Tuesday, May 27, 2003

Expression Of Sexuality

Let's talk about this so-called expression of sexuality.

They’re too embarrassed to broach the issue in conversation with their boyfriends or one-night stand.  They say it is embarrassing to talk about.
Ah, excuse me?  If you are too embarrassed just to merely talk about it, then why the hell are you doing it?

I truly do not understand how these women are comfortable enough to DO any of these things if they are not even comfortable enough to talk about it.  Which comes first?  Talking about it openly and honestly, or just doing it?
I cannot comprehend this weird disconnect.

From what I have seen, most women are too embarrassed to talk about it.  _____ the only time they are comfortable talking about it is if they have been beaten abused bloody broken abused all their lives.  And only after all that trash,_____

(((((((((Another weirdness)))))))))))
A weird thing that I'm seeing very recently.
From what I have observed, for some odd mysterious reason a lot of females wear their sexuality on their sleeves.  Here's what that means.

If they kiss a guy, the next day they are wearing a revealing low-cut top.
____They take one of those eye-roll-inducing stripping classes.___
They immediately reveal to the whole entire world that they are sexually active.  The more sxxx they are having in private behind closed doors, the sluttier and whorier they act out in public.

It's like they are scooping up whatever sexual activity they have done recently, like they analogically pick it up with their hand using a napkin or a scooper or something.  And they immediately reflect it to the outside world.  They slap it on a window like a dirty diaper with the business side pointing outward.  So now the whole entire world can ogle and gawk and stare, and of course pass judgment.  I will readily admit to being one of the people that judges them.  Well, what did these girls expect?  Do they honestly think they could just reveal personal, private things, and the general public would <not> have an opinion?

It's like they do not have any sense of privacy or personal space at all.  They do not possess the knowledge of how to keep personal private things as personal and private.  They do not know how to maintain dignity out in public.

And then they have the comically obtuse gall to screech and whine that they have no privacy and people are violating their privacy.  “Ohmigosh no one respects my privacy!  Ohmigosh no one respects me!”  Right.  How dare they not respect the girl that flashes her private parts for a stranger wielding a video camera.

Monday, May 19, 2003

Under-Qualified White Folk And AffAct

So, again, this just points to more resentment by under-qualified white folk that have no substantial concrete education.

They majored in crap fields when they enrolled in college, and now they realize that those majors that they half-heartedly chose will not get them jobs.  Nothing that is remotely relevant to the job market, nothing that will actually get them a job that has security and stability.

But I’ll let you in on a little secret:  I have never met an unemployed white engineer.  I have met plenty of white people who are engineers.  But not a single one of them was unemployed.  Not one.  They were employed and useful and happy.

So if any white people harbor resentment for affirmative action policies, this is just evidence that they are not really qualified to do anything.  If white people were qualified to do jobs that actually do something, then they would have no problem getting jobs.  Simply nothing more than [[[evidence, clues]]] that they do not have any marketable job skills.

I have never heard a white medical doctor complaining that they were denied entry into medical school due to affirmative action going to some minority kid.  You know why?  Because acceptance into medical school requires actual credentials.  It requires intelligence, it requires a competitive major in college, it requires tons of volunteering and extracurricular activities.  It requires a good score on the Medical College Admissions Test.  In short, it requires a demonstrated propensity for medical school.

I swear, every single f'n time that I see a middle class white person complain screeching screaming complaining that “affirmative action is wrong!”  It is usually because they are a middling middle-of-the-road mediocre performance college kid that expects mommy and daddy to come bail them out of overnight jail because they were caught drinking under age.

They fully expect to go to college, and fully expect their parents to foot the entire bill, and they usually have no earthly clue what they want to major in.  Hell, sometimes they go and attend college for four years and are still undecided on their major.

Tuesday, May 13, 2003

Dragging Oneself Through The Mud Is Not A Mandatory Precursor

I suppose this leads into another___

Every bit as weird [[perplexing, nonplussing]]] is the trend that people seem unable to talk about a problem unless they have dragged themselves through the mud, and bruised and abused themselves with it.  They have to be a former user, abuser, and loser to be allowed to talk about a problem.

Equally as weird is the permeating opinion from a lot of people, and I do mean a lot of people, that a person is absolutely not allowed to have an opinion on a situation unless they have actually been through it themselves.  Or that a person is not allowed to pass judgment on a situation unless they have gone through it.

Case in point:  the getting pregnant as a teenager or otherwise out of wedlock.
I remember a lot of apparently stupid self-inflicting former teenage pregnancy queens that are of the opinion:  "ohh yeah well you don't know what it's like having a guy seduce you and tell you he'll take care of you if you get pregnant."  "You’ve never been in that situation where a guy is sooo hott and sexy and popular and is always following you around and bugging you for sex."

(Crickets chirping.)  Well, thank god for that.  What the hell good would actually going through that situation have done me?  You <were> in that situation and you fell for it hook, line, and sinker.

--I’m seeing in a bunch of articles on teen self-esteem and stufff....

As if somehow there is some magical new insight into the situation that might occur if someone is dumb enough to let themselves get caught in it.  As if smarter individuals didn’t already have all the facts.  As if they were not already able to formulate an intelligent, thoughtful decision.  As if anyone really needs to learn the hard way.

They act as if there is some information they alone are privileged to, which heretofore has been unbeknownst to the human race.  Mmmm, nope.  The guy is a primitive jackass jerkwad that only sees girls as sex objects, and he lied to her just so he could get a little tail, and the girl is a dumbdumb that was so desperate for a boyfriend that she did whatever the guy asked.  Am I missing anything?  Do I have everything pretty much covered?

Once in a rare while, like sometimes on the Maury Povich show, I see a guy that is not a total jackhole.  When he and the girl get pregnant, he decides to "be a man" and help raise their child.  Good for them.

Friday, May 9, 2003

Qualifiers, or Credentials

Let us now turn our attention to the subject of qualifiers.  [[discussion]]

(talk about that ER nurse who felt obligated to list credentials and experience.  She felt it was required to preface her opinion of why drugs are bad, with her credentials as a medical health professional.  "The junkies will do whavver necessary to get that drug in that vein."

Unfortunately, I do understand completely why she felt the need to state her first-hand field experience.  It is because people are dumbasses.  People have a [[[diseasicslly]]] refusal to listen to common sense.
They seem pathologically unable to read over statistics, news, and facts.

Like for e.g., I state that the stupid rebellion that so many females put themselves through is self-destructive and useless.  Those dumbarses always spit back, "ohoh what makes you such an expert, are you a psychologist, are you trained in fields of human behavior and history?!"

Um no, but you do realize that this is all common sense...?  It is all psychology and human behavior.  Noone needs a degree in psychology to figure this out. Any non-expert layperson who has a brain and knows how to use it can easily extrapolate the realistic possible consequences.

So here is my qualifier:  I watch the news.[[[[_]]]]]]]

Here's another thing.  Why do so many people think psychology is the sort of subject that requires extensive, specified credentials anyway?  Erm, it's general psychology, folks.  I.e., it is the sort of subject matter for which a person can garner expertise just by observing people.

Remember my whole spiel from a few years ago wherein I questioned the usefulness of a four-year college degree of psychology major?  This is kinda the reason for that.

You know how you see disclaimers everywhere?  On daytime talk shows, on radio shrink shows, we see little warnings saying stuff like, "this is for entertainment purposes only, these people are not trained psychologists or experts.  These people are not trained psychiatrists or counselors, etc." 
These little warnings absolving them of any responsibility because some idiot viewing audience member might file a lawsuit.

Well, this is kind of the opposite angle.  There should be little signs that say the following.  "No, I do not have a degree in Psychology.  But for God's sake, this is common sense.  This is a matter of exercising good judgment and self-respect.  This is about taking the logical and reasonable course of action.  So what if we don't have degrees in psychology?  You don't need a degree in psychology to know that alcoholism is bad, or that molesting children is bad.  Sane, rational people already know this."

A similar strange phenomenon is where people think they should be obligated to add some sort of eyewitness testimony towards a horrific crime, if not being an "expert" per se.  Like, Kay Hanley of Letters to Cleo said once that she saw a lot of people being victim to domestic violence growing up.  That is why she does so much charity and volunteer work nowadays and donates a lot of money for the cause.  (That was one of my favorite bands back in the day; I haven't heard much new stuff coming from them.)

I think it is wonderful that she is actively doing something about this sick crime.  But she doesn’t need to have any documented experience regarding the crime to be a capable, effective activist against it.  Domestic violence is already well-established as being criminal and sick.  Noone has to witness it themselves firsthand to effect positive social change against it.

Or people's foolish aggravating insistence to go through it themselves, experience it themselves to see if it is bad or not.  They are incapable of learning from others' mistakes.  They are bullheaded and they must make the mistake themselves.