Monday, June 30, 2003

Disillusionment Is Never a Pleasant Experience, Part 2

I am slowly becoming disillusioned as to the true nature of so-called liberals.  I am currently reviewing my articles from previous years.  During that time, I had been deathly afraid that someone in the typical mainstream media outlets would read my essays and just start screaming, would start hurling screeching hysterical accusations that that is RACIST.  Or regarding other articles, they might accuse me that I must be jealous of strong capable women in charge if her own life, and that I must be just ashamed of my body and that is the only reason that I could possibly think women need to conduct themselves with some self-respect.  I was afraid they would call me out for not being open-minded, for not keeping up with the times, for not being modern and liberated enough.  Looking back now, my peculiarities don't seem _as_ liberal as other people's morass that permeates the airwaves.  Believe it or not, that was the liberal version of myself.

Note the following.

*I truly believed that extreme conservatives were just as bad as extreme liberals.  I noticed several parallels in their thought cognitive processes.  I still do think this now.  But had I not gone through that liberal stint, I would not have noticed it.  I do suppose I have liberalism to thank for that.  Ehh.

Many times in the media, liberals/atheists and Christians butt heads on a number of topics.  The Christians' responses are predictable, as you might have predicted.  But somewhat surprisingly, now the atheists' responses are quickly growing very formulaic as well.

I have a unique vantage point, coming from a background that is not specifically Christian, but is definitely religious and strict.  My perspectives on things have become more complex, and are more comprehensive.  This was actually quite fun and convenient; I could use this to my advantage.  Anytime a religious nutjob tried my patience, I could side with the atheists.  Any time a "godless hairy ape" (hehe, that's from "Sabrina the Teenage Witch") grated my nerves, I could side with the Christians.

However, more recently several different current news events progressed very quickly in series.  This spurred me [[like an emergency response]]]]]]] to rethink my outlook.  It is odd that they are transforming before my very eyes.  Either they were always like that and now it is midnight, therefore their magical spellcast disguise of a stately coach is wearing off to reveal the true rotting pumpkin.  -Or- they are slowly but surely degenerating into hypocrisy and gullibility, which indicates they do not realize what a joke they are.

Here are summarized examples.

*I was really only protesting the extreme disgusting ends of the spectrum, not liberalism as a collective whole.  I was not truly able to verbalize coherently, using methodical philosophical arguments, as to why this is bad.  And I did not yet recognize it as being from the liberal train of thought; I simply thought those were simply misogynism in another form.

Let me be even more completely honest than I have been before.  It was not just a matter of me trying to be nice and politically correct.  I also succumbed to peer pressure.  I was cringing and flinching the whole entire time I was writing.  Every single time I wrote something critical of liberal dreck, I was afraid that some insane liberal would come at me, screaming in hysteria and irrationalism, foaming at the mouth, and would accuse me of wanting women to be stuck back in the 1950s.

*I was always trumpeted equality of the different ethnicities, the races.  This one was not my fault; I truly did not have all of the information.  The mass media truly was covering up a lot of pertinent information about race, intelligence, education, and success.

*I was vehemently protesting Christianity and Islam.  If not being atheist myself, then I certainly was sympathetic towards them.  Because I still dutifully believed that they were open-minded, progressive, open to all ideas, that they believed in freedom from dictatorial dogmatic thought control.  I believed when they said they were completely non-judgmental towards Christians.  Totally unlike the way that Christians/religious types treat them.  I believed when they said they would never ever force their beliefs or day-to-day life conduct onto Christians, the way that Christians do to atheists.

Re atheists:  at first I believed them when they said they were much more respectful towards women, that they regarded women as whole healthy human beings on an equal plane of existence to that of men.  But it turns out they are huge disgusting perverts.  What's worse, it is supposedly the “scientists” that are foisting this idea onto the general public.  You know, supposedly the free thinkers and forward thinkers and the people who base their opinions on facts and data rather than pre-conceived notions?  Leading into...

I thought that they believed in education because they claimed to believe in education.  But I decided to really observe.  What was their basis for this claim?  Evolution.  That's it.  Nothing else.  They never really mention other branches of science.  They do not seem aware that other branches of science exist.  Nope, solely Evolution is their cause du jour.

*I felt obligated to feel sympathy for single unwed mothers that had a couple kids out of wedlock.

I had tutored many very-low-class blacks and a few very-low-class whites at a tutoring center that was free to them. The females were very very young, yet still had at least one illegitimate kid born before her eighteenth birthday, and were living on government support.  Because of liberalism, I felt obligated to feel proud of her that she is now turning her life around, is going to school.  Ohhh pooh pooh cooing gently soothingly, poor you.

If she started complaining about her situation (which was self-inflicted in all honesty), I felt obligated to comfort her and sympathize.  "How was she expected to study for these tough, tough remedial math courses if she had to take care of a baby that she had at sixteen?"  Out of a civic duty not to offend her.  I even went so far as to never ask any of those females if their husbands could pitch in and help.  Hey, it's the new millennium, right?  I can't just assume that anyone with a baby is automatically married.  I felt obligated to never dare mention the word "husband."  -BUT- at the *same* time I felt obligated to act indignant for them, "oh how could the unwed father just not be in his child's life or give you money?"

*I was massively, majorly pro- banning guns.  More info later.

But as I said, now a series of perplexing news reports progressed in rapid sequence.  It is an interesting viewpoint that I have gradually learned to form.  I suppose one could consider me an apostate from the mass-media brainwashing cult that is liberalism.

Saturday, June 7, 2003

More White People Complaining About AffAct

Oh, Christ.  Another boring white boy complaining that affirmative action prevented him from getting that job he really, really wanted.

You can call it what you want.  The fact of the matter is, you are bitter and resentful simply because you did not get what you want.  No different from when black people complain that racism is bad because it causes them to not get what they want.  Them damn mexi-cahns and dem damn wimmin.  Ruining ar good ole boys.

You're mad because you did not get that job that you think you deserved?  You think you had a right to that job?  You think that you somehow psychically staked your claim on it?  Too bad.  Move on.  Evolve.  Adapt.

I have never once heard a medical doctor complain that their rightful job was denied them____]

(((Birthright, their rightful job that was betrothed to them, which they would ascend to upon reaching legal status.  It was dangled in front of them, with promises of riches and luxury beyond their wildest dreams, only to be snatched away, ripped from their grasp, torn from their reach, ripped out of their hearts.  Betrayal and despair, that's all it ever was, and now all that is left is a pile of broken dreams.  To hear them talk, this is what they sound like.

I have never heard an engineer complain that a minority took his job.  I have, however, met many white engineers who work alongside engineers who are minorities.

This is because there are enough of those math, science and technology jobs to go around.  Or more accurately, there are more job positions available than there are people to fill those spots.

If a brown person comes in, no white person is displaced.  It is because these are jobs that require genuine qualifications.  The employment position has specific descriptors and credentials, signified with certifications, certifying exams.  The jobs require quantifiable skills that personnel managers are looking for in potential candidates.

In the liberal arts type jobs, advertising, public relations, whatever, there are waaayy more applicants than there are jobs available.  Waaayyy too many kids in college do not bother pursuing careers in math, science, engineering, or technology.

It seems that many companies have quota policies in place.  So they have to hire a certain minimum number of minorities and women to fill their quota-percent requirements.  There are waaay more job candidates than there are jobs; there are not enough jobs to go around.  But they have to be politically correct so they have to implement aff-act.

Tell you what.  I am going to wholeheartedly accept their offer of admission which I rightfully have earned. I am going to embrace it because I have worked to get into this program.

But if you so chose, you can go ahead and pretend to yourself that I only got accepted into rigorous courses of study due to Affirmative Action, and that it had nothing to do with my natural affinities for logic and reasoning skills.

You may go on and convince yourself of this if it makes you feel better.  If you so desire to assuage your own feelings of inadequacy with this tactic, then great.  If it helps calm your dreading suspicion that you are not as qualified and talented as I, then so be it.  Go ahead and lie to yourself if it makes you feel better.

You wanna know why Bill Gates moved the bulk of his technical operations to India?  It's because the States do not produce nearly enough graduates in computer science, computer engineering, any of those.

Monday, June 2, 2003

"Women are not getting married as much nowadays as they did in the 1950s."

"Women are not getting married as much nowadays as they did in the 1950s."  Oh, how I wish this statement were a harbinger of good news.  I wish we could infer that since women are not getting married, it must mean that women are showing good judgment in all areas of their lives and are conducting themselves wisely.  Would that it were true.

Unfortunately, the sad fact is this statement can ONLY be taken at surface value.  The fact that women are not getting married does not mean that their lives are magically better than if they had gotten married.

Because the only thing that they are *not* doing is getting married.  However, they are not refraining from doing any of the other negative things associated with bad relationships and bad men.  This does not mean that women are escaping and rescuing themselves from abusive relationships from guys that treat them like 3hi+.  They still are stuck, only now it is with a boyfriend rather than a husband.  Either life choice sucks.

It does not mean that women are conducting their lives any better, getting a better education, having better job prospects, obtaining better jobs.  It does not mean that women are showing discretion and wisdom in their personal lives.  It does not mean they are choosing their sex partners wisely.  They are most likely moved in with some guy, or the guy has moved into her apartment because he can't afford rent.  Some guy who sees her as not much more than a convenient sex partner; chances are he does not see her as a whole human being.  It is possible that they are pregnant or already have a child together.  They do not have an actual commitment of any kind.

This “women aren’t getting married” does not mean that women are refraining from having babies before they are emotionally and financially ready to have babies.  They still are having babies when they are way too young and way too poor, just not within marriage.

It’s fine not to get married.  I am not saying that all women should get married whether they want to or not and that's all there is to it and I don't want to hear anything else.  That is not what I am saying.  (I have to emphasize this because I can predict that there will be liberals that put words in my mouth and accuse me of saying random crap that I am not saying.)  Hell, I'm not married and I know women who have not gotten married and are better for it.

But it is laughable that news outlets are reporting the general trend as good news-- when the whole facts are that a lot of women are still screwing up their lives in other ways without needing marriage to do so.