Wednesday, October 29, 2003

A Perpetual Motion Of Rebellion

In the vast majority of my encounters, in my experience, most atheists and other rebels, "go against the grain," "dance to the beat of their own drum" types, "individual" types

Oftentimes they are simply stuck in a state of perpetual rebellion.  This is rebellion against their parents, against the small town that they grew up in, against the church they grew up attending which may have been the site of an embarrassing experience, against the rest of their relatives.

They still have not gotten over the seething anger, hurt, feelings of betrayal, and juvenile rebellion against some perceived authority.

they have not arrived at their current position of anti-religion through a path of logic and reasoning.  they have arrived here through simple reactionary rebellion.  it is nothing more than teenage rebellion.  they may eventually grow out of it.  this is because they did not come here as grown-ups in the first place.  they did not apply critical thinking.  it is merely a violent reaction to the oppression that they have felt throughout their childhood and adolescent formative years.

they still have not worked through the emotional reaction they still harbor.  they still have not gotten over it.


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