Saturday, January 19, 2002

The Predictable Question Regarding Black People

"Do you know any black people in real life?"
This is a truth that not many people want to dare utter out loud.  Blacks are rude, loud, volatile, hot-tempered, aggressive, way too easily excitable.

I am not even talking about crime statistics, although that does pack a punch and gives you all the evidence you could possibly need.  I am referring to their everyday, usual behavior, as they go on about their workaday lives.  (Non-workaday lives, rather.)

Studying their behavior and the way they interact with other people, I have noticed several things.  They become way too easily angry over some little scuffle.  They get way too overheated over some silly little conflict which is, in the grand scheme of things, inconsequential.  Some perceived "disrespect," some minimal social slight.  A few times I saw a small group of black guys engage in a screaming match in the parking lot of a Walgreens.

They still carry enormous resentment and bitterness [[[on their backs]]], subconsciously turning themselves into beasts of burden.  Fueled by_____
This alone drives all their behavior, all their negative, [[[corals, reefs, anemone, sand dollar, sea urchin___]]]]] attitude.

But at some point, you have to say, enough is enough.  It was the past, man.  Let it go.

Then, cue the requisite, scripted question from obscure modern politicians:  "Do you even <know> any black people in real life??"  This is always the predictable, knee-jerk reflex reaction from liberals anytime anyone speaks an uncomfortable truth about black people.  They seem super-confident that they can make the assumption of "ignorance" about anyone who dares speak the unpleasant truth about the African American population.

Answer:  As a matter of fact, yes I do know quite a few black people in real life.  Where do you think my opinions come from??

I have had the misfortune of being acquainted with a great number of them.  I have encountered blacks in grocery stores, at the mall, at McDonalds, in shops, in restaurants, in parks, at historical tourist attractions.  I have encountered them in elementary school, middle school, high school, and college.  I have encountered them throughout the years in the workplace at various minimum wage jobs as a teenager.

In their infinite wisdom, liberals think that this person absolutely must be culling their opinions from stereotypes and stereotypes alone; there could not possibly be any other explanation.  Liberals never consider the possibility that maybe, just maybe, a person offers these critiques on the black community -- because they have actually read the facts.  (Another variation is, "How many black people do you know in real life?")

One oddball, desperate, grasping [[[last-ditch effort]]] from liberals is that these experiences I write about are due only to geography.  They think this must be the case only where I live.

Er, nope.  I have lived in four different states.  I have traveled all over the United States.  New York, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, Washington, D.C., Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Michigan, California, Illinois, Pennsylvania, including several major metropolitan cities.

I always make sure I arm myself with plenty of correct information.  I make sure my arsenal of knowledge is more than sufficient.  I will refrain from listing all the evidence, as my previous essays that extensively explore this subject are all archived on my blog.

Their behavior is hardly limited to some tiny little enclave tucked away in the boondocks.  To make the claim that ______ is foolhardy.


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