Friday, July 19, 2013

Why I am no longer a feminist

Why I no longer consider myself a feminist

With a heavy heart and a somber sigh of resignation, I must reclaim logic and reason.  In order to do so, I must abandon the wretched nutbaggery that is modern-day feminism.

One of the core tenets of feminism is that all throughout human history, women have been beaten, abused, violated, degraded, victimized, and oppressed.  By men.

In fact it turns out that in fact this historical account which is the foundation upon which the entire ideology is built-- is completely wrong.

It is jaw-dropping and traffic-stopping how much information is simply withheld from the public. Large huge chunks of history, as in events that happened in human lives, are purposely locked away so that all that’s available is an extremely skewed version of human history.

I had considered myself terribly clever when I wrote this line:  question; what were domestic violence laws like back then?  As it turns out, justice against domestic violence culprits was efficient and forceful.  A group of men, police officers or otherwise, would essentially go and retrieve an accused male domestic violator, and whip him in out in the streets.  Yeah, I'd say that would be effective against the guy ever assaulting her again.

I emphasize that all the previous points are actually very true.  My preceding essays were emotional knee-jerks more than anything else.  I was still trying to process all this new information. I was going through the typical ‘b-b-but, but, but, but...’ that most people undergo when encountering information that is accurate yet contradictory to what they have been indoctrinated into all their lives.
Women changing diapers and doing laundry work and doing maid work including cleaning bathrooms, sucks.  But men clean sewers underground.  Men do plumbing and clean household septic tanks.  And business n industrial septic tanks.

Yes, women carry loads of bricks on top of their heads.  But men have to climb up on rooftops, perching precariously on slanted planes, teetering tottering on inclined surfaces.

I am a disciple of Karen Straughan.  Did I ever mention that it is the most thought-provoking essay I have read in a long time?  Because it contained all new information.  Her essay is what finally tipped the balance in favor of doing away with this lunacy from my life altogether.  She is abs brilliant.  She is very intelligent, very eloquent, very articulate, and extremely thorough in her research.

Her most important thesis is the following:  all that feminism is, is the same female privilege that has been existing since the beginning of time.

I had already been disagreeing with feminism more and more over the years, and having to apologize for increasingly bizarre, erratic behavior.

Karen Straughan does not truncate her discussions at only western first-world society.  She is incredibly, remarkably, impressively inclusive of diverse cultures.  She has focused in detail on far removed, remote cultures at every spot on the human color gradation spectrum.

About re the history:  we were taught in 20th century history and others, that.  If a woman worked outside the home she had to give all her wages to her husband.

As it turns out, that was a lie.

We were taught that women were not allowed to own any property, had no property rights, etc.  As it turns out, that was a lie.  A husband could not sell his house until and unless he had his wife's permission.  Erm, that sounds like the woman pretty much did half-own the house.

They told us that women were not allowed to vote until the ratification of the 19th Amendment in 1919.

With a vague throwaway offhand remark that, "oh by the way, vast majority of men weren't allowed to vote throughout the vast majority of history."  They always emphasized the point that women weren't allowed to vote in the united states until after men were.  they also neglected to inform us of the reasons that women were not allowed to vote.  Civil conscription.
esp when studied from a feminist perspective.  History teachers emphasized how difficult pregnancy and childbirth was for women.

They never were clear on just how grueling and brutal and labor-intensive that work of any kind was throughout human history.  For men.
remember my old essay from 2005-06 fem democ too naiive. ___ for a long time I had been thinking:  if onyl more women were exposed to femns and all the wolrd of opportunities available to them therin. then tbey would make much bette rchoices for themselves. for one thing, larger bumbers of women would choose to study scinc n mathemt firlds. ___. ut then ij relaized, we were all exposed to more or less the same public school susyem here in the west.  both boys and girls grew up in the same public school system. 

should need to emphasz that,, this is exactly how most women interpret femn.
if some femn tries to say ‘oh well se should be glad womnare choosing to go to college and/or have careers at all, don’t even worry about the fact that these are not useful college degrees or particularly challenging career paths.’’
erm, really? thats your argument?  what you are saying is that the standards for women are abysmal compared to the standards set for men.  and we should simply be greateful that women are even literate.

essentailly saying is that wmn should continue to set relly low syandard for themselves.  n accept these mediocre paths inl life. and yes it is women settign these low bars for themslves. remember thag we are discussing womens choices after they have been exposed to femn.  they still continue to choose easy, not-requiring-much-effort-to-complete degrees and nonessential job choices. *critical industry

Feminism has unfortunately degenerated into a flaccid, pathetic mass on the floor.  It has devolved into, "any stupid, idiotic, misguided decision any female makes is ok."  This is depressing, sobering, but it has become necessary to acknowledge these facts. This a huge letdown

I felt like I constantly had to apologize for illogical, nutcase, asinine and just plain stupid things that so many self-proclaimed femsn did or said.

Female privilege on one side of a weird binary -and- a crazy, unhinged insanity on the other side of the binary have now become the new face of feminism.  I always observed this curious and perplexing phenomenon that seems to afflict middle-class whites.

But I also managed to convince myself with admonitions time and time again, disregarding this precisely because it was not feminism.  The cushy, comfy, privileged middle class girls...  not challenging themselves, not enduring and striving on in the face of hardship, not testing their mettle.

I still held forth and I was loyal to the core sentiment as it was originally intended, for a very long time. [[,,,__idea_agenda__]]
I kept trying to explain away the increasingly bizarre, asylum-worthy behavior of people that call themselves feminists.  I kept insisting, "This is not really what feminism is;" "Those people are not real feminists;" "They have been introduced to a destructive, dangerous, unwise [counterfeit,, pseudo-]] version of feminism, and evidently those people are not smart enough to puzzle out for themselves what the movement should really be about."

I kept trying to tell myself that, nonnono,
I've seen for a long time that people are not good at assessing themselves, and I thought this was simply another manifestation of that phenomenon.  I kept trying to tell people that it was all just a huge misunderstanding.  But mostly I had to convince myself.

---don't worry about taking care of hirself, somn else will always do it for you
1shockingly irresponsible;;;
--think birth control is only the man's resp.
-- welfare, not giving a thought to
2this next one is regr things more sinister and truly harming damaging
;;ohh so THEY have to look out for your safety and wellbein, but you should not have to look out for your OWN safety n wellbn
:: some try to [[[pipe up with clamm, men when they get drunk their civil rights are not called into question.
- uh, yes they do.  Mugged, robbed, drunken bar brawls

Evidently, feminists are ignorant of this fact.  If a drunk man happens to not get attacked, the truth is that that is just garden variety dumb luck.  Nothing more than that.  Essentially, when one of you feminists cry and whine that it is "unfair" if a drunk chick gets raped, you are simply hoping this same luck will hold out for women.  This "luck" is what you equate to human rights.  This is your new face of "feminism."

Feminism didn't used to be like this. Feminism used to be about women taking responsibility for their lives_
Asserting themselves, rolling up their sleeves and getting their hands dirty and doing real work.

Taking initiative, being proactive___

It used to be about self-discipline, self-respect.
This used to be the school of thought that told women, learn to take care of yourself,,  cannot rely on a man to take care of you;;___ cannot rely on man to come in and rescue you.  Don't be a damsel in distress.  Learn to rescue yourself.
It was about <not>> bein a party girl.  Instead, have some goddamn self-respect.  You can't go out getting drunk and partying every night and still expect to get a decent education, not to mention expect to still be a successful individual.

It was about increasing awareness of [[[college campuses;;frat parties and the dangers therein; drunken rpps;; and how [[[[_____]]]]]]]

Studying science and math; not doing drugs or getting drunk and ruining your life.  It used to be about *not* being a slut.

-- the only time females show any regard for their future nowadays, for ensuring their well-being is looked after;;;;;;
  - cast any thought towards future planning
__ or any planning and decision-making capabilities,, is when one is either a golddigger or a paternity extortionist.

It’s true what K. Straughan said:  feminist theory does not make sense.  Supposedly patriarchy is so vile towards women that it brutalizes men a ton just so it can hurt women a little.

Like, what?  Really crappy return on investment there, of hurting women is its end goal.  When she puts it deftly n succinctly like that, it does sound absurd.  I can’t believe I bought into it for so long.

The whole underlying structural foundation for feminism -- is false.  That is, the whole reason that feminism was created as supposed necessity-- is false.


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