Friday, August 6, 2004

It Appears There Are All Sorts Of Crap Arguments As To Why People Refuse To Get Married

I see that a male will offer excuses aplenty for why the two of them should not get officially married.  He will say things such as, “oh why do you have to worry about a time and place that is not here?  Why can't you be happy in the here and now?  Why can't you learn to live in the moment?  We don't need a piece of paper to declare our love.  Break free of the rules, anything is possible.  Why do you have to go and ruin everything by trying to change it?  Why can't you just appreciate what we have now?”

In this situation they might be living together or at least dating on-and-off for a good while.  They might have a kid or two because they are definitely having sex but unfortunately are sloppy, lackadaisical, mediocre in everything, including enforcing the birth control.  But the male refuses to make an honest man out of himself.  He refuses to respect the female or consider her wholly and fully enough to admit that they could do the right thing and declare their relationship official.

Trying to make the female seem like she is the bad guy just because she wants some answers, some honesty, some straightforwardness in their relationship.  When in truth he is an irresponsible selfish lazy asshole who just likes to be a drifter and a squatter and does not want to acknowledge the fact.

And he is trying to put a philosophical, psychobabble, pseudo-intellectual (the 90s were good for calling things as they saw em) spin on it to make himself sound noble.

What I really cannot believe is that some females actually profess to being happy about this.  Like, huh?  How in the world is this pathetic, sagging, flaccid, strength-of-a-dead-plant type of pseudo-arrangement bringing you any sort of happiness?  I really have a hard time believing that line of bull.

Hanging on by a thread to a half-hearted, half-assed relationship with barely any strings attaching you two -- this is somehow fulfillment and happiness?  Nothing actually connecting you two, fusing you two together -- this is happiness?  No stability, security (emotions-wise), no straightforwardness in the relationship -- is this something to appreciate or aspire to?

I read an book review (odd but yep) where a female was saying she was heartbroken and devastated, not just once but a few times during the course of the relationship.  Because her boyf did not want to get married and he offered various excuses toward this end.  And somehow she convinced herself that he was being practical, that he was the logical smart one, and/or that what he said made sense.

Sorry gals, but after watching and reading about tons of dumb b----es making the same mistakes over and over again, I am left to the following scientific conclusion:  careless males are arseholes and careless females are dumbarses.


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