Sunday, May 12, 2002

About Actresses

I read some interview with crappy actresses where they defended their constant need to not wear clothes.  (Then again, the phrase "crappy actress" is a bit redundant, I'll admit.)

I find it condescendingly amusing how you are all sitting there trying to act all intellectual and academic.  You are pretending that there is some profound hidden meaning because it is sooooo complex that there are layers that one couldn't possibly hope to find unless they really take the time to delve and do not judge-a-book-by-its-cover/jump-to-conclusions/be-closed-minded/etc.

There are a handful of stupid glib liberal responses:  "There is a profound hidden meaning buried deep inside and the only way to understand is that you should be more open-minded" and "should not be afraid to take risks, break free from the shackles," some crap like that.

They are serenading it with some bullcrap soliloquy about how, "oh look at how it gracefully and profoundly offers commentary on the human plight, on the human condition, oh this is true artistic expression, this transcends and defies a simple straightforward explanation."

Some gibberish like that.  I rather prefer to call them out point-blank on the empty philosobabble they are spewing.  I would like to have the guts to come right out and speak my mind.  Sometimes the search is in vain.  It does not consist of layer upon layer of enigmatic blathering natter.  Sometimes it is simply meaningless drivel, plain as the nose on your face.


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