Monday, January 14, 2002

On the Subject of Arrogance

What’s wrong with thinking highly of yourself?  I set a goal for myself, I worked hard to achieve it, and I accomplished it.  I have earned the right to feel proud of myself. [[I have a sense of accomplishment.]]

And what is wrong with thinking you are better than everyone else?  demand more for yourself, and demands more *of* yourself.
((silly gangsta rappers and their crass, exaggerated, overcompensating displays of comical grandeur notwithstanding.

mayve put this isn the article aobut greatness, moderation, etc. not sure.
My own interpretation follows thusly.
It does lead to more consideration of other people, and that is a good thing.

The flip side is just as ludicrous.  What does it matter if you get to some destination on time or not?  Does it really matter that much if you are there on time or not?  Are they completely unable to start without me?  Well, perhaps not, they might say, but arriving on time for an event does show respect.  Well, goes the counterargument, why should I think that respect from me counts so strongly?  I wouldn’t want to be arrogant.

How far might this argument be taken unfortunately?  What if a bully used this same excuse?  They might very easily exploit + abuse this concept and say that when they bully others, it shouldn’t matter because the bully is merely other people, the bully's opinion and words and actions shouldn’t count for that much.  Can you imagine the defensive arguments?  "Oh, I wasn't being an a-hole, I was being humble."

But I do think that thinking <too> highly of oneself is bad, because this leads to arrogance, conceit, self-aggrandizement.

there is such a thing as thinking too highly of oneself.  We see it everywhere, from fatcat embezzling ceos that think they are above the law, to pro athletes that ra, mudr, their baby daddes and think they are above the law.  they think they are too good to be brought to justice.
and please, if i may beseech you, do not throw around random words in an effor to (balloon) self-esteems..


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