Sunday, April 1, 2001

What Is Even Worse Is When Females Treat Themselves Like Pieces Of Meat

It is already bad enough that all over the entire frickin world males abuse and beat down women and treat them like sh!t. worse than sh!t. Like the stuff that sh!t wipes off its shoe and says ew gross at. Forced "prostitution," r--ing children in Thailand.  Child "brides," again r--ing children, in Africa.  Islamofascists r--ing and otherwise abusing women and children.  So-called legalized prostitution in Amsterdam.

What is even worse is when females treat themselves like pieces of meat. Like some sort of life form lower than pieces of meat.  Strippers, prn, The girls gone wilds, the b----es and h-s in gangsta rap videos, the hip-hop lifestyle (huh?), paris hiltons.  Who are actually stupid enough to believe some bullshit line about how taking off your clothes and showing your genital region to complete strangers is liberating and empowering.  They are convinced they made the conscious, informed choice to do this themselves.

Back in the 1990s, there was not much objectification of women.  At least not in my entertainment circles.  It sure as hell was not mainstream and routine.  There were supermodels on the catwalk that starved themselves... and that was it.  That was the extent of reducing women to sex objects or property.  Honestly I was never under the belief that males somehow "made" women do this.  Those females did this to themselves.  I still feel that way.

But this latest rehash is much, much worse than that.  This could not possibly be just the females inflicting this onto themselves.

It is the sickening convergence of everything misogynistic in this world.  It is the treatment of women like trash plus it is the sexual objectification of women -- all snowballed into a horrific runaway train.  It is a system of glorifying violence and other abuse against women.

Jennifer Lopez is supposedly hailed as being great because she is bringing multiculturalism and Latinos to hollywood.  Are you kidding me?? That is a sick, mirthless joke.  This is an extreme insult to real-life Latina women.  Jennifer Lopez is a grotesque parody of Latina women.  She has no respect for herself, she has no dignity, she has no grace.

I see also out in public, in the malls, in grocery stores, real human girls cheapening themselves, demeaning themselves, kowtowing to this mess.  Wearing those hoochie shoes, with a really small mini skirt, wearing backless halter tops.  I never imagined I would ever be writing a turn of phrase such as that.

I'm not even going to give them the dignity of calling them girls or women.  This is because you see, those terms imply human beings.  The above-mentioned specimens, on the other hand, might be female, but we don't know yet female what.  I cannot turn on the effing television or the computer without seeing this 3hi+ all over the place. I have resigned myself to watching only CNN, the six o' clock news, and Nickelodeon.

In my eyes gangsta rappers and all of them are in the same class as criminals, all low-life scum, the lot of them. Ugh. I can't believe that it's so widespread, pandemic, epidemic, that I feel a responsibility to actively state that this is NOT what feminism is.  A lawn overgrowth like bacteria in a Petri dish, a fungus mold mildew infestation.

Why in the world are you so adamant, aggravating, like enthusiastic in a violent manner, to show everyone your urogenital region?

Maybe They Are in fact Afraid Of Revealing Something.  Something big.  Well, it might not be so big, it might be merely adequate-sized, or simply pinky-sized.

Are you in fact a male that had a transsexual operation?  And now you are scared to death that someone might get to wondering about whether or not your pelvic region is homegrown?  And so therefore, in efforts to combat [stave off]]] any suspicion with a preemptive strike, are you launching these measures?
And is that where this deep-seated need to prove that you have female genitals, originates?

And so you are shoving this down everyone's eyes, “loookkk loookkk at me!!!  Looookkk looookkkkk at my vulva!!!!  i am completely 100% female and i can prove ittttt!!!!!”

Are you secretly insecure about the fact that you are not genetically female?  And so you are trying too hard to prove to everybody ELSE that you are female.  By showing the public your genitals, this is proof positive that your phenotype resembles a person with double-X chromosomes.

In the vain hopes that if you insist and beat people over the head with it, maul them on the head with a hammer, they will then be convinced enough, and they will never ever, ever question your gender orientation.  Are you trying to ensure they will not discover your secret?  That you are in fact secretly used to be a man?  This is little more than the female equivalent of that old hackney, of a flasher in a trench coat, lurking around dark alleys and corners of buildings, slithering up to innocent, unsuspecting pedestrians, and causing them to go blind.


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