society needs structure and order. _tio stay together. to stay functioning, _performing well,,,__ to keep [[better word for running, keep functioing optimally___]]
--women, through their roles,,as wives and mothers ie the stronghold of the family,,__ lay the groundwork for society
--women establish the ___ that the greater society will follow in the future.
--women are tasked with this role of keeping society intact and helahty and whole. ((by keeping the family dynamic strong and _the strongest influence in the members' psychological makeup,,__. by establishing these [[[_patterns,,, nonono___ ]]]] from the
by normalizing__
I was not necessarily saying that socety was better off when women stayed at home. I am simply stating that the family strcuture is crucuial to well-being of society.
It is hardwired into humans to organize into male-and-female nuclear families. It was hard-wired into Homo neanderthalis, as well.
_the strongest influence in the members' psychological makeup,,__. was already established during their formative years. the choildhood uears in which a human being is
-they are molded, they are brought up, ___{{darmnit, what what is??? neurological pathways nonono.
aha! their worldview is shaped by their experiences during their formative years as a child. these are the most impressionable years. the morals and values imparted to the child during this time will set the course for the rest of their life.
--set the foudnation for society.
moresos than those othsoide distant largely irrelevant "authority" forces such as govt, police, credit score, etc.
liberals females want all of the rithts and priveliges [[avialable, made possible ,, conceinved into existenc___um nonon__]]] of a civilied, healthy, ____modern-day society, {expoiund more on the mental emotional psycholog stablity and reason}} -- with none of the respsonsibiliteis.
if you have kids, then you need to freakin raise them. __don't dump them on nannies and babysitters. they are YOURr reossinbislibyt, they are YOUrr job to handle. noy anyone else's.
--well, you needt to freakin raisesssee them.
women set the social normasn and standards. woeme [[[set]]] social expectaiotns.
women, you need to teel men and children, and other women, how to act. set the limits on what is acceptable in poilite civized society, and make clear ehat is not acceptable in society. raise the bar/ __more importantly, raise the bar by setting an example, yoiu need to act civilized, polite, respectable, self-respecting, and dignified first.
--women, through their roles,,as wives and mothers ie the stronghold of the family,,__ lay the groundwork for society
--women establish the ___ that the greater society will follow in the future.
--women are tasked with this role of keeping society intact and helahty and whole. ((by keeping the family dynamic strong and _the strongest influence in the members' psychological makeup,,__. by establishing these [[[_patterns,,, nonono___ ]]]] from the
by normalizing__
I was not necessarily saying that socety was better off when women stayed at home. I am simply stating that the family strcuture is crucuial to well-being of society.
It is hardwired into humans to organize into male-and-female nuclear families. It was hard-wired into Homo neanderthalis, as well.
_the strongest influence in the members' psychological makeup,,__. was already established during their formative years. the choildhood uears in which a human being is
-they are molded, they are brought up, ___{{darmnit, what what is??? neurological pathways nonono.
aha! their worldview is shaped by their experiences during their formative years as a child. these are the most impressionable years. the morals and values imparted to the child during this time will set the course for the rest of their life.
--set the foudnation for society.
moresos than those othsoide distant largely irrelevant "authority" forces such as govt, police, credit score, etc.
liberals females want all of the rithts and priveliges [[avialable, made possible ,, conceinved into existenc___um nonon__]]] of a civilied, healthy, ____modern-day society, {expoiund more on the mental emotional psycholog stablity and reason}} -- with none of the respsonsibiliteis.
if you have kids, then you need to freakin raise them. __don't dump them on nannies and babysitters. they are YOURr reossinbislibyt, they are YOUrr job to handle. noy anyone else's.
--well, you needt to freakin raisesssee them.
women set the social normasn and standards. woeme [[[set]]] social expectaiotns.
women, you need to teel men and children, and other women, how to act. set the limits on what is acceptable in poilite civized society, and make clear ehat is not acceptable in society. raise the bar/ __more importantly, raise the bar by setting an example, yoiu need to act civilized, polite, respectable, self-respecting, and dignified first.