Sunday, October 20, 2002


liberals always complain that christian religious people are too easily offended.  But
--perh have one abt hwow theya are offended.
About how liberals impose their viewpoints on others.  They are every bit as adamant about shoving their views down everyone's throat as extremist religious conservatives are.

conservative chrsi UUSEDD to be the ones that were persnickety nitpicjy.  They used to compla abt all osrrt of trvial onosense.
""plss report any unfairness to the gvot authoties or simpl the authreot.
**cose4v chr uSED to be very easily offended by all sorts of trivial____.  such as seddx violen on tv,, such as kids being marketed to joe camel,

but now it turns out that liberals are every bit as easily offended.  they are offended by the suggestion thta perh blks should take charge of their own dsestinies.  And should takn resposiblit for theor own lives.

--recall taht chri ae offended by --the idai of promiscuit or sexx in ngenral.  --or interracial dating?  --and the metnion of gays.
--well, libse are offfended by --discussionm of <marriage.>  --they are offende by thewn notion that maybe judt__ maybe a semi comitment is noit the same thing as actual marriage,____.  --they are ofended whe n anyone nmentions godd in vonvcerstion.

Conservatives chrs at mentionn of abrtn.  but it turns out libse are just ad easiloy violently offenfed ,, at mnt of life, nn that maybe abrt is not the best of things.

**move rebled essya tobit later like 2004 ???
** perh move my ""major rebels essay""" to very late 2003 or even to v early 2004.
bc all those little bits and pieces need to go before then; all those that identify slowly more and more of the grand scheme piece by piece,,,,,
along wi the rallying railing against tearing-down creativity that is disgusting, depraved.

I realize now that liberals are every bit as (((didactic))) JUDGMENTAL AND PREACHY as the conservatives that they claim to be better than.
-They love saying that conservative Christians inflict and force their viewpoints onto other people. ((Complaints about conservatives... Closed minded)))) holier than thou, up on their soapbox, up on a high horse....
-They love repeating their stock ___ insistence that they are open-minded, magnanimous.  They are like the hackneyed broken record.

-Well guess what.  Liberals __ also___
have as one of their apparent job descriptions, inflict onto innocent bystanders...,,,
((((((What about their insistence that all people be rewarded equally-- even though they did NOT do equal work.  They constantly preach this doctrine to public grade schools and to places of employment.  "Oh, make sure you praise the -effort- that an employee
Well, is that not forcing an unwelcome ideal on people?
***oh but they let the fires of hell rain down on anyone who judges drug addicts/alcoholics,
How dare you think yourself as better than someone that is self-destructive???!!!!
Little ole timid me is thinking, excuse but I should be able to think whatever I want.  I should be able to formulate opinions however I want.

***oh, how teachers are not allowed to put a grade of 0 on a kid's homework assignment or test.  Bc that would make the kid feel bad.
Or, teachers are not allowed to use a red-ink pen to mark a kid's assignment, bc that would make the kid feel bad.

--"racist," "sexist," "homophobic."  Erm, those all sound like judgments to me.

Monday, October 7, 2002

Making Mistakes to Work Out, Still Moving On

As long as they do eventually get married it is fine.  It would probably work out okay.  They took care of their responsibility eventually.

Well, at least they got married eventually!  Yeah, I know that is not ideal the way they did it.  But the fact of the matter is, they made it work, and ultimately it worked out okay.

They got pregnant first, then decided to get married.  At least they made the commitment eventually.  And it seems as though they kind of knew they would be together permanently.  So it's like they figured, "ehh what the heck we might as well make a baby now.  After all what difference does it make?  We are going to be together with each other anyway."

Back in high school whenever I heard of a plight of a downtrodden girl who made bad decisions, I usually had a "serves you right" attitude towards it.  Well, you should have known better than to have sex and get pregnant.

But now as I look over this a little more deeply, I realize that that attitude is cruel.  Somehow I doubt they were thinking about poverty and food stamps and living in the projects when they made the baby.  It is not only cruel, but cruel to the extent that it is even anti-feminist.

Maybe a better approach is to be compassionate and empathetic.  Isn't that what the changing meanings of some things is all about?  Be more open-minded and understanding.

Look, what's done is done.  It serves no realistic purpose to look at hindsight with 20/20 vision and give a condescending sniff and say "miff."  This helps no one.  It does not affect the observer doing the sniffing.  But it does harm the girl that finds herself in a dire situation.

However, lending a compassionate hand does help the girl in the dire situation obviously helps the girl.  It obviously helps the baby.  And it does help the observer ultimately, for the reason that it uplifts the observer's spirits and makes this person a better human being.  For the reason that they all live in the same society.  Our actions affect those around us.

I gradually slowly came to this opinion.  ((widows, divrced women whoe ex-husbands are deadbeat dads.)))

For the longest time, I am deeply embarrassed to admit, I had very little sympathy for a grieving widow who could not make ends meet.  A woman who was not able to provide for her family, because she did not have the resources nor credentials to get a well-paying job, and therefore could not feed her kids.

For the reason that she had dedicated her entire life to being a stay-at-home mom and homemaker, someone who keeps watch over the hearth and home.

My thought process was, Well, you should have planned out your life better.  Rather than relying on a man to provide for you, and then assuming that a man will always be there to provide for you, you should have taken care of yourself first.  You cannot assume a man will always be your safety net, always be something solid and stalwart for you to fall back on.  You unfortunately allowed yourself to be lured into a state of false security and comfort.

Now I have finally come to my senses.  Or more accurately, I have come to my humanity.

How can I call myself a feminist if I have such a cruel, harsh, inhuman attitude towards women?

>> and single mothers are women who made this same thought process[[___ same mistake???
and simply did not get married beforehand.  should they be so severely punished by society, by financial policy in this country, just because they did not [[[[put, find some nice way to state that they did not ___

get it in weirting,, get a contract made, have a piece of paper declaring their commitment, love, and trust to eo??

Yes, I am still deeply judgmental of unwed single mothers.  I sit in harsh judgment, for they made some life-altering, severely damaging mistakes.

But to force myself to refrain from helping them is simply abusive.  It is abusive, cruel, malicious.  Society has already dealt, and life in general has already dealt them a horrible harsh blow.

Plus, sitting here and wallowing in the past is, simply put, useless.  It does not thing but waste my own precious time, energy, and effort to sit on my derriere, fuming and resentful of them, grumbling about their past transgressions of irresponsibility.  Really, what good could it possibly do to dwell and languor on the fact that they got pregnant out of wedlock?  Yes, we already know it is morally reprehensible.  It happened, it was in the past, get over it, move on.

But now there is a child, a human being, to take care of.  We are as a conglomerate, interconnected, complex society.  As such, we all have a duty to pitch in.  We all have a sworn duty, incumbent upon us as human beings, to make sure the child grows up into a good, decent kind human being who actively participates and contributes to society.

It takes a village to raise a child.  We are not simply "members" of this village.  Monikering us "members" makes it sound as though the "village" is a disconnected entity entirely separate from ourselves.  We human beings ARE the foundation, heart, and spirit, of the village.  We are the village.

As people of the human race, we are a society that is connected to each other.

Another one-- they were wild, they had piercings nn crap back then.  But they want to improve and mend their lives now.  they have seen [[the error of their ways]]]

I have offered criticism of the recent remake movie Charlie's angels and the accompanying Beyonce song.  Perhaps I was too critical of specifics and I should have focused more on the positive cultural affects.  I feel I should atone for my harshness therein.

Drew Barrymore.  I remember back in the 90s she was an absolute mess, with more entries on her social and personal rap sheet than a career criminal has of violence.  But she has now evolved into a lovely human being, and dare I say, a notable colleague in feminism and praiseworthy professional.

I remember the first instance of when I saw a spark of humanity and decency from her.  There was a PSA of sorts on TV, a very creative one.  She was encouraging young women to vote.  As a way of getting people's attention, obviously she didn't just do that spur-of-the-moment in real time as they were filming the commercial, she burned a bra in closing the commercial. The writers, producers, etc. had the really cool idea to hearken back to the greats, the founding mothers of this country.  Chances are, Drew Barrymore herself was one of the producers of the commercial, seeing as to the fact that she was one of the producers of the recent Charlie's Angels.

Actually, no.  The first time I saw drew Barrymore and was very pleasantly surprised that she had turned over a new leaf-- was the "Never Been Kissed" movie.  It was adorable and cute and moral and hilarious and fun.  She was innocent but intelligent, a nuance that is lost on far too many people regarding situations in real life.

So it is very possible for someone to turn their life around and make sure that right here, right now, from this moment on forward, they will make the right decisions and make a healthy life for themselves.

So instead of worrying about what they did in their past lives, how they conducted themselves in the past, let us focus on planning for the future.

Let us focus our energies on the future tense.

Wednesday, October 2, 2002

The Myth Of The Noble Poor Person

We have all heard the common wisdom.  “It is often the poorest man that leaves his children the greatest inheritance.”  The person was not blessed with riches, everything was not handed to them on a silver platter.  They had to work hard to get everything they have, common sense therefore dictates that they must be more appreciative of everything they have.  They earned everything with their bare hands.

No one, however, warned us of the hateful bitterness, the resentment, the seething jealousy and vitriol that they spew and with which they regard middle-class and upper-class people.

“Why shouldn’t I get a piece of the pie however I want?  Those rich people have so much, they have everything, I have nothing, but more importantly, I was given nothing in the first place.”  This is closer to the common forthhurlings that we hear from poor people in the stead of any gentle wisdom.

Not to mention the gold-digger tendencies.
They actually see drugs and prostitution as viable career options.  You think these people are somehow noble??

Someone who had a hardscrabble life, from grinding poverty and possibly grew up in a violent home -- you think they're going to have normal, healthy judgment and outlook on life?  No way.  That hard life, having to scratch and claw, it's really going to skew their perceptions of everything. It will twist their perceptions of circumstances, of other people, of other people who have more than them.

No, they're going to be bitter resentful, seething with vitriol and hate at the people who had a comfy cushy life and apparently had everything handed to them on a silver platter.  This is from their pov, not mine.

There was a magazine blurb about a person whose family did not have much money growing up, and now that the person married into money, the person was lavishly spending, throwing money around right and left.

What the hell...??  This is something I had honestly never foreseen.  You mean to tell me that poor people actually become irresponsible with money...??  I’m talking about irresponsibility if they suddenly receive a lot of money after having grown up poor, that is.  You are telling me that they don’t know how to handle a sudden avalanche.  They think they are overjoyed to suddenly be receiving all this, when in truth they are overwhelmed and ill-equipped to handle it.  Sudden onslaught of cash -- they simply do not know how to handle it.  They do not have the emotional maturity.  They have no self-discipline, no self-restraint.

Rich people, as this vein of thought goes, are used to having money.  Therefore they can handle it both mentally and logistically -- they are used to managing and controlling large sums.  They probably run big successful businesses and stuff.  They keep it cool.  They are much more mature and level-headed about it.

This is truly something I had not predicted.  Growing up I was taught that poor people are thankful for everything they have and for what little they have been given, and therefore they would not splurge and waste money on useless crap.  And they would instead give a sizeable percentage of their gains to charity.  That is the school of thought with which I had grown up.
Which is not to say that I am entirely against socialism.  Nor entirely against capitalism, mind you.

The results are in.  If the noble poor person exists, it is a dwindling species.