Sunday, December 2, 2001

Evolution Not By A "Just And Loving God"

This is some weirdness that has always -- no, *never* sat very well with me.  (Hehe, that's from "Monsters, Inc.")

As far as the claims that evolution would not possibly be enacted by a just and loving god.  You know, because evolution is cruel and ruthless and pitiless, and supposedly a doctrine such as this could not possibly have been thunk up by a loving, benevolent, magnanimous God.

Erm, don't fundamentalist religious types always say that we should fear the wrath of god?  Both fundamentalist zealot Christians and fundamentalist zealot Muslims make this claim incessantly.  They are constantly saying that people are all sinners and we need to cast the devil out of us.  We should all burn in hell for the sinners that we are.

That doesn't sound like a just and loving god to me.  Does no one else remember the stories of Moses?  Recall the adventures of Jonah who was swallowed by a whale?  How about the story of Abraham who was ordered to sacrifice his own son?  That god was pretty wrathful and vengeful.  The Bible especially The Old Testament, as well as the Quran, are chock-full of stories where people dared defy the will of God, and were met with their swift demise.  You can't just start mentioning Jesus being a peaceful person and pretend this negates the whole entire of the rest of the Bible.

If one happens to genuflect to this faith, then one has to consciously acknowledge what is actually written there.  The God of the Bible and Quran (same God) is a jealous, wrathful, vengeful God.  This is a rare instance in which science and religion actually agree with each other.

So if you really do believe everything about god that was written in the Bible or the Torah or the Quran, then the strategy of evolution actually does fit in perfectly with that God.  Strange occurrence, but we are witness to the fact that it has happened.


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