Saturday, April 5, 2008

"Free-thinking liberal atheists'" attitudes towards women, and inevitably towards morals- it's worse than we thought

Let us discuss some concepts of which atheist liberals evidently have no grasp.

These are notions of the bodily self and the right of a human being to have total control, final say in what happens.  This is regarding the right to refuse anything even if so-called atheist liberal "logic" presents a compelling argument

I am seeing a disturbing number of message boards all across the internet in which self-described "free-thinking liberal progressive/atheists" (take your pick of superlative) declare themselves to be enlightened, possessing [[[or blessed]]] with higher-order knowledge and liberation.  And therefore many of them come to the ultimate conclusion that there is no reason that any person should ever refuse sex, ever.  These "free-thinking atheists" claim that notions of morality, chastity, and personal limits to intimacy are antiquated, outdated notions that have no place in modern reasonable discourse.

Think I'm making this up?

Atheists have no appreciation nor comprehension for __concepts such as___ morality, personal boundaries, right to bodily autonomy,

They seem to have absolutely no grasp of the concepts of morality or philosophy.  They truly do not seem to understand abstract questions of human psychology and morality.  Worse, they do not even comprehend the fact that abstract notions exist.

It is very subtly, slowly seeping into societal norms like tentacles quietly stealthily creeping in.__]]]  this is a very quiet shift in society's collective conscious regarding personal boundaries, comfort levels, intimacy, the feeling of being safe and secure, and the distinct feeling of trust that should be present for a monogamous romantic relationship to exist.

It is subtle, far-reaching, for permeating, and terrifying.

I am going to make a statement that will probably ruffle a lot of liberal politically correct feathers, and it will upset people's simplistic cardboard cutout view of the world.

I have secretly suspected that the partying hook-up culture and rape culture go hand in hand.

I can guarantee you that in a society in which people condone and easily openly practice loose moral-free, no strings attached sx -- the women are being coerced into sex.  How do I know this?  I read a lot, I observe, and I gather information.  I look for patterns and explanations, as disgusting and infuriating as they might turn out to be.  I study human behavior, psychology, motivations.

And I have come to a conclusion that humans are not particularly complicated.  Humans are sickeningly simple, and they, perhaps subconsciously, lump together two categories which morally should be entirely separate.

This was true back in ancient Babylon.  This was true in ancient Rome.  This was true in ancient Greece.

People are carousing and casually partying with not a care in the world.  They think everyone is happy-go-lucky and everyone is completely 100 percent willing and consenting every step of the way.  No one has any objections in the slightest to any of the activities going on.

And this is true in modern-day spring break, modern-day college parties, and the modern-day dating scene.

In a society that purports to have no qualms or personal boundaries whatsoever regarding sex or physical intimacy, the women are essentially being raped.

I tried my damndest to pretend in my head that there was no correlation whatsoever between date-rape/rapes on college campuses and the partying culture.  I tried to pretend that college rapes are completely independent of partying excess.  But I can't keep lying and shoving my better instincts and common sense into a silly little box.

The moral-free males jump from female to female, having sexual encounters.  The males are not met with much resistance or hesitation.  Suppose they encounter a female who says "no."  You honestly think that the males, after having much past experience of not being deterred, are going to magically honor this one female's request not to engage in sex?

All that the liberal atheist males are seeing surrounding them all the time is an attitude of "anything goes." They evidently do not stop to think critically about the situation, nor do the females.  They do not think about their actions that are about to transgress, nor do they ponder and think what the consequences would be.

They do not think about how to possibly justify it to themselves, as in make the situation and make these decisions add up to their morals and square away with their self-protection instincts.  Or perhaps they do rationalize it somehow.  They possibly excuse this violence away by saying that in a situation like this, anything that happens is okay.  Who cares if this is disgusting, reprehensible, criminal behavior?  If it is at a drunken college campus party, then it is okay.  If it is at a drunken and drug-fueled club, then it is okay.  If it is within the realms of the modern "dating" or "social" scene, then anything and everything is okay, and no one is allowed to judge.

This is something that liberal females do not seem to get.  __they seem to be genuinely shocked, surprised when a female coed frat-party-hopper inevitably is forced to have sxe.  This transgression is repeated over and over and over again, and yet liberal females still remain astonishingly obtuse and naive.

Haven't you ever seen The Ten Commandments with Charlton Heston?  Remember that scene at the foot of Mount Sinai while Moses was going on his sojourn to the peak?  Remember all the, er, activity that was going on?  Not all of the sex scenes looked like the participants were consenting.  Left to themselves, the people abandoned themselves.

This is pretty much the scene occurring at frat parties at college campuses across the country.  And it is the scene occurring at bars and clubs off college campuses across the country.  No sense of morals.  No sense of personal responsibly.  No sense of accountability for one's actions.

Because they not believe in God nor in heaven or hell, they also do not believe in an afterlife. They think they do not have to answer for their behavior to any deity. That is fine if that is what they believe. I don't really have much of a problem with that.

The problem is that they think that without the presence of a deity, there is no other reason to have respect for themselves -- nor respect for women.  They think the only reason to have any morals or self-respect is because of some spooky ghost in the sky. Because they do not believe in any such "ghost in the sky," they think this translates into not having any need for morals or self-restraint. The only thing they are concerned with is the here + now.

They are hedonistic. In other words they are self-destructive. They give in to every little impulse and give little thought to conscience or consequences.

Remember that they pride themselves on being "practical?" They will only follow a social or moral rule if it has been proven in "scientific study" to be beneficial to humans. They seem completely unaware that peer-reviewed scientific discovery in research journals has not had time to get to every possible concern that humans face. They pay no heed to instincts, common sense, tradition, family values, or morals and upbringing that our parents instilled in us.

What this means is that they only follow the bare minimum of moral behavior required for survival. Somehow they miraculously have only found the "scientific studies" that conclude that drugs and promiscuity do not do any harm to a person.

Consider liberal atheist attitudes towards birth control and abortion. These "free-thinking liberal atheists" think that all kinds of birth control exist presenting very little risk of pregnancy or STDs, therefore there is no "logical" objection to sex.  This is also their approach to sex regarding abortion.

Ah, excuse me?  They truly, honestly think that a person should have to come up with a reason NOT to have sex with someone?  What kind of screwed up thinking is that?

This is also their approach to deviant forms of "sex" that have all the nasty gross-out-ness that religious fanatics disapprove of, but with none of the emotional closeness that sex is supposed to provide for fully-evolved civilized homo sapiens.  I will not list them here.  I saw an article on MSN a few short years ago that tried to make the argument that these perverted, nasty forms of sex are totally mainstream now and that no one should object to them anymore.

That is not how human empathy and intimacy work.  If someone doesn't want to, then they don't want to.  That's it.  You can't "logic" your way into something that is a matter of personal boundaries and comfort levels.

Nobody has to think of a "good" reason not to be intimate with anyone.  Quite the opposite is true.  A person would need a very good reason TO have sex with someone.  Perhaps getting to know a person on a human level would be a good prerequisite. Then after that there might be a spark, emotional chemistry, that sort of thing.

Yet ALL the studies I have seen and ALL human behavior I have observed indicate precisely the opposite. Promiscuous people, especially women, are diagnosed with depression, anxiety, and have more chemical dependencies and addictions than women who are monogamous.

Women are overwhelmingly happier if they are in sustained, monogamous, committed, long-term relationships, i.e., marriage. The reason for this is obvious-- women are happier in a stable marriage relationship because it is stable, strong, secure.  A woman does not have to worry and fret about whether the person will leave, which would cheapen and demean the sex.

Most importantly, intimacy and affection are a very big deal. An emotionally healthy, psychologically solvent woman is not going to search desperately for rationalization of dangerous, irresponsible behavior. A healthy, sane, emotionally stable woman is not going to be okay with being physically intimate with numerous random hook ups. I daresay that this is true of men as well.

I would not even need to dumb this down or explain in such detail to a mentally healthy, generally sane person.

Somehow they have not managed to find any of the numerous studies that prove that people who are monogamous and sober are happier, healthier, and take better care of themselves. They have not discovered any of the studies that talk about alcohol being a problem on college campuses, date rape, roofies, the increase of rape culture, rapes at frat parties where the male thinks it is consenting drunk sex but the female thinks it is rape.


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