Monday, August 16, 2004

Even More Small Business vs. Corp Musings

after this one perhaps, do the [[[defending a corporation rather than small businesses.]]]
one reason I have seen people say that it is okay for banks to go out on a limb is to lend people start-up money so that they may open up their own small business.

umm, forgive me for being presumptuous, but I have to wonder what is so damn great about starting your own business.
okay, look.  if they had simply gotten a professional scientific degree in the first place, then they would not have to worry about their futures teetering on the balance.  They would not have to lose sleep over their career volatility, tottering on the edge of a cliff.  No knowing if they would be able to get their business off the ground and provide a steady, reliable income for themselves and also provide for their families if they decided to get married and settle down.

get a degree in a technical engineering or other scientific field, and work a job that you know for a fact will bring you prosperity and stability.  [[[your future would be far more secure, would be far more well--[[[guaranteed__assured]]] that your wo
some silly little business, so you can what, sell stuff??  I read somewhere where a lady had a business called "Le gift basket" or something like that, I dunno, something really stupid.

I have read people say out of frustration and anger at_[at the frustration of working for some other corporation,]]]__ that they will never work for "someone else" ever again.  they would far rather prefer to work for themselves.  I can't help but wonder

There is a vast canyon of difference betwixt working a crap job and working a professional job. -- I think, I think, that there is a different between working with objects or "things" as opposed to dealing with concepts. [[[ideas, notions, ideas.]]

this is what I mean when I talk about professional jobs as opposed to working simply/merely a business.
**any one of the engineering corporations,, like the automotive,,, or those that produce digital technology and communications.  Contribute to wireless networks, faster and more efficient computers.
**or any corporation that produces medical supplies.  Whether pharmaceutical companies.  Or any company either in the public or private sector that does biomedical research.
some dying dead, town that is slowly turning into a  ghost town__

some dinky little small town that is spooky, very suspicious of the outside world, very negative view of "outsiders" and "foreigners."  I like chain restaurants.  I like chain stores.  they are __- connected to the main thoroughfare.  the presence of a
-is a small town that is not up-to-date on communications infrastructure, _big city something or other,, link to a major corporation that has its __ corporate head offices in some other city,, going to be able to respond properly to an emergency??
I lived in a dinky little town for a couple of years while I was in college.  it was not enjoyable.

Saturday, August 14, 2004

More Small Business vs. Corp Musings

From what I have seen, most small businesses are dinky little ragamuffin people tinkering with junk in their backyard.

I would rather work from something great, something powerful, something that actually has the realistic fighting chance of doing something good.  I want to work in and be in charge of something bigger than myself.

A corporation, as long as it is practicing honest, good capitalism, has the power and the means, the resources, to lift the standard of living in a society.  Running water, electrical equipment, generating electricity for a city, purifying recycling and
ensuring that the population receives a constant, reliable, clean water supply.

Working together for a common goal.  A large established company can have vision and the dream to make the world a better place -- and the resources to put this vision into practice.

Not bad corporations like the freakin entertainment industry.  That is a colossal waste of consciousness.  The music industry, the movie industry, the advertising industry with all its greedy and idiotic anti-Napster laws.  That is all pure garbage.  That is a whole sniveling mess that tries to charge the ludicrous claim that making a digital copy of a song is one of the most nefarious dangers to human well-being.

Technological advancements, produce them on a mass scale.  Like Microsoft.  Or even apple as an example back in the day.

Possibly the most important positive social change that large corporation can bestow upon a nation is the offer of jobs.  A livelihood.  I believe in jobs.  I believe in helping people help themselves.  Jobs are a far more _benevolent __ rather than simply donating blind charity, which does nothing but make people weak, dependent, complacent, and unable to support themselves.

This is one of the reasons I am so against welfare.  it is not merely because I am somehow a cruel, heartless, merciless tyrant.  It is because welfare inadvertently does more harm than good to the very people it purports to help.

T hey will become dependent on welfare, ___ They will come to rely on these free handouts rather than learning to work and support themselves.  Apparently the people are too lacking in foresight to see the looming future that welfare has in store for them.  Welfare recipients are unable to see that they are becoming fat and stupid and lazy.

Effecting social change does not seem to work when coming from a single solitary individual's [[garage or kitchen.]]] tinkering around in one's kitchen or puttering around in one's garage.

demand a [[raise the]]] educational standards in public schools.  Demand that discipline, motivation, and general behavioral queries must be made by the child's parents and indeed, must be decided upon by the child herself.

Perhaps back in the 1600s or even 1800s a single person could have created a revolution.  But that is because the whole entire population was simply a loose aggregate of a bunch of ragtag separate individuals who were not really citizens of a sovereign nation.  They were not really working cohesively towards a common goal.

There are a few for which the government seems to have to be at the steering helm.  Education, educational standards.  The US Dept of Education must make sure that in a standard two-semester organic chemistry course series in any college anywhere in the country, they really do teach the full course.

I am okay with scholarships and educational grants, i.e., money heavily invested in the nation's future.  These are people who will one day be tasked with running the country.  We in the current need to prepare them for that responsibility.

I do not see scholarships and other educational monetary support as being mere welfare.  This is not simply giving people handouts and making them dependent, unskilled, or unable to fend for themselves.

Quite the contrary.  Education is possibly one of the best investments a nation can do to ensure that the people prepare themselves for the future.  So they can gain marketable skills and become employable.  So that they can work and support themselves.  So that they don't have to rely on the government's artificial balustrades of food stamps or whatever.

Friday, August 13, 2004

Large Businesses In Industry As Opposed To Starting Your Own Business

Here is why I don't see it as a great idea to start your own small business in this modern work force.

I want to win.  I want success.  __ I wish to stake my claim on a piece of this nice property that is the modern-day workfare and warforce.  I would like to get my foot in the door as quickly as possible.  I do not wish to have any more obstacles standing in the way between myself and success other than those that absolutely have to be there.  I have already overcome and better yet, I have armed myself with certain tenets that some might call obstacles, but which I call necessary artillery, such as skill and education.

But the obstacles to getting one's own business to be cash-flow positive and to be a formidable competitor who can play on a level playing field with already-established business -- seem prohibitive.  They are insurmountable in this day and age.  maybe back in the 1800s when the nation was a little more ragtag and ___
When the nation was just getting established and just starting to form its identity, just beginning to make a name for itself

Back then, they seemed a lot more welcoming to new kids on the block.  This is because everybody was a new kid on the black back then.  but nowadays, the reality is that __
Insisting on starting one's own business -- this is nothing more than needless self-flagellation.

No way, because you are starting from the ground.  They are starting from scratch.  They must claw their way up from rock bottom.  If you work for a large established institution, on the other hand, they already have a leg up in the industry.  They already have a brand name and an established identity in the mind of the nation.  If you work for a large company, then you can ascend the ranks, and can go up that much faster.

Not some stupid corporation that sells ads or copies of music or some useless sht__ like that.  But something that [[[conveys___]]] forth a vision that can drive the country into the future.

Imagine trying to start your own hospital or your own airline!  Can you imagine the enormous hurdles that you would have to go through to convince the public that you are a kind face that can be trusted?  Trying to prove that your company is formidable, stalwart, reliable, solid.  It is an impossible feat to get people to understand that a new name brand means trustworthy and not some fly-by-night, flash-in-the-pan, kooky thing that is just going to take people's money and run.
kind, reliable, trusty old stalwart.

Your own biomedical research company, your own university, same thing.

I feel that there is no need to put oneself through all that struggle and strife if the option exists to realistically sidestep all of that.

The obstacles are insurmountable to starting, establishing, and gaining ground for one's own business.  But more importantly, the respectable, formidable institutions are already established.

I don't see anything wrong with using an established corporation's success as your starting point.  As your springboard that you can use to jump-start your own career.  This is a good strategy to get your foot in the door of the working world.  This is a reasonable, sound, and logical way to get work experience.  You can rightfully internalize their successes and boost yourself upon their bootstraps.  Since corporations exist, you might as well use them to your advantage.

I would rather work for an established, long-well-known inst that already has a well-grounded reputation in the annals of infrastructure and life.

I'm not talking about some silly corporation such as the hollywood nincompoops or some corporation that tries to convince people to buy crap they don't need using money they don't have.

I am talking of seasoned, respectable, stalwart institutions, such as universities.  Such as hospitals.  Such as newspapers.  Such as the judiciary court system as long as it is something genuinely useful.

What I am trying to say is that the best career path is to choose to scientific research and discovery.  Choose something noble and useful that will benefit humankind.  If you'll notice, all the things that will benefit the greater good are already represented out in industry.  __ founded and solid in this country's economy and society.
It is a hackneyed phrase, but be a part of something bigger than yourself.

The innovation and technology, the biomedical research companies, and the education purveyors already exist.  Rather than trying to struggle from scratch, you can go and improve those.  You can build upon and improve the already-existing products and services rather than (forgive me in advance for another hackney) trying to reinvent the wheel.

The foundation, meaning the basic stuff, has already been perfected using tried-and-true methods.  Rather than expending energy on toiling away and laboring on a service for which the foundation already exists, it would be a far more efficient use of one's time and resources to improve an already-existing system.  I feel that an employee can contribute best to the betterment of society if they direct precious skills, training, education, enthusiasm towards improving the wheel rather than trying to chisel away at a rock creating exactly what has been created before.

It is still fully your work.  You still deserve full credit and recognition for the work you do.  It is not cheating; it is not taking credit for someone else's work; it is not plagiarism.  It is yours.

And look.  From what I've seen, a lot of people who own and run small local businesses are, well, weird.  They distrust everyone.  They distrust outsiders, they distrust foreigners, they distrust rich people, they distrust people who work for corporations.

They have a horrible small-minded mentality that really turns off anyone that might be willing to give them a chance.  They distrust anyone that didn't grow up as kids with their great-grandparents in the same microscopic town that has a total population smaller than the high school I attended.

I have applied for work at small businesses previously.  The person who accepted my application usually shriveled away in fear and disgust.  And of course I would not hear from them again, no matter how persistently I called and asked to talk to the hiring manager.  (Roll eyes.)  Look, I know I'm not a supermodel, but I also know that I could do the job excellently.  I could be trained in minimal time with flying colors, and I could become an excellent employee.  But they want to hear none of that.

Friday, August 6, 2004

It Appears There Are All Sorts Of Crap Arguments As To Why People Refuse To Get Married

I see that a male will offer excuses aplenty for why the two of them should not get officially married.  He will say things such as, “oh why do you have to worry about a time and place that is not here?  Why can't you be happy in the here and now?  Why can't you learn to live in the moment?  We don't need a piece of paper to declare our love.  Break free of the rules, anything is possible.  Why do you have to go and ruin everything by trying to change it?  Why can't you just appreciate what we have now?”

In this situation they might be living together or at least dating on-and-off for a good while.  They might have a kid or two because they are definitely having sex but unfortunately are sloppy, lackadaisical, mediocre in everything, including enforcing the birth control.  But the male refuses to make an honest man out of himself.  He refuses to respect the female or consider her wholly and fully enough to admit that they could do the right thing and declare their relationship official.

Trying to make the female seem like she is the bad guy just because she wants some answers, some honesty, some straightforwardness in their relationship.  When in truth he is an irresponsible selfish lazy asshole who just likes to be a drifter and a squatter and does not want to acknowledge the fact.

And he is trying to put a philosophical, psychobabble, pseudo-intellectual (the 90s were good for calling things as they saw em) spin on it to make himself sound noble.

What I really cannot believe is that some females actually profess to being happy about this.  Like, huh?  How in the world is this pathetic, sagging, flaccid, strength-of-a-dead-plant type of pseudo-arrangement bringing you any sort of happiness?  I really have a hard time believing that line of bull.

Hanging on by a thread to a half-hearted, half-assed relationship with barely any strings attaching you two -- this is somehow fulfillment and happiness?  Nothing actually connecting you two, fusing you two together -- this is happiness?  No stability, security (emotions-wise), no straightforwardness in the relationship -- is this something to appreciate or aspire to?

I read an book review (odd but yep) where a female was saying she was heartbroken and devastated, not just once but a few times during the course of the relationship.  Because her boyf did not want to get married and he offered various excuses toward this end.  And somehow she convinced herself that he was being practical, that he was the logical smart one, and/or that what he said made sense.

Sorry gals, but after watching and reading about tons of dumb b----es making the same mistakes over and over again, I am left to the following scientific conclusion:  careless males are arseholes and careless females are dumbarses.

Thursday, August 5, 2004

"I do not agree with your opinion, but I will defend to the death your right to express it."

Here is my question. Why should they defend to the death? When you show no maturity, no responsibility, no intelligence and careful thought at arriving at your opinion. I read somewhere, "must they sacrifice everything, and you must sacrifice nothing?"

And I believe it applies in this situation as well. Why should they take all that responsibility to defend you, when you are not taking any responsibility in the way you act, and present your opinion?  no caution, (necessary precautions, preparations) (show no discretion in choosing your actions)

Wednesday, August 4, 2004

Butting Into Free-Thinkers' Business

Rebels are so hell bent on saying that quote "I control my life I make my own decisions I'm not going to ask anyone's permission on whether something is right or wrong."

They insist that no one stand in their way.  They insist that they be allowed to do their own thing.  Be independent, no one can tell them what to do.  "Mind your own damn business, butt out of my life.  Don't order me around.  It's MY life, I'll live it however I want."

Oh but you sure as hell have no problem with people butting into your business when things go wrong -- which they always do.  Believe you me, things always go wrong for this sort of self-destructive behavior. You sure as hell don't have a problem with people butting into your life when you are in the emergency room due to your drug overdose.

Fine, so go be independent.  Fix your own damn liver.  Do your own damn liver transplant surgery.  Administer your own damn kidney dialysis.  Administer your own damn chemotherapy for throat cancer or lung cancer; or cancer of the stomach lining.  ((Ulcer))))

These promiscuous whores screech and squawk, "oh it's my own life, I can do whatever I want, it's none of your damn business, it's my sex life, it's my bedroom, stay the hell out of my personal life, mind your own business."

Yeah, until you want someone to come in and rescue you.

Oh, sure -- until you want social programs that make ME pay for it.  Oh, then you sure as hell want me to be involved in your personal life.  Then you sure don't hesitate to make it incumbent on the general population to pay for _your_ mistakes.

This is as succinct and excellently summarized a statement that I can
Sex is a personal matter...  Stop forcing me to be involved in your sex life...  What you do in your bedroom is none of my business, and I shouldn't be forced to pay for it.