Saturday, July 27, 2013

Re: Women controlling their families

This mght be a wee bit conteoversial, but I stand by this.

Society is better off whne women coteol people feom their theones of the hearh and home.  The hearh and home is the central (__locus, foci__]] atounf which all of civl revolves.

I think this apricoular pt in my dissertaitokn deserves more detailed treatmet.

I hv observed that families and society were souch betrr off whne women were stay-at-hime wives and mothers.  This __arrangment__ mean that women controlled eveythog.  Women controlled and supervisedthe comings and goings of their famulies.

-- I watched soem tv show where one of the kids was seen smoking outsode his high school.  Right on campus, leaning agaisnt the side ifthe bulding.  One of the wives wit essed thks and saud [[judhmentally, condesc nonono more like,,, authoritative dictatorial, 'and that's final' not opme to discussion type of unilateral decison-makng__]] "this os why women should not work."  I heard that and I was so indignant, "what the hell are you talking about; that's goin a little far; meb women it would serve the family best if women are stay-at home moms when their kids aremlittle but ti jyst declar once and for all that women simply should not work is beig a little [[getting ahef of ourslves;; nono crossignt thst bridgr befire grttig to it__]]" and all soets od objections.  - But I see it now;; I understand now.

some idor arg:  "ohh but what about diseasses n stuff?"  Like what?  "Duhh like cancer n heart dz!!"  Oh, youeam the diseases that sprang up whne women stipped coking and congrolling what their filies aeat?

what is the men's role in all of this?  It is to work___ to protect and provvide for their families.  The family is the stonghod of a civiaztipn.  It is mens duty to abide bu that.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Lamenting the olden days of feminism, aka Why I am no longer a feminist Part 3

Feminism used to be about breaking through female stereotypes and rendering them obsolete.

But nowadays, feminism has become a movement that upholds and reinforces female stereotypes.

the really scary thing that has been happening over the past several years is the utter deterioration of the feminist movement into a thing that is a horrible gross mutation sickening obscene science project genetic gene splicing chimera experiment gone wrong.

it has now become a movement that caters to these not-so-stereotypical-and-instead-depressingly-true weaknesses in females. it is a movement that reinforces
____that cushions women from facing the consequences of their very ill-thought-out actions.
spoils and pampers and shelters women from having to deal with any of these practical, real-life situtaions.

[[[[[I've had a snakign supsicioun for a long time]]]  sigh.

(crickets chirping.  unamused stare.)  so femni is basically whatever momnetary, temproary whim right-in-the-moment that any female wants it to be.  it is anytihng a woman feels she needs to [[do_] needs to be domne to remedey some situation where she feels she was treating unfairly.

Based on her current mood, whether her emotions swing this way or that.  _possibly based on what she at for breakfast that morning.  Some breakfast food are nutritious, filling, and give you the right amount and right type of energy to go about you day.  Other foods such as donuts, provide no such nourishment.  Perhaps she had a difficult week and this has thusly colored her current opinion on her place in this world as well as how other people should regard her.  or as is the case with a lot of femin, it affects her opinion on how other people should bend over backwards to cater to her in-the-moment.  Perhaps she had a bad month.

Perhaps it's that time of the month.  hormone cycles fluctuate. [[[and they do affect neurochemistry.__ it is a simple truth. ]]

While we're on this subject, I now find it quite ludicrous and hypocritical that women claim to be offended when others blame her "strong opinions" on her menstrual cycle.  It is hypocritical because, recall how many times women have been complete assholes and then used the convenient excuse of "oh I was pms-ing" to excuse her behavior.

You don't even need to look at splinter offshoots, as in, one branch of fmeins contradicts another branch of femisnt.  feminism, which remember is simply the same female psychology that has been existing since the beginning of time, is contradictory within itself.

some examples.  listen, women.  you can't shout from the rooftops all huffy and proud, [[__"i;ll be a slut if I want, it's my body, I'll fluck every man I want, any man I want, ___don't you dare call me a slut, don't you dare shame me, it's my life , it's my body my choice, __ I'm perfectly satisfied being a sinner and a whroe.__"
yet simultaneously, women protest and be shocked, "how dare males pump and dump wimmen, how dare men treat women like whrs, how dare men act like such jerks, how dare men have sex and then not call afterwards, how dare men objectify women.

do females truly not realize that all this is, is males and females are both acting as mirror-images of each other?  are women truly that daft, that obtuse, so lacking in self-awareness?  it seems that females genuinely do not realize that this is women and men acting in the exact same way.  they are literally behaving in ways that are full complements to each other.  men are able to do this only because women are doing this.  one half acts like this, and the other half reciprocates.

Supposedly used to be the central dogma of feminism, choose either between career or family.  But femsn also declared for a very long time that women have to work no matter what, including to the detriment of focusing on school.  I remember that one very clearly from when I was in college myself and working a part-time minimum wage job.  I remembering pondering worriedly to myself, am I a bad feminist for not prioritizing this menial crap job?  And instead prioritizing my classes?  -movement,, woman wants to be stay-at-home mom, we as feminism n as human beings should not shame women for their choices.  Okay, fair enough.  If women want to walk around naked all the time, that is their body n their right n their choice.  wait, what?  --in some circles, so if we can't shame women for wanting to walk around naked in public, then we can't shame women for wanting to wear burkas either.

Sigh.  Look, one movement cannot possible be this many contradictory, disparate, 180-degree-difference-of-opion things.  One solitary, solid, unified movement cannot possible embody all these conflicting ideologies.

So in other words, the movement means anything and everything that whatever women wants.  In other words, feminism just means whatever women want it to mean at any given time.

That is not a sociopolitical movement.  That's just personal desires and whims.

look, women.  you are grown adults responsible for your yourselves.  if you think feminism just means you get to do whatever you want, then just go do whatever you want.  but you don't get to moniker it as any sort of sociopolitical complaint.

I must confess that I have noticed this for a very long time.  that is precisely why I continually felt the obligation to explain exactly what feminism entails.  Plunging into lengthy languorous descriptions that go into great detail on why a given social situation is an important feminist concern.  and why many prominent social, or sociopolitical situations are nost deinfielty not a feminist thing and are in fact mysoguynistic.  or why yet other sociopolitical siationas has almost nothing to do with feminis.

femsnit themselves have engaged in heated fights, shouting matches because they cannot agree on what fems is.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Women cannot handle equality, aka Why I am no longer a feminist Part 2

Upon years and years of pondering and critical analysis, I then realized that women are too weak to handle "feminism.  "

They don't even want "feminism."  "Feminism" as in the lofty ideal that too many people are still delusioned into thinking it still means.  The extremely narrow, ignorant, idealistic dictionary definition that stills spouts the claim that feminism is the equality and respect and humanity of both sexes.  God knows, real feminism is nothing like this perfect ideal up in the clouds.

More accurately, women don't want real and actual responsibility for themselves, and they don't truly want equality.

All feminism is-- is the same female psychology that has been existing for the past 500,000 years.  (That too is, alas, Karen Straughan's thesis.  I only wish I could take credit for it.)

the tyrnany of femalel hypoangency
to be honest, I think I've realized this all my life as well.
I've made note of this several tiems in my observations, throughout numerous essay.s.  I've made note that women keep making stupid excuses not to be responsible for their own birth control, they kept making stupid excuses not to study science and math, and even worse they are now making excuses for why they should not be responsible for their own bodily safety and well-being.

but I always kept making excuses for this.  I kept thinking that oh if only they had been educated and exposed to real actual feminism, as in academic intellectual feminism, then they would understand how to apply it in their own lives.
you know how some people are all "yall mfkrs need Jesus"?  I was all, "y'all mkrfrs need feminism."

I kept thinking that more and more feminism was the answer.  I kept thinking, if only they had had proper education from day one, form the day the firs began preschool, and then continuing on up through grade school.  Then they surely would become empowered to take charge of their own lives, and they would be equipped with the tools and the resources to succeed.

I can't lavish enough praise on this woman Karen Straughan.  Her very detailed, thorough analysis of female psychology has answered a ton of uncomfortable questions I have always had about women.  Why exactly do women do things to themselves, including very bad things-- and then turn around and blame everyone but themselves?  Women consciously, actively, voluntarily do careless stupid irresponsible things.  Getting pregnant as teenagers or out of wedlock.  objectifying themselves__

Liberal feminists, other feminists, mainstream media all incessantly complain that there aren't enough women CEOs, not enough women as elected government officials, not enough women in positions of power.

I used to complain as well, back when I was a feminist, but I've also always wondered why this is the case.  It could not just be a matter of "teh men's fault;" that is simplistic and ignorant.  In the western first world, we cannot just resort to this excuse.

Turns out I was right.  The notion that women not being in positions of official, declared power is indicative of "misogyny"-- reveals a colossal ignorance towards how women think and operate. **gross misunderstanding__
Women don’t want overt, obvious power and authority.  Women want secretive sneaky covert power, because that way, their hands are clean.  Women reject assignments of official authority, whether outright or subconsciously, because they are not willing to accept responsibility and accountability if and when things go wrong.

Yes, patriarchy exists.  And it is precisely because women want it that way.

Sigh.  This is very difficult for me to admit in all of my research and observations.  The vast majority of women do not possess the cognitive capabilities to interpret incoming information in the manner that I hoped.  They see information, they read information, they hear information; they probably saw all the same information I did all my life.  And yet they are physically incapable of being logical and reasonable.  Their neurochemical pathways are not equipped to interpret information in a straightforward manner that follows cause-and-effect patterns.

the widespread [[_condition nonon needs to be smt that sounds permanent, not like a temporary disease state that can eventually be eradicated]]]

Middle-class white women are extremely racist, extremely spoiled, and extremely ignorant.  Yes, I have also always known that these existed.  Shrug.  So what?  Racist, whiny-ass, pain-in-the-ass, spoiled, anal-retentive mcw bitches.s.  Well, yeah sure, but no one ever called them "feminists."

Then, sigh of resignation and realization.  If it looks like a duck and walks like a duck, it's a duck.

So basically,.... they want all the comforts and privileges of not having to provide for themselves, not having to pay any bills, not having to pay any rent, not buying their own groceries, not paying for their own bills and utilities, not making sure all their basic needs for living are met.
yet at the same time, they expect to reap all the benefits and rewards of being a "strong independent woman in charge of her own life.

The movement has degenerated into a laughable, weak, whiny, spoiled parody of activism.

They have every comfort and privilege in the world, and yet they are convinced that they are still somehow oppressed.

Western, first world, white, middle-class white women enjoy complaining that they are like so totally oppressed and abused.  this is even though they have ready healthcare, ready access to healthy food, clean drinkable, potable running water, indoor plumbing (that is important enough to mention twice), a decent education, an emergency medical response system that is already in place, city waste management systems already in place including garbage, recycling, and sewage treatment.

They have at their free choice and disposal a number of subjects to study in post-secondary higher education, up to, including, and beyond science and mathematics majors.

No middle-class white woman in a western country has ever been shot in the head as a child, and certainly not for simply wanting to read.  "" "" has ever been honor-killed.  nor stoned for being rpd.

they have tons of reproductive choices.  yes, middle-class-white women in first-world industrialized nations have every choice of whether or not to reproduce, which go up to, including, and beyond conception, pregnancy, childbirth, and whether or not to keep the damn kid.  They keep insisting they do not, which is either because they are willfully ignorant or simply dense.

and yet they still find trivial nonsense about which to bitch and moan and graon and complain.

mAsnspalining"?  really,?  this is the height of their complainsts?  this is what they consider a serrious greievance against humanity?
so, it's not as if one

not enough superheroes in movies being female.

tampon commercials on tv being condescending.

bc women cannot handle equal rights or more to thep pont, ___ eq responisbilities.
they cannot handle real life__     day to day real life concerns.

they are horrible at mnaaging money.  __they are finnacially illeterate.
they think that things bought for the home fall magically out of the sky.
--this is bc they are not the breadwinners of their families.  they are nt the ones who earn the money for that new subzero refdridgertaor or for remodeling the rec room.
therefore there is no logical connection that forms in their minds that links the money earned --> to stuff that is bought.
they have no idea how to ralistically budget their money.

seriously, think about it.  (((_expound on above parga.))

women's attitudes towards money seem firmly rooted in the fantasy and the clouds.
noone wants to come right out and say it in the public sphere.  there are only sidelong acknolwedgmeents of this.
why in the world do [[[money advising techniques__ exist specifically tailored to women?]]  why couldn't women xzjust use the same financial [[[ managment for indivudual people advice an products ]]]] that already exist out there?  which happen to be the ones that men already use with no problem?

could it be possibly bc these supposed "grown adult independent" females don't knwo the first thing about basic addition and subtraction?  unfortinelately, the answer is yes.  they are too weak, too emotional, too hysterical, too panicky.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Why I am no longer a feminist

Why I no longer consider myself a feminist

With a heavy heart and a somber sigh of resignation, I must reclaim logic and reason.  In order to do so, I must abandon the wretched nutbaggery that is modern-day feminism.

One of the core tenets of feminism is that all throughout human history, women have been beaten, abused, violated, degraded, victimized, and oppressed.  By men.

In fact it turns out that in fact this historical account which is the foundation upon which the entire ideology is built-- is completely wrong.

It is jaw-dropping and traffic-stopping how much information is simply withheld from the public. Large huge chunks of history, as in events that happened in human lives, are purposely locked away so that all that’s available is an extremely skewed version of human history.

I had considered myself terribly clever when I wrote this line:  question; what were domestic violence laws like back then?  As it turns out, justice against domestic violence culprits was efficient and forceful.  A group of men, police officers or otherwise, would essentially go and retrieve an accused male domestic violator, and whip him in out in the streets.  Yeah, I'd say that would be effective against the guy ever assaulting her again.

I emphasize that all the previous points are actually very true.  My preceding essays were emotional knee-jerks more than anything else.  I was still trying to process all this new information. I was going through the typical ‘b-b-but, but, but, but...’ that most people undergo when encountering information that is accurate yet contradictory to what they have been indoctrinated into all their lives.
Women changing diapers and doing laundry work and doing maid work including cleaning bathrooms, sucks.  But men clean sewers underground.  Men do plumbing and clean household septic tanks.  And business n industrial septic tanks.

Yes, women carry loads of bricks on top of their heads.  But men have to climb up on rooftops, perching precariously on slanted planes, teetering tottering on inclined surfaces.

I am a disciple of Karen Straughan.  Did I ever mention that it is the most thought-provoking essay I have read in a long time?  Because it contained all new information.  Her essay is what finally tipped the balance in favor of doing away with this lunacy from my life altogether.  She is abs brilliant.  She is very intelligent, very eloquent, very articulate, and extremely thorough in her research.

Her most important thesis is the following:  all that feminism is, is the same female privilege that has been existing since the beginning of time.

I had already been disagreeing with feminism more and more over the years, and having to apologize for increasingly bizarre, erratic behavior.

Karen Straughan does not truncate her discussions at only western first-world society.  She is incredibly, remarkably, impressively inclusive of diverse cultures.  She has focused in detail on far removed, remote cultures at every spot on the human color gradation spectrum.

About re the history:  we were taught in 20th century history and others, that.  If a woman worked outside the home she had to give all her wages to her husband.

As it turns out, that was a lie.

We were taught that women were not allowed to own any property, had no property rights, etc.  As it turns out, that was a lie.  A husband could not sell his house until and unless he had his wife's permission.  Erm, that sounds like the woman pretty much did half-own the house.

They told us that women were not allowed to vote until the ratification of the 19th Amendment in 1919.

With a vague throwaway offhand remark that, "oh by the way, vast majority of men weren't allowed to vote throughout the vast majority of history."  They always emphasized the point that women weren't allowed to vote in the united states until after men were.  they also neglected to inform us of the reasons that women were not allowed to vote.  Civil conscription.
esp when studied from a feminist perspective.  History teachers emphasized how difficult pregnancy and childbirth was for women.

They never were clear on just how grueling and brutal and labor-intensive that work of any kind was throughout human history.  For men.
remember my old essay from 2005-06 fem democ too naiive. ___ for a long time I had been thinking:  if onyl more women were exposed to femns and all the wolrd of opportunities available to them therin. then tbey would make much bette rchoices for themselves. for one thing, larger bumbers of women would choose to study scinc n mathemt firlds. ___. ut then ij relaized, we were all exposed to more or less the same public school susyem here in the west.  both boys and girls grew up in the same public school system. 

should need to emphasz that,, this is exactly how most women interpret femn.
if some femn tries to say ‘oh well se should be glad womnare choosing to go to college and/or have careers at all, don’t even worry about the fact that these are not useful college degrees or particularly challenging career paths.’’
erm, really? thats your argument?  what you are saying is that the standards for women are abysmal compared to the standards set for men.  and we should simply be greateful that women are even literate.

essentailly saying is that wmn should continue to set relly low syandard for themselves.  n accept these mediocre paths inl life. and yes it is women settign these low bars for themslves. remember thag we are discussing womens choices after they have been exposed to femn.  they still continue to choose easy, not-requiring-much-effort-to-complete degrees and nonessential job choices. *critical industry

Feminism has unfortunately degenerated into a flaccid, pathetic mass on the floor.  It has devolved into, "any stupid, idiotic, misguided decision any female makes is ok."  This is depressing, sobering, but it has become necessary to acknowledge these facts. This a huge letdown

I felt like I constantly had to apologize for illogical, nutcase, asinine and just plain stupid things that so many self-proclaimed femsn did or said.

Female privilege on one side of a weird binary -and- a crazy, unhinged insanity on the other side of the binary have now become the new face of feminism.  I always observed this curious and perplexing phenomenon that seems to afflict middle-class whites.

But I also managed to convince myself with admonitions time and time again, disregarding this precisely because it was not feminism.  The cushy, comfy, privileged middle class girls...  not challenging themselves, not enduring and striving on in the face of hardship, not testing their mettle.

I still held forth and I was loyal to the core sentiment as it was originally intended, for a very long time. [[,,,__idea_agenda__]]
I kept trying to explain away the increasingly bizarre, asylum-worthy behavior of people that call themselves feminists.  I kept insisting, "This is not really what feminism is;" "Those people are not real feminists;" "They have been introduced to a destructive, dangerous, unwise [counterfeit,, pseudo-]] version of feminism, and evidently those people are not smart enough to puzzle out for themselves what the movement should really be about."

I kept trying to tell myself that, nonnono,
I've seen for a long time that people are not good at assessing themselves, and I thought this was simply another manifestation of that phenomenon.  I kept trying to tell people that it was all just a huge misunderstanding.  But mostly I had to convince myself.

---don't worry about taking care of hirself, somn else will always do it for you
1shockingly irresponsible;;;
--think birth control is only the man's resp.
-- welfare, not giving a thought to
2this next one is regr things more sinister and truly harming damaging
;;ohh so THEY have to look out for your safety and wellbein, but you should not have to look out for your OWN safety n wellbn
:: some try to [[[pipe up with clamm, men when they get drunk their civil rights are not called into question.
- uh, yes they do.  Mugged, robbed, drunken bar brawls

Evidently, feminists are ignorant of this fact.  If a drunk man happens to not get attacked, the truth is that that is just garden variety dumb luck.  Nothing more than that.  Essentially, when one of you feminists cry and whine that it is "unfair" if a drunk chick gets raped, you are simply hoping this same luck will hold out for women.  This "luck" is what you equate to human rights.  This is your new face of "feminism."

Feminism didn't used to be like this. Feminism used to be about women taking responsibility for their lives_
Asserting themselves, rolling up their sleeves and getting their hands dirty and doing real work.

Taking initiative, being proactive___

It used to be about self-discipline, self-respect.
This used to be the school of thought that told women, learn to take care of yourself,,  cannot rely on a man to take care of you;;___ cannot rely on man to come in and rescue you.  Don't be a damsel in distress.  Learn to rescue yourself.
It was about <not>> bein a party girl.  Instead, have some goddamn self-respect.  You can't go out getting drunk and partying every night and still expect to get a decent education, not to mention expect to still be a successful individual.

It was about increasing awareness of [[[college campuses;;frat parties and the dangers therein; drunken rpps;; and how [[[[_____]]]]]]]

Studying science and math; not doing drugs or getting drunk and ruining your life.  It used to be about *not* being a slut.

-- the only time females show any regard for their future nowadays, for ensuring their well-being is looked after;;;;;;
  - cast any thought towards future planning
__ or any planning and decision-making capabilities,, is when one is either a golddigger or a paternity extortionist.

It’s true what K. Straughan said:  feminist theory does not make sense.  Supposedly patriarchy is so vile towards women that it brutalizes men a ton just so it can hurt women a little.

Like, what?  Really crappy return on investment there, of hurting women is its end goal.  When she puts it deftly n succinctly like that, it does sound absurd.  I can’t believe I bought into it for so long.

The whole underlying structural foundation for feminism -- is false.  That is, the whole reason that feminism was created as supposed necessity-- is false.