Too many pseudo-feminists are under the impression that just because something is slightly "conservative," this automatically makes it bad. Perhaps you should grow some damn self-respect and stop being so self-destructive. Perhaps you should try utilizing some critical thinking. Try analyzing what is presented to you before jumping to conclusions. 'Oh no it's conserva- BAD BAD BAD.' But if you would just look at this-- 'knee-jerk auto-reflex BAD BAD BAD BAD.'
Let us take a more critical look at this, shall we? This is akin to the "what's in a name" paragon, also known as semantics. In Shakespeare's "What’s in a name," a rose by any other name would smell just as sweet. What does the label matter as long as the meaning is plainly evident?
What we are seeing nowadays is a twist on that. Here, they are using the labels, the terminology, the buzz words, the "name" as it were. But let us examine this more carefully. They are using the vocabulary words "liberating," "empowering," "confident." They are using the letters spelled and arranged in this order: L-I-B-E-R-A-T-I-N-G, E-M-P-O-W-E-R-M-E-N-T, et al. But are they using the correct meaning of these vocabulary terms? Not hardly. I see now that they are reciting rote lines read out loud from a pre-meditated script, without any thought whosoever to the meanings behind those memorized lines.
Somewhere in there, tucked away in your arsenal of self-defense, you might have grown some deductive reasoning, analytical ability. It is time to activate those abilities. We shall apply some critical thinking.
Think the action before doing it -- is this truly a smart choice to make? Is this genuinely the right, healthy thing to do that will be beneficial to me? Merely because something is presented as "liberal," does this automatically mean it is what's best for me? Not necessarily. It turns out that many things that are "conservative" actually work in women’s favor.
I have seen that feminists and conservatives agree with each other regarding some important topics, such as the rampant objectification of women that infests the media. Feminists approach this from the following angle: This garbage is demeaning, degrading, and dehumanizing women. This is disgusting, this is treating women like pieces of meat. This trash is reducing them to nothing more than an assortment of body parts.
Conservatives approach this from the following angle: This filth is severely destructive to family values. This is cheapening something that is private and personal, thereby undermining the family structure. It is taking something that is meant to be between adults, preferably married grown-ups, and turning it into a throwaway casual non-encounter. They are polluting the minds of vulnerable little children that are still in their formative years. They are corrupting the impressionable spongy minds of adolescents that, like lemmings, have a pathological need to do whatever is designated as "cool."
The etiology of their theories is a little different from each other. But if you'll notice, feminists and conservatives both have the exact same end goal -- that of respecting women as human beings. So, what is happening is that conservatism and feminism agree with each other on a major topic. This was the peer-reviewed consensus of psychologists back in the 1990s. I remember clearly that feminism promoted ideals of girls not dumbing themselves down, and concurrently about girls not sexualizing themselves to impress boys.
Why are media misogynists so hell-bent on trying to promote the current crap as "empowering?"
That’s funny; I thought empowerment and liberation were attained by having an education, by earning a respectable and prestigious job, by gaining financial solvency, by taking control of one's physical and emotional health. You know, by things that actually give you empowerment and liberation.
Question: when you read Orwell's <1984>, did you understand it to be the cautionary tale it was meant to be? Or did you take it as inspiration? "War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength." That whole spiel is now being repackaged, slapped on a lunchbox, and sold to tourists (Crichton, Jurassic Park), thusly: "degrading yourself is empowering;" "serving yourself up as a sexx object is liberating;" "cooking for yourself is demeaning but bl----g random strangers in club bathrooms is empowering."
(As an aside for the record, I thought "1984" was crap. I am simply specifically taking one element from the book as an example.)
Thank the merciful benevolent Lord that I did not actually partake of ANY of these activities. I am an introvert. I am not naturally expressive, and I sure as hell am not a wild hellion. So it was sufficient for me to simply agree with the sentiments.