In many of the less-developed third world countries-- Ah heck, stop being so equivocal. I mean one of these in grinding obliterating poverty.
There are sick horrifying vile nauseating transgressions against humanity. Some so-called "multicultural" practices have emerged that are diametrically opposed to regarding women as whole, complete healthy human beings who have feelings. Violates their right to a life that is safe, healthy, and whole. Crimes against human rights-- in those very same "diverse" cultures that we are supposed to look to for wisdom and guidance, and emulate in our quest for actualization or something like that.
Why must this sickening dichotomy even exist?
1) There is a sick vile practice being carried out in some parts of Africa. fgm- this is part of another "culture." the accepted liberal stance in the general public is the following: we must be open-minded, we must be accepting and understanding of other cultures. But I don't think liberals ever foresaw having to be open-minded to anything like this.
2) Child brides. *forced marriage of young girls -- children who are not even yet technically teenagers, off to grown middle-aged men. disgustign sick perverts. for example, in the remote villages of rural afghanistan.
3) children being impregnated and then being forced to carry the fetus to term.
4) Murdering baby girls in India. I knew already that they value boys way more than they do girls. But I did not envision that it would ever permeate to this sick, criminal extent.
This is beyond devastating. I thought that the extent of those countries' problems is that they were poor and that's all. I never imagined that their problems plunged waaaayyyyyy beyond that, into the fabric of their very existence. Thanks a lot, internet, for bringing us more shipwrecks.
Child brides,
---- Stop calling them brides. They are not “brides.” This is a systematic disease of forcing little girls into abuse, violence, nnn rppp. Keep in mind that these are small **children.** Nearly half of them are between the ages of nine and twelve. These are children being forced into this. Rather than using this equivocating vague blather, we need to call it what it is: r-- of a child. It is vile, sickening, fgm.
Liberalism says we should all be open-minded, multicultural, open to new and different cultures. We should welcome diversity in all its various permutations. Including that of a foreign, strange land.
__but what is the point of being liberal if it only [[[sides with,, defenda,, brings in____]]]]]] the worst extremes of conservatism??
This was severely devastating to uncover.
Back in high school, I was genuinely optimistic for the future. The world was mine to discover. I was optimistic for the future because I thought the world genuinely had the potential to flourish and improve. I thought the world including third-world countries had the full capability to prosper and get better. I thought it was just untapped, undiscovered potential, like gold reserves or maple syrup.
I thought the worst injustice to befall the world was poverty. That's it. My family donated money to charitable causes regularly. That included myself. I donated whatever I could from my minimum wage resources working part-time at grocery stores. We all still do. Poverty is very bad, but let's be honest. All it is, is being really, really hungry for a while. It can be remedied by an influx of food. Or go gardening or farming or something.
It is not *truly* horrific or sick or vile. It is not any sort of [[___what I am trying to say is, it is not,,, like,,, where the people are backwards minded,, sick,, primitive,,, abusive,,... Poverty is bad, but it is not criminal. Poverty does not necessarily really indicate there is something seriously wrong with the people that inhabit the land.
It is not violent, it is not being an ahole. It does not indicate criminal tendencies. Poverty is not really seeing women as less than half the worth of men. It is not a violation of human rights.
But the sort of sick crimes that occur around the world are aaALLLlll of criminal, abusive, violent nature.
The criminal pseudo-culture is murderous, it is exceedingly misogynistic. It is the severe kind of antisocial, psychopathic behavior studied in psychology circles-- that they have no human emotion, no ability to respect other human beings. They do not regard other human beings as actual living breathing homo sapiens. Instead they evidently think other humans are only inanimate objects that have no consciousness, no sentience, no self-awareness.
There is something seriously wrong with their mindset, with their perception of how to regard women and girls. They do not see women as equal beings with equal social status to men. They do not see women as full human beings.
They casually dismiss women as being little more than animals, property. They think women are just chattel they can toss around, an object no different than a wheel of cheese. They think a woman is an object or commodity they can just exchange for monetary value like a farm animal or farm equipment.]]]]]
I did not know there were sick horrifying crimes against humanity. This is not something that can just be remedied by donating food or old clothes.
[[With a dilemma like this, it is far more of an invasive problem. Like an alien entity that has conquered their brains and consciousness. It has insinuated itself and sunken its body into the delicate cushioning layers of the people's cerebrospinal organs. This has been permeated, grafted onto their brains.
Why has the world deteriorated to this sick, sad state? Why has it become we must choose either human rights for women and girls -- or multiculturalism? Why must we choose between one or the other? This is sickeing and troubling that we cannot have both.
--- nowadays, most of them fall under the guise of "multiculturalism."
--- hnr killing
__but what is the point of being liberal if it only [[[sides with,, defenda,,____]]]]]] the worst extremes of conservatism??
The solution is obvious. This vile disgusting act must stop being "a part of that culture." If people commit an act that violates human rights, then they need to cease having it be a part of their culture.
Do not use this [[[[___ii can imagine that the proponents of this sick garbage will try to defend it by calling it """tradition."]]]]] 'Oh, but it's part of the culture,' perpetuators will say.
Rubbish. ••***Human rights is human rights is human rights.•***••*
-- I do not give a crap what your so-called traditions are. Your so-called "traditions" do not matter one iota. These crimes need to stop being traditions immediately. Do not try to hide behind a false catch-all shield of ""tradition."
Don't try to hide behind the excuse of this being a part of another culture and therefore we should tolerate it. The school of thought of "tolerance" does not condone this. "Tolerance" does not mean "tolerate abuse and cruelty." It would cease to be a part of a culture if people stopped doing it.
If an action goes against human rights, then it cannot continue to be allowed under the umbrella defense of multiculturalism. It is simply but exactly what it is -- a violation of human rights.
By the way, my culture also has many festivities and traditions. Guess what -- none of them, absolutely none of them, require the execution of violations against basic human rights.
What you speak of is not tradition. It is simply abuse of women and girls. Nothing else. They are crimes against humanity.