Wednesday, March 28, 2001

Not Particularly Enlightened

Just how sick is society?  To what lengths will society go to degrade and demean stupid girls?  To what extent will society go to treat girls like pieces of meat?

I saw in a few different magazines, something about pole stripping classes that girls take for cardio fitness.

What??  Stripping for exercise??  What happened to running and listening to a Walkman?  What happened to normal groups sports like basketball and soccer?  What happened to regular old aerobics??

Britney Spears is pretty much doing stripping moves on stage when she "sings" (if one can call that tone-deaf screeching "singing.").  Let us not coat it in saccharine veils.  Just be honest.  Britney is getting as close to stripping as possible without actually taking off clothes to reveal g-strings and pasties and tassels.  Not that she's wearing a whole lot of clothes to begin with.

Remember when she first started out back in the late 1990s?  At least her dance moves and her synchronized dance moves with her back-up dancers had actual dancing.  They had some admittedly impressive dance moves that required some skill to pull off, and some creativity to think up.  But now she has degenerated into the predictable trashy, slutty, publicly lewd and naked behavior.

What in the hell is going on?  Why don't any of these females understand the concept of keeping private things private?  Why don't any of these females understand the concept of

Males are smart enough not to degrade, demean, or dehumanize themselves.  Why aren't females smart enough not to do this to themselves?  Men don't walk outdoors in public wearing the sort of non-skin-coverage that only your bedroom or bathroom should see.  Men don't display their genitalia on full public display at all hours of the night.  Men don't don poor excuses for clothing that show half their body parts.  Men don't make ludicrous, macabre jokes of their bodies.  Males don't go around disrespecting themselves, their own bodies, their own spirits, and then have the audacity to demand that other people still respect them.  So why are females having such trouble figuring this out?

In some other place, I saw a small blurb, I turned the page quickly in disgust, so I don't remember the exact wording, but there was a small picture accompanying it, which was of a girl being drunk, she was scrunched over, hair completely covering her face so the facial expression was blacked out, blocked out, prevented from being seen.

Why the hell would any girls see this as an activity they approach with curiosity, positive interest, something that explores their horizons, or any of that stuff?  This sort of shtt is being lauded and celebrated as "rebellion" against some sort of mythical oppressive, suppressive, strict "authority."  Rolling stone, tons of hollywood teen movies or whatever, so-called "college buddy" movies where they are really just aholes that demonstrate exactly why this country's education system is going down the toilet.

The stupid grs gone wdld crap.  The sort of mess that is now apparently prevalent during "spring break."  The general widespread, rampant, spreading like a bacterial lawn growth in a Petri dish.  Girls getting drunk and not caring at all about their personal safety....  Why in the world would anyone want to get drunk around strangers??

(Re the women mags preaching slttines.)  Where the hell are the generations of feminist education and the making sure people are not ignorant?  What the hell happened to the feminist scribes that were informed on the facts and the truth?

You want to be a drunken alcoholic toxic liver syndrome?  You want to be a druggie?  You want to be an mtv darling dragged through your own vomit?  Fine, that's your conscience, it's your life, and you alone are responsible for your own life.  Fine, that's your choice.   That's your decision.

But you DON'T get to call it feminism.

What used to be a noble pursuit of equality...  What used to be encouraging goals and accomplishments to better the human race... has now degenerated into a travesty, a sick macabre joke.  It is a grotesque parody.


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