Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Atheist psychology in general

They lambast and laugh, mock, deride whackadoo religious fundamentalists for not using logic, reasoning, or common sense.

Fair enough.  But inherent in their mockery is the assumption that atheists do operate from a place of logic.  So you're saying that you DO use reason.  And yet you still manage to come to the exact same conclusion___
They still manage to reach conclusions that are as whackadoo and insane as the dogma preached by religious extremists.

You mock creationists and intelligent designers because they start off with a conclusion and explanation, then they go off in search of whatever supporting data they can find to argue the conclusion.  Don't get me wrong, I too find their shenanigans to be cuckoo for cocoa puffs.

Yet, then evolutionary psychologists turn around and do the exact same thing.  Only because it is a little too close to home, they are unable to discern it.

Come on, people.  Does no one remember the important lesson that Jurassic Park was trying to impart to us all?  Scientific extremism is just as dangerous as religious extremism.  Ethics, morality, pacing oneself -- are all tenets just as important as research, investigation, science for the sake of science.  "Scientists were so busy wondering if they could that they didn't stop to think whether or not they should."  This was the same theme of Philip Pullman's "His Dark Materials" trilogy.  Nazi-backed researchers performed all sorts of horrific, gruesome experiments on human beings in the name of "science."

artificial intelligence
creepily human-looking robots being built in Japan
    Seriously, what the hell is wrong with Japanese scientists?
*warning, this website is technically safe for work.  HOWEVER, it will sink into your psyche, and burrow deep within your subconscious much like bovine fungiform prions do to cow brains, until you find you are screaming yourself awake in the middle of the night, in a pool of your own cold sweat, with this thing having pervaded your worst nightmares.
atom bomb
hydrogen bomb
human cloning
cluster bomb


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