Recently, I have come upon some very compelling and very relevant information. Environmentalism is actually rather racist, when you really look and analyze all the facts.
Upon first glance this might sound like a crazy assertion to make, but that is only because it is a [[trumped-up]] sound bite. Study this in more depth and you will see what this means.
I am aware that that sounds like some weird-ass twisting of political correctness with poli inc ____ into something ____
- worrying bt rain forest deforestation in tropical countries.
-- let us [[[ observe, ponder__]] at thsi phenomenon a bit more closely. ____ tropical countries with lush vegetation ____ many of them are third world countries.
Erm but what about the people in Costa Rica? Do they not have a right tk earn a living? [[[[ elaborate on this ___]]]]
-- it turns out that many indigenous cultures hunt as a source of food.
-- guess what. Those people [[[ who ate natives to the region __]] have a god-given right to earn their livelihoods however the hell they want.
- they ar under no obligation to ask permission from whites
seek approval from [[[cushy,, comfortable, wanting for nothjng ,,,, pp who grew up in peacetime and economic prosperity
-- env is simply a [[[random___]]] choice that they have the luxury of entertaining. __[[[ languid, flippant ___]]]
- n. They have no earthly right tk foist their choice of what to prioritize and fret over -- upon_____ starving
All huma beings have only a finite amt of time on this earth.
they are more than firmly and solidly within all of their rights as huma neings to prioritize human rights over animal or tree rights.
[[[ allocate___nono their precious resources and human energ, humN capital
They would much rather devote the fiber of their beings towards feeding theor fsmilies. Puttig a roof over their fsmilies' heads.
I remember back when I was in high school readin some little opinion lines from kids in high school. the topic was about going to a high schol reunion, I think. one girl said that she probably won't be going to her hoghsc hool reunion, and she hoped the reason would be that she was saving rain forests in costa rica. being a teenager at the time, this soundd awesome to me. ___
but, hang on a minute. the people who are [[enacting, participating__]] the deforestation-- those are poor costa rican people.
-- whites in western first workd society have no goddmn right to force poverty-stricken pp to waste precious enery towards something as frivolous n trivial n laughable as this.
--- eskimos in subzero temperatures that must be measured on the kelvin scale. They wewr fur. You know why? Because Aqua scutum does not exist
Look if anybody loves nature, it's me.
the three manor aspects of nature-- nurturin/healing, beautiful majestic- warerfalls, rain forest