Here is a fairly recent excuse making the rounds nowadays. But it is potent and powerful because it tells women many of the things that they want to hear. Some psychological warfare that is all the more devastating because it is sneaky underhanded.
Some males will claim that marriage is a misogynistic Jurassic institution. That it has no place in our modern civilized world. They say that it especially impedes women's rights and ability to lead full rich fulfilling lives.
But I am telling you now, always be very, very wary of males that claim to think that traditional conservative patriarchal institutions are sexist. Trust me, I am an expert in deductive reasoning and human psychology. This is what I do. I study human behavior very carefully, and I glean people’s motivations.
Side note: in truth, yes, for the vast majority of human history, marriage was a business transaction, a purchase in which the man bought the woman from her biological family and then owned her as his slave and property. However, that was then. That is not the case in this society any more.
Yeah, don't even try, dude. You don't give a flyin sh*t about women's rights. Do you protest r--- or the way that the legal system is skewed and messed up in that it doesn't even really recognize r--- for the crime that it is? Do you try to raise awareness of this? Have you tried to bring about positive change perhaps by running for local office or something like that? Do you protest violence against women? Are you aware, or do you raise awareness of the fact that in many countries it is legal for a man to beat and even murder his wife?
Do you protest prostitution and child abuse? Do you protest or raise awareness of international sex trades in which young girls, children, are bought and sold and traded like spare body parts? Those are also Jurassic archaic institutions that severely cripple women's abilities to lead fulfilling lives.
If you honestly want to talk about marriage being a Jurassic archaic institution, well, guess what. There is no shortage of current events fodder in this world in which marriage is used as a tool to beat down, demean, degrade women. Not to mention children. There’s the taliban, there's the Waco compound-type things here in the US. It is abusive, vile, and turns the stomach.
It is widespread, infesting the world, leaking like a virus into remote isolated cultures. Rampant amongst extremist religious freaks that claim they receive "messages from" some g-d to take a child as a "wife." So-called religion used as an escape-excuse to legalize the r--- of children. Child abuse happening in remote villages all over the world. Young tween girls who are children barely having started puberty, are forced into marriages with aging men.
THAT is an example of marriage being a sick abusive institution that preys on women. It subjugates them, forces them into subhuman roles, treating them like work animals. It is turned into a sick perversion of what is supposed to be a loving and *consenting* union between two adults.
But for someone to try to draw parallels between sick perverted nasty middle-aged men in undeveloped, primitive, stone-age cultures across the globe that sell and r--- pubescent-age children --and-- a grown woman in modern western society who has made the conscious choice to be married -- don't even try.
That is being deliberately obtuse and pigheaded. There is always some self-important huffy puffy atheist-apathist that tries to use the excuse that two thousand years ago or two thousand miles away, someone by the same name has done something criminal. Well okay, that's good, point taken, duly noted. But what the hell does that have to do with someone in modern society who is reasonable, moral, rational, level-headed, possessing of good judgment, possessing of good decision-making ability? There are freakish splinter groups in almost all factions of society, in all ethnicities.
For the most part, people have ulterior motives. So you have to ask yourself, what is a male's ulterior motive in supposedly being against conservative "traditional" life arrangements? Obviously he benefits from this “new world order” somehow. Or else he would not give a crap about ridding the world of patriarchal institutions. How does he benefit from ridding the world of such "Jurassic institutions?"
Simple -- he gets strings-free, attachment-free, commitment-free sex. If there is no relationship, then he does not have to worry about her feelings. The male does not have to regard the female as a human being, does not have to "talk" with her, does not have to meet her family. He gets all the benefits of a "relationship" with none of the obligatory work.
Self-proclaimed "liberated," "independent-thinking" females often make the following objections to getting married: Get married? What for? To cook and clean and be a slave to some guy? Why the hell would I want to be stuck with a guy who is going to sit around watch football all day, develop a beer gut, not appreciate any of the cooking and cleaning I do around here, be an ungrateful ahole. Why the hell would I want that??
If all that is true for marriage, then guess what. All that also holds true for a living-together couple. It is the exact same arrangement, simply minus the legal protections that surround a wife in a marriage.
So if you object to marriage on these grounds, then by simple logic you should also object to shacking up -- on the same grounds. The same conditions exist in the shacking-up arrangement. Indeed, this is often the pattern for a lot of male-female sexual relationships.