Friday, May 13, 2005

Liberals And Science Education

Liberals want students to learn science?  Wrong.

They want social promotion.  They want to praise only effort and not results.  They like to say, "it's totally okay!  It's okay that the black person didn't actually master the concept, what's important is that you tried your best!"

This is especially true of liberals' attitudes regarding complex-yet-simultaneously-absolute subjects like science.

I used to think that liberals were completely in favor of sound science and mathematics education.  Recall that head-shaking debacle of the Kansas state educational system from a few years ago, in which the state school board tried to ban any inclusion of evolution in public school curriculum.   Liberals were so vehemently opposed to this ruling, and managed to get it overturned, that I thought they wanted kids to be well-grounded in these logic-based disciplines.  Now I am seeing that that is not quite true.

Let us get to the root of the problem.

In order to understand thermodynamics, a student must already have a thorough comprehension of algebra.  In order to understand algebra, a student must have working knowledge of basic arithmetic.  Science and math courses all have prerequisites-- this is common sense.  The foundations of math should have been imparted to the child in elementary school.

But let us look at a math textbook that was published recently.  this here text talks about all manner of social injustices, [[[_____]]]]  [[completely skewed up __ehhhhmention of, the conveying of straight math to children.]]]]
Erm, this is great and all. But what the hell does this have to do with math?

Guess what?  Religious conservatives did not do any of that.  This is the handiwork of forward-thinking, progressive liberals.

Some extreme liberals are of the opinion that "patriarchy" is the reason women are bad at math. "Patriarchy negates women's self-esteem; it reminds women that traditionally women have not been able to enter math and science fields."  They claim that men purposely create a hostile environment to discourage women from pursuing math and science studies. And this is the reason women are bad at math.

"A black person can't understand trigonometry?  That's okay, she tried her best."
"And they are still reeling from civil rights violations and slavery, I think we should be proud of them for wanting to study science in the first place,, isn't it enough that they <want> to study science?  I think we should reward them for having the right attitude, it is such a huge improvement for them that they have a good attitude."

Growing up in public schools, I always saw that black students were rude, noisy, disruptive, disrespectful to the teacher.  This was especially true in math and science classes.  They HATE science.  They hate the concept of complicated academia.

Science is a difficult subject.  You have to study the subject matter, you have to memorize to some extent.  It is time-consuming.  You have to put forth effort.  In short, one must work very hard.  Remember, blacks are lazy as anything.  So they hear the words "study" and "work hard" and they say "forget it."  Plus, you have witnessed how violent they are.  They are too busy thinking about who they are going to beat up next.  They are too busy getting into fistfights to care about homework.  They are too busy disrupting class and being disciplinary problems to care about education.  They are busy-busy causing behavioral disturbances rather than planning for their future.

"A Latino person can't understand thermodynamics?  That's okay, he tried his best.
"And besides, English is not their native language, Spanish is their first language, there is a language barrier, oh you're being so racist and Eurocentric when you expect them to be able to understand both English and physics."

This is regarding how liberals and in turn atheists luuurrvveee puffy-chested and self-proclaiming that they promote teaching science.  They think that because they approve of evolution, this indicates that they are in favor of all science stuff.  (and yet;; here I am taking them to task; [but they magically] /the fact that they ignore performance of blacks and Latinos in almost every conceivable academic category. ~2004 heated debate days. they ignore all the innate racial differences that are very obvious to anyone wi two working eyes and a fully functioning brain.

they always conveniently ignore the fact that girls have become woefully lazy abt ensuring their own medical and reproductive health [enforcing birth control]]; and they keep doing dangerous, irresponsible stuff___ and then they keep expecting the sexist oppressive men, i.e., govt/other people's paid insurance/welfare checks/etc. to come bail them out.  they screech “misogynism!!!” any time anyone asks them something along the lines of, ‘‘why didn’t you take all necessary precautions?’’  I hate referencing this analogy even if vaguely, but please do not abuse the “misogyny” whistle.

science.  oh you mean gathering facts?? and then deriving a reasonable intelligent conclusion from said facts?

you want to talk about science?  let's talk about science.
STD rates-- promiscuity, homosexuality, and broken down by race, gender
high school dropout rates
unwanted pregnancies rates.
single mothers on welfare rates
voluntarily terminating pregnancies rates


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