Monday, February 7, 2005

Hot Chicks And Self-Esteem

What is this bullshyte notion that hot chicks have high self-esteem and that only fat chicks have low self-esteem?

now, yes of course fat chicks have low self esteem.  if they had high self-esteem, they would not have goten fat in the firts place.  but don't try to pimp this bs notion that hot chicks somehow have high self esteem.

they do not.  they derive all their self wortha s human beings from whether or not male sthinkt haey are fucable.
are sexual insecure.  they dont; feel secure enogh i nteheir sexualitu.  so they ekeep constantly needing validation from males that theya are inm fack fucable.  they derivea lla their sel fworht tfrom theeir degree of fucability.  they intrepret their self-wrorth as human beings from the barometer that is an erect dck.

they continually require compliments and fishing for a form of vicarious existence through others' perceptions of them.

See, this is what I mean when I say hot gir have no self esteem.

wthe f?  whatg kind of girl that has any self-respect want to be referred to as "tap that" or "hit that" or "she's so hot I can't believe anyone hasn't tapped that yet."

ahm, excuse me?  who the hell do you think you are to "ta taht?"

did it ever occur to you that she CHOSE not to let anyone tap that?  no it neve coccured to you?  why is that?

it is becasue it never occured to them.  it seems from obsdrvcaton most hot chicks did not in fact make the choice to

they don't decide for thsmselves when they will hsare that with osmeone.  someone *else* made the chocie.  someones else made the choice for htem,.  someone else decidced when it would happen.  soemone *else* deicided when the hot chick would share somehting that intimate with someone.  somesone ELSE decided whether or not this hpt chick would get "tapped or hit."  (prlease forgeive me.)

Hmm...  I made the realization that dumb hot chicks, that flash people to get a handful of string of cheap plastic beads, that make out with other girls in broad public just because guys are screaming at them to tongue other girls at the bar or the club, that are dumb partying drunk girls--

so they whore around and party and get drunk all through their youth, take up with guys that treat them like pieces of meat, treat them like shit.  the girls say they want to have fun, so they go and "have fun."

then a few years later, perhaps when they are developing too many sags and wrinkles and are no longer deemed f---able by the asshole guys, they realize they need to leech onto a nice guy and milk him for all he's worth.  when they decide they want to settle down and be set for life, they then use and manipulate the nice guys to take care of them.  a nerd guy.  oftentimes a computer programmer, bc you see computer engineers have made a splash in recent years in the media for being intelligent and wealthy and able to provide for very well and have purchased homes.

and the nerd is only toooooo happy to oblige and please them because, dayum!   he is floored and exhilarated and flattered and elated.  i gots me a hot chick!  i never thought it would happen, but it did!  woohoo!   i gots me a hot chick!  a dumb partying hooker-mentality girl with huge tatas and a lower back tattoo, and I got one of dem all for myself.

then they realize that they suddenly want to settle down.  and they have heard all the media hype and buzz and hoopla about tech geniuses.  nerd boys being the new wave, the new hot thing, the flavor of the month.  they have excellent jobs, they make great money,  they are excellent at providing for themselves. 
and plus why wouldn’t a nerd guy want a girl like you?  it should be a huge compliment and ego boost to him that you a hot chick are going down to his nerd level, nothing at all like you from the sexy and popular crowd.

he should take it as a huge compliment that you are gracing him with your presence, that you are associating with him (and I do mean ass).

because you are a hot chick and when has he ever had someone as hot as you?  really?  ever?  never.  so he should be thanking his lucky stars and kissing the ground you walk on because you are a hot chick who has done him the charity of being with him.  the sad fact is, that is exactly what he thinks and that is exactly his reaction.  dyed hair, spends way too much money on hair and nails and skanky clothes.  it needs to be specified:  skanky clothes, tube tops, halter tops, miniskirts, all the better to show off the lower back tattoo of course, hoochie heels.

what about us intelligent girls?  us girls that are equal to you on every level, intellectually, academically, and yes, psychologically ?  what do we get?  we are smart enough never to have hooked up with one of those abusive asshole bad guys that hot chicks seem to think are irresistible and sexy.  we kept ourselves physically and emotionally healthy by never stooping that low, and we do not regret it in the least.  but we do want love.  who actually respect ourselves, and went to school and actually did something with our lives.  we found a noble calling and followed it which led us to wanting to find out all the secrets of the universe.  We can relate to you a hell of a lot better than these dumb chicks.  We understand where you are coming from, we get the calling towards scientific endeavors, pursuits that try to discover how the universe works.

Ooohh so they’re like, the new rock stars?  Ohmigosh that’s like totally awesome?  Oh so, like, they’re really good with, like, money and stuff?  And now they, like, exist and stuff?

What about a smart girl who always knew you were alive, who always acknowledged your existence, who would respect you and treat you as an equal and a human being?  what do WE get?

You see, this is why smart girls turn into comic book supervillainesses.


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