Something has been gnawing at my logic radar every time I read about a woman that claims she wants to focus on her career.
Pick up a women's magazine in the checkout aisle of the grocery store. Doesn't matter which one, they're all the same.
They are all quoted as saying something like, "'I missed out on love because I am focusing on my career." Or, "I haven't had a chance to work on my relationship because I focusing on my career." Or, "my relationship is in the toilet because I am prioritizing my career too much." Or a handy-dandy quick-reference favorite claimed by many of them: "Men are intimidated by me because I am a strong career woman in charge of my own life." This has been going on for several years now.
Same thing with the chick flicks in theaters. You know, the movies we are supposed to hail and laud as being bastions of feminism and girl power because the women are all career women. I guess females are supposed to hold their hands over their hearts in salute anytime they hear another female say she takes her career too seriously to be able to devote time and effort into a serious relationship.
There was that crank-fest "what women want" that Mel Gibson and Helen Hunt subjected people to. From the promos alone I knew that were I to watch it, I would contract a stroke from rolling my eyes so much. I'm not sure how I eventually ended up watching it; maybe I caught it on cable or something. In this movie, Helen Hunt's character is supposed to be a relatable figure because she is nearing forty and was married for six months at one point. (Crickets chirping.) So what, you want sympathy from me or something? Get off your tuffet and go fix your life. There was, however, a fictional Nike commercial within the movie that was pretty kick-ass.
Look at the types of quote-unquote "careers" they talk about. In the stupid chick flicks that are an insult to my intelligence, in the women's mags. It's just corporate bureaucratic crap.
Publishing Design. Garbledygook in Advertising. Marketing.
Crickets chirping. So... it's not like you are a nuclear chemist or an astrophysicist. And there is certainly never one quoted as being a teacher or nurse. (You know, one of the foundational necessities for our civilization.)
It’s all... fluff. Insubstantial meaningless crap. What the eff is a Fashion Marketing Consultant?
Okay. Out of curiosity, marketing what, exactly? Is it perhaps your own revolutionary product that is a marvel of technological innovation that surpasses anything the human race has ever witnessed before, that will vastly improve our lives and make the world a better place?? No, it's advertising junk. More importantly, it is advertising other people’s junk. Peddling other people’s wares.
This fluffiness is the case with a lot of careers (ehh...) that characters hold in pop culture [[bits, curios, trivios]]] that females like. The chick from “sex and the city” writes a gossip column for a magazine or something. Other chick flicks have jobs in publishing and junk.
((Crickets chirping.)) THIsss is what you hail as being worthy of monikering yourself an independent, career-minded woman that does not need to depend on a man? This is what you proudly stake your claim on, declare as your territory, and proudly declare that you are a trailblazer pioneer woman?
This is what you declare that qualifies you as being a strong capable woman in charge of your own life who does not need marriage to define you? Really??
So... it's not as though you are working anything actually useful like pharmacy or engineering? These jobs here, I can understand putting marriage and family on hold so that one can pursue. Math and science majors, and the subsequent careers they prepare one for, require quite a bit of dedication. One really cannot afford to be distracted with screaming babies and marital quibbles when one's concentration is needed for a complex college major.
However, the "careers" that the majority of glamour mag readers and romantic comedies report as occupying -- are mostly meaningless drivel. They are insubstantial fluff jobs. It’s just more corporate, executive crap. Look, I hate to say it, but perhaps you would have a more meaningful, fulfilling life if you had in fact decided to get married and devote your life to taking care of a family. You would have contributed a hell of a lot more to society if you had raised a family.
Wait, wait, no. I just realized upon typing this -- I take that back completely. I rescind my prior comment for the following reasons: the vast majority of females in glamour mag, cosmo, redbook, etc. are self-destructive whores. They do a whole lot of promiscuity crap, they have horrible judgment, they have probably racked up a laundry list of STDs. So perhaps it is best if they did not foist this type of woefully neglectful personality onto an innocent, vulnerable, unsuspecting child.
It should be noted that middle-class white <guys> are not a whole lot better. They fare about the same in terms of choosing career longevity that is useful and might make their student loans worthwhile after all, etc. They, too, are choosing college majors and career paths that are equally as [[[meaningless,fluffffffff,___]]] as the girls. They are every bit as ignorant of planning for their futures as the silly little females. After all, they are the ones exchanging venereal diseases with the girls, they are the ones refusing to make any commitments same as the females; all that mess.
Broadcasting. What the eff does that mean? Then they spiral into some mishmashed crap, some insubstantial mush.
<<This>> is what you think is sooo important that you devoted four years of your life and wasted forty thousand dollars of your parents' money? It is so boring and lifeless that I often end up staring into space.
Crickets chirping. Sooo, again, not anything actually important like chemical engineering. Or you don’t work for a charity organization perhaps, or healthcare. So, you are not contributing anything to society.