Thursday, August 7, 2008

A sobering discussion on Asians vs. blacks

I have long known that Asians are more intelligent than blacks.  I have had good reason to believe that Asians are more intelligent than whites.  And yep, I have been witness to ample evidence that whites are more intelligent than blacks.

In all the advanced-track classes that I have always been enrolled in, it has always been the case that there were not nearly as many blacks in these advanced classes as would be "expected."  Expected how exactly? you might ask.  I am talking about a percentage representation of the population.

In N. and S. Carolina, roughly one-third of the student population of any given public school in any given grade is black.  Now let us go into more detail.  Look at the demographic make-up of advanced math courses, advanced English, and the A.G/A.S. studies.

A cross-section representative sample of advanced studies courses does not in any way mirror a cross-section of the general student population.  Notice that black students are conspicuously absent from advanced classes.  An advanced math classroom that has thirty students is a large enough sample size to be representative of an entire grade of [[[[how many stu???]]]]

It should hypothetically provide an accurate cross-section -- **IF** all the students are genuinely equal in innate intelligence and ability.  In an average advanced math class of approximately thirty students, I have seen usually only one black student.

This is true no matter which school we specifically look at, which grade we look at, or which geographic region we look at.

The depressing, unfortunate truth is that no matter how many social, political, sociopolitical [[balustrades, rafters, arch___]]] are enacted, this severe discrepancy has never been remedied.  No matter how much welfare, government cheese, Section 8 housing, or money for FILA shoes the welfare office has given them, it has never resolved the stark lack of black students excelling in school.

The situation is even more severe when we look at a college student population.
[[[[The number of black students sharply plummeted when I moved from high school to college.]]]

But to definitively quantify this phenomenon by way of IQ scores seems a bit... harsh, and [[[final, finalized like it has been set in concrete__]]]  [[[set in stone and written in blood]]


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