconut oil.  how to make [[medicinal treatments]]] to re-grow tooth enamel.
-Must learn all chemicals and beneficial properties.  quite a bit into detail of biochemistry, such as glycine, collagen, bone ions CaPO4, muscle myoplasm, K+ grad.  nerve function-- Na+ gradient, Ca++ grad.  brain chemistry-- cholesterol, lipids, myeloid membranes, myelin sheath over neurons.  skin cells and actually all cell membranes are made of lipids-- go into detail of different types of membrane lipids, choline needle sharps, sphingosine, cardiolipin.
-Chemistry, science, nutrition of food.  Health.  e.g., bone broth and why it is such a beneficial food source.  Healing tea-- ginger, cinnamon, cloves, bay leaves.  how eggs work, albumin; what is chemkical diff btw butter and margarine; what is diff btw white rice nn brown rice; rice flour; gluten flour nn why it's bad.
-Household cleaning products; vinegar and ammonia.  ^They would have to learn why NOT to mix certain chemicals, such as bleach nn ammonia is a NO-NO.
-^One homework assignment-- go grocery shopping.  They might have to go grocery shopping for ingredients, such as soapmaking lab materials.  Or oranges.  Then bring those ingredients into class the next lab assignment, and use those to work on the lab.

*For laboratory practicals:
-How to grow a garden in tandem with raising food fish in tank, hydroponics.  aquarium, terrarium.
spinach, beans.
-Water sanitation for home use.  Run fecal coliforms like in ecology lab.
-How to make sprouts.
-Make soap.
-Make aspirin.
-Set broken bones.  use laboratory-created corals as models for human bones.  *Even better:  grow coral as simulation for bones in Lab one semester.  *break them, and repair them in a Lab second semester.  using setting/placement techniques along with chemical regeneration methods.  *this definitely sounds like something more advanced.  this sounds like a senior year Lab practical.  *possibly begin growing the corals in freshman year.  observe, monitor, supervise, guide the growth throughout all four years of college.  then, in senior year, they will break the corals and then heal them.
-How to make coconut oil.  how to distill essential oils such as orange, lemon, peppermint.  rosewater, mustard oil.
-For quantitative analysis Lab.  bring in an ancient old traditional home remedy.  analyze this in Lab-- what are chemical components, what is the admixture, what proportions, molarity, concentrations, pH.
-Grow orange trees.
-*Brilliant idea:  for earlier year Labs, do a lot of gardening.  also growing vegetables gardens-- squash, zucchini.  many others that demonstrate the different plants classes, i.e., the ones w ripened fruit ovaries growing inside the stalk, and the kind that grows external to the plant originating from the flowering.  grow roses and tea plants/trees.  mustard, cloves, turmeric, spice plants, herbs plants; root plants-- garlic, ginger.  *Then in a subsequent semester or year, use these very same plants, vegetables as ingredients to make the essential oils.

*Hate to say this, but maybe don't make physics and calculus required subjects.  Hmmm... or maybe on second thought, dooo teach it and do class examples.  Teach the subject matter in depth, perhaps require some in-class work.  But no homework or tests.  Or maybe physics no, calculus yes.

Suggested flow of work::  naturally emerged plan of study::
*^Bulding the fish and plant terrariums.
*^Soapmaking, making laundry detergent.
*Then anatomy and physiology, oxygen, respiration Labs and stuff.
*^Water sanitation Labs during this same time.  fecal coliforms.
*^Build water filtration system.
*Then by this time, the gardens should have grown and produced desired results-- fruits, plants, medicinal plants.
*^Cooking during this same time.  Hmm.. or maybe not; have cooking instead be after the gardens are grown and harvested.